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Show The Republicans of Cache County must not be dazzled by the excellent prospects for victory tills fall and fall to regard all the necessary things to make that victory certain. Now Is the time to use the greatest dlscic-tlon, dlscic-tlon, for though the victory may be half won there is still a fight on hand. Only the best men should bo selected to be the standard-bearers of the party men who arc qualified first of all, and then men who are at least well-known over the county, or who have a personality that would win them votes. Let the d liferent candidates can-didates go into the Convention with the full knowledge that but one man will be nominated for each otllce and let him be willing to abide by the decision de-cision of the voters. If In the shuffling shuf-fling he should be the man who lost out, let him accept defeat as a prol-ablllty prol-ablllty he had ahcady considered, and then go to woik for the man who was nominated. Schemes are often resorted resort-ed to as a means of seeming the nomination of some candidate In fact friends of each man will do till the scheming possible, but any man who happens to become a victim of the scheming a game at which he himself him-self played should not become disgruntled dis-gruntled to the extent of not standing loj ally by the nominee. Let him help make his party secure, and then at some later date when perchance his own scheming may terminate successfully success-fully lie will be able to leap a reward. Re men, not disgruntled otllce seekers. |