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Show Undisputed for Half a Century. It Is a remarkable fact, which for half a century has not onco been disputed, dis-puted, that St. Jacob's Oil never falls to euro shooting pains in tho arms, legs, sides, back or breast, or soreness In nny part of tho body. It has for fifty years been guaranteed guaran-teed by tho proprietors, St. Jacobs Oil, Ltd., Ualtimoro, Md to promptly euro ft lameness, sciatica, rheumatism, lum- -W bago, stiff and swollen Joints, stiff K back, and all pains In the hips and k loins, strains, bruises, burns, scalds, '?, toothache, chilblains, and all aches and pains. M St, Jacobs Oil costs 25 cts and B0 m cts.;sold wherever a druggist Is found. -is, W |