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Show .4.4.4.. Building ImprotMtents. Down on South 1st West, George Dunbar, of the Urns of Dunbar & Robinson, is having; built a live-room brick cottage that will add much to tho appearanco of that particular block. Jacques Ifcros. are doing the masonry and G us Iiemtson tho woodwork. wood-work. John Spande. of the Spando Furniture Furni-ture company has In courso of construction con-struction down on the Island an eight-room eight-room brick that Is a beauty. It will have all the modern conveniences. Gus Bcrntson Is tho contractor. John Rums Is erecting a four-room frame cottage on tho Island. Fred Scholes, of tho Zopli Thomas Debenture Hank, Is having some splendid improvements made on his Island property. Two rooms of light colored brick are being added in front, and in a short time ho will be at home in a very pleasant little cottage. Mrs. Anna Phillips Is havlngoreetrd on West Center a seven-room, story and a half brick cottage that will present pre-sent a very pleasing appearance when finished. It is of light colored brick with red brick fancy work, and is being be-ing put up by J. W. llarrett, architect and contractor. Joseph Qulnney's new brick residence resid-ence on West 1st South, Just opposite the R. Y. O. U practically finished. Plastering Is yot to be done and the necessary cleaning up to make it presentable, it Is splendidly located and ono of tho prettiest eight-room houses In tho city. Anthon Anderson was tho contractor and J. W. Barrett the architect. O. P. Ecklund lias been doing some repair work on his Island property that Is worthy of mention. His Improvements Im-provements are largely internal and will make his home more convenient and pleasant. Joseph Odell has dug tho cellar and put in the foundation for a $3,000 residence, to bo built In tho early spring. It will contain eight rooms, and up-to-date Improvements. The location is just across from, and a little lit-tle below, the Thompson proporty on West Center. F. G. Smith's new bakery building on the south side of tho square will soon be completed and ready for occupancy. occu-pancy. Tho plastering Is yet to be done. If there were more of as nlco looking buildings on that sldo of the square it would help the appearance of the business portion of tho city very much. Peter Allleck's new brick residence on South First Fast stect Is Hearing completion. It has live rooms and Its pleasant location will make It a very pleasant home. Mr. Walter Lamareaux has tho brick and other material on tho ground for a residence to be erected as toon as possible. He has asked permission per-mission of the council to put up lighter light-er walls than ordinances call for and until this Is settled the erection will be delayed. Tho Mrs. Curtis property on North 1st West street Is being Improved by tho making of a new lawn. Dining the summer tho water was shut off and tho lawn faded away. Frod Crockett has a splendid six or seven room brick on the Island very nearly completed. George Llndqulst's new homo on North 1st East Is practically finished. It Is a six-room frame structure. George 11. Champ's $5,000 brick Is rapidly Hearing completion. It will bo ono of the handsomest residences in the city. |