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Show WEALTHIEST OF ALL FAMILIES. Russian Reigning House Said to Have the Distinction. The Russian reigning houso has, It Is said, greater wealth than any other royal family In tho world. In the Hov. H. N. Hutchinson's "Living Hitlers of Mankind" It Is said that tho minimum rovenuo that tho Czar derives from tho crown and stato domains Is estimated esti-mated at $7,500,000 a year. Moro than forty members of tho Imperial family not In direct lino of succession drnw revenues from landed estates set asldo for that purposo by Emperor Paul I. To thoso estates Is given tho nnmo of tho Imperial appanages; they cover an area of 2,000,000 acres, larger than Scotland, nnd the totnl Income derived from them Is $10,000,000. Bo-foro Bo-foro tho emancipation of tho serfs 800,000 peasants woro attached to Uicso vnst estates, nnd woro in a senso tho proporty of their owners. Anothor Item of tho vast wealth of tho Imperial family, wo aro further told, Is tho quantity of Jewels Its members mem-bers possess. Tho Russians lovo gems. Serfs have tolled to fashion theso wondtous Jewels; Jew-els; Emirs and Shahs, tho vassals of tho Czar, havo laid them at his feet. Tho English ambassador's daughtor said, laughing, that when Alexander HI. presented tho various grand duchesses, duch-esses, ladlos ot tho Imperial family, with most costly ;owoIs on the occasion occa-sion of his coronation thoy thought nothing of tho gifts, but tosseil them cnrolessly In a dtawor. To ladles so plentifully supplied with pearls nnd diamonds a frosh necklace or tiara was a thing of binnll account. |