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Show GOME AND SE? (. Our now Store. It Isthclaigest , Exclusive HAKDWAUE Store y inNoithcrn Utah. We carry a large stock of General Hardware, Carpenters', Ulacksmiths' and 1 armors' Tools, Woodware, Tin- vvvare, Granite ware, Cutlery, llrooms and Hrushcs. etc., etc. 'Now Is the time for Shot Guns, and Ammunition, Ueet Forks and Knives. Lampsnnd Lanterns we liave Just what jou need. very best quality at very low prices. Wo sell for cash only, and make one price to all Lafount's Hardware Store, I 38 Center Street, Logan. I NEW I FALL MILLLINERY.at "Miss Maggie," for nine years the well-known trimmer at Mrs. T. I). Roberts' establishment, lias just recently opened up, In the room just east of the post-olllce, post-olllce, a stock of all the latest l and best in FALLM1LLINEUY The Public is Invited I to call in and inspect our goods. Wc arc pleased to show them. Everything is new, clean, and up-to-date, and in the matter of trimming wc guarantee satisfaction satisfac-tion in every particular. 1 PARIS MILLIN- I ERY COMPANY. Alarm Clocks School time alaim. Work-time alarm. Mcdlclnc-timc alarm. I Train-time alarm. Get-up-time alarm. At prices that wont alarm A good nickel alarm clock 100 Cents. GARDON JEWELRY CO., . LOGAN, UTAH. Ks?' k'.f I v Inside and Out 8' A box of our selected Choco- K latcs and Creams Is attractive 3 insldo and out. They arc the best careful hand work can 8 make. They have that touch g of excellence so desirable and I unusual. Tho price, 40 cents, gives you tho best creams you i ever tasted I MURDOCH CANDY KITCHEN, I MAIN STREET. 1 J, G WALTERS, 1 City Attorney and Notary Public. g Bankruptcy, Divorce, and Probata Wills fifti jj. Convoy anccs and Collections fSKwH Orrics oven rniBT National Hahk Wr LOtlAN, UTAH. 1 Campbell &Morrei1Col I Men's and &S Women's &S H Clothing, H Shoes and H Furnishings. 2 Stores 2 I S Main Street H I : ' M I Logan, Utah I I UL - LL I Brigham Young College I LOGAN, UTAH. :M Latter-day Saints' Scientific and Noimal School. Opens Sept. , , H 18,1002. Strong Faculty. Excellent Equipment. Work accepted - H hi leading Colleges and Universities of the United States without. H Collegiate Department up-to-date and Thorough in all Respects.. ,M High School Department. 'M Courses: Classical, Scientific, Normal, Business, Industrial, Mechanic: 'H Arts, Domestic and Missionary, giving instruction in the following subjects: H Theology, Bookkeeping, Pedagogy, H English, Commercial Law, Psychology, H Mathematics, Stenography, Training, H History, Civics, Typewriting, Child Study, iH Languages, Telegraphy, -H Sewing, Agriculture, H Cooking, Carpentry, ' Dicssmaklng, Horticulture, H Zoology, Physics, H Botany, Chemistry. 'B Preparatory Students May Elect Some Practical Work. Fees $11. -H SEND FOR A CATALOGUE H A CORRESPONDENT WANTED I pt t A.L'l i& fc Wellsville, Richmond, fl Mendon, Providence, Trenton, H Newton, Paradise, ',H Smithfield, Clarkston, H Hyde Park, Millville $ "1H x 4M AND EVERY OTHER COMMUNITY IN THE COUNTY. ' 'H SEND US IN THE NEWS FROM YOUR TOWN AND WE f J $jM WILL MAKE IT WORTH YOUR WHILE. 1 |