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Show sm,Sam SYSTEMIC CATARRH. H fi. LEADING CLUBWOMAN 'OS &WW?.(faW?T?7Myffi ; H Mrs, Ida L.Gregory, President of the: ;&J(U' I Wf Poets and Authors Club of Colo-: fRfjM vffh m rado, President of Colorado Art : fillall I" p P Club, Director of School of Indus-; Wi ,i YfiFtsJy HK try and Design, Vice President of : . IwA VL iy. M Sherman Art League, is One of the : MA 1 ni M? : Leading Club Women of Colorado, fffi M OT WMM i; ! J In a recent letter from 2 Orant vc- ! (A duiOb aa&v nue, Denver, Colo., this prominent ludy J I 1 TJV tjerfl'i ' isB' "Some years ago my husband I ; fcf (j8v oc1 iS&l rn Buffered from nervous prostration ; BiLXvV?Ai- !&'' I .alp end advising with a friendly drug- ' K JJr?Jii ; fg fsf re brought home a bottle of J N V-v gj Peruna. His health was restored NtoJar-r ' K rom f$ tse, fts appetite was In- tswwJttJwsv m csed?d restful sleep came to flnUa tho wcakcnlnf, draln o thclr W m. I therefore heartily endorse discharge la prevented. 9C Peruna, as an honest remedy The medical profession Is just begln- M worthy the good things which are nlB' to wnUen to the fact that chronic m said of It "Ida L Oretrnrv catarrh.cspectallys.vhtomlocatarrh.Tflll m saia or n. iaa l.. uregory. soon proUuce n condltlon so nearly re-. 9 Nervous prostration Is 60 frequently scmbHnjr nervous prostration that It is jM associated with bystcmic catarrh that very dlflicult to tell one from the other. ijH some doctors do not distinguish between Peruna cures these cases without vlW no two' n s7Rtcm' caturrh tho dis- fail. ease has pervaded tlie whole system and If you do not derive prompt and satls- JB there is a constant loss of Tital fluids factory raults from the use of Peruna, 'M irom tlle mncous membranes. write at once to Dr. Ilartman, giving a W A great many people aro doctoring for full statement of your case, and ho will M nervous prostration who would be im- bo pleased to give you his valuable ad- Jm mediately cured by a course of Peruna. vice gratis. X Peruna makes clean, healthy mucous Address Dr. Ilartman, President of JK membranes, lly this preservation of the Tho Ilartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. K M JHJV.. W. Over-pleasuro Is as hard jHf m MMmM & TtT K to MW on tlio muscles and joints W m mWM5JlLMBmmmm overwork. Tho best M "KB m . m - thing to do to get tho M fjjg- m flJ.B4kJdbBAA- body right after along -iff fllHfff SF9ffff bleyclo rido Is to rub the If ' sore, stiff parts well with m m m m m 1? Mexican Mustang Llnl- i-vs m Aaa nicnt. No better remedy M L fflfffll Gflf ma,1 tot bruises, cuts M "1 and dialing. W A8KPOR SALT LAKE CANDY CO.'S I MOLASSES DAINTIES Eg ALL FIRST CLASS DEALERS BELL THEM. II FFRV rT4II Pi Born into the "World wth an JH LV Ll I VniLL' inherited tendency to distress- ing, disfiguring humours of tho skin, scalp, and blood, if becomes an object of tho most tender, solicitude, not only -111 V because of its suffering but because of tho dreadful fear Ji that tho disfiguration is to bo lifelong and mar its futuro 1W happiness and prosperity. Henco it becomes tho duty of li mothers of such afilicted children to acquaint themselves S with tho best, tho pnrest, and most effeotivo treatment ( availablo, viz., THE OUTIOURA TREATMENT. ! I I Warm baths with OfncunA Soap, to clonnso tho skin of crusts snd scales I and soften the thickened cuticle, gentle uuolntlngs with Cuticuica Oint- I I ient, to InsUntly allny Itching, Irritation, and lntliiinnintion, ami soothe and if heal, aro all that can be desired for the alleviation of the suffering of skln- 1 1 tortured Infants and chlidron and the comfort of worn-out, worried mothers. rjj Jl single set is often sufllclcnt to cure when tho best physicians fall. LSoM throimho.l lh worM. Drlllih IKpoli IT-n ChHt)ivoM q . Umrton. frtnfh Troti K1 rU,rui. AuimUia Ihpod " TowiCo.,7Jnt. I'onin Uua a0 Cm. por, bolt rtoi . kumaiim: assays. Cold t .MI;tMoii4 Bllier. ...... ..I .T5 l,oa(l WMiold.HllTersmlfiopp'T 1.10 I'KOMIT UKTUItNH ON MAIl. Hilll'LlM. OGDEN ASSAY CO. KAWJU ULIVI IVC Al nilCQ Itccldenrn(ldeiicrlptionoffforj llnl Lift PLURrr honorable womea who wUhto iatrrj, Mid pUot 01 for Uo llert & ltnd, Kanu City, :cff:To Thompson's Eye Waler rnrr Bro.nlo Csmfrs. Write lor Particular!. intL M. M. 0. Agency, Box IB. Salt Ukvltr 1 W. N. U.. Salt Lako-No. 39, 10Q2 Q M XURS WHtKt AU IL! (FAILS. Q B Dot Coiub Bjrnp. TuteaOood. CmQ H 3 lotlma. Poll by drugyuu. ...gf n Wben doctors fall, try Burdock Blood Bitters. Ciiroi dyspepsia, constipation; luvlsorato) tho wbolo ny.toui. I I IWl)MIl,Ml.IMIIHWWfW 'i?f- w. DONT GIVE UP. Don't bo discouraged by past efforts ef-forts to find relief and euro from tho myriads of Ills thnt como from Blck kidneys. You mny pass nights of sleepless tossing, nnnoycil by froquent urination. Your bnck mny ncho liko a toothacho or sudden twitches and twinges of backache pain ninko life a misery. Perhaps you hnvo nervous spoils, aro weak, tlrcdout, depressed. There is n cure for nil of this and for every troublo of tho bladder and kidneys. kid-neys. Head this caso nnd nolo It tells how well tho cure was tested: Charles Llndgren, sealer of freight cars on tho L. S. & M. S. It. It., I.a Tortc, Ind says: "I havo greater faith In Boon's Kidney Pills to-day than I had In tho fnll of 1897 when I began taking them and mado n public pub-lic statement of tho result. At that tlmo I had Buffered with lameness nnd 8orcnc8s of tho bacK, which was bo excruciating "that 1 could scarcely turn In bed, and Donn's Kidney Pills completely cured this trouble. I am always ready to endorse Donn's Kidney Kid-ney Pills personally to anyone requiring requir-ing a kidney remedy. After n lapse of threo years I make this statement, which shows my undoubted fnlth in the preparation." A FREE TIHAI. of this great kidney kid-ney medlclno, which cured Mr. Llndgren, Llnd-gren, will be mailed on application to any part of tho United States. Address Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For Bnlo by all druggists, 00 cents per box. IInll'n Cutnrrh Cure Is a constitutional euro. Price, 7Sa Mrs. Wlnslow'n Nuothlng Nxriin.1 For children tccthlotr wirtm tlio uum, reduce In-Gemmation, In-Gemmation, ullajre pelu, cure wlud cullc. 23u u buttle. BUSINESS COLLEGE. Now Open Ml the Trnili'tnn Tlllllnn Ftir Kcliool Vnr, H40, Wo control tho Kills Cabinet system of bookkeeping and tlio Oregg system of shorthand. They aro tho best. Visit us at tho Tompleton and mnko inquiries inquir-ies about us from tlio buxincris, professional profes-sional and educational men of tho city. Wo lead, others follow. Salt Lake Business College To Curo a Cold In Ono lny. Take Luxativo Uroino Qululno TnblotH. All druggists rotund money If It falls to cure. 3Ba rieo'e Cur I thobeu medicine we crcr used for all affections of the thro it nnd luuin. Wit O. K.ndslet, Vuntiuren, Intl., Pel). 10. 1900 Mrs. Emma E. Felch, Treasurer Fond H du Lac, Wis., Social Economic Club, Tells H How She was Cured of Irregular and Pain- 'H ful Menstruation by Lydia E. Pinkham's H Vegetable Compound. H " Dkar Mrs. Pinkham : I have used Lydia E. Pinkham's H Vegetable Compound for irregular and painful menstruation, and H was entirely cured after using two bottles. I can truly say it is a. H boon to suffering women, and I would recommend all suffering fronv H the above troubles to try a few bottles and be cured. Very thank- H fully yours, Emma E. Felcii, Division St., Fond du Lac, Wis." 'H $5000 FORFEIT IF THE ABOVE LETTER IS NOT GENUINE. , M When women nro troubled with irrc&ulnr, suppressed or painful ' r menstruation, weakness, lcucorrhusi. displacement or ulceration of tho (H womb, that bearing-down feeling, inflammation of tho ovaries, backache, H bloating (or llatulenco), general debility, indigestion, and nervous pros- 'H tration, or aro beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness, lassitude, H excitability, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, molancholy, "all- JiH gono" anil " wnnt-to-bc-lcft-nlono " feelings, blues and hopelessness, fH they should rememlier there is ono tried and trno remedy. Lydla E. .H lMnkliuin'H Vegetable Compound at onco removes such troubles. lie fuse to buy any other medicine, for you need tho best. ;H No other medicine for fcmiilo ills In tlio world Iiiih received H uch widespread and uiiiiunlillcil endorsement. Mrs. Plnklinni Invites nil sick women to write her for advice. vH Bho luis guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. H UTnfl JUNK GO.hlilei. ieli.bewu i, rubber, rub-ber, oopper, brakt. elo. Hftll l.aka City. Utah. UltNTrn-AaENTB to sell our riatorinc Ei-nnniLU Ei-nnniLU traeti, ToiUt Artlolca and Frrfumei. Ilia- nrollta. Write lor lenn. V. A. IT.Alt-HAl.t IT.Alt-HAl.t CO ,005 Wnlnut HI., Uea Mului-a, Iowa jRy Tho Twontleth Century ,? MONEY MAKER, jy' 10,000 profits par acre. I.arg" ri catOnnlcnln Amorleu. Address R.E.BARNARD, Houston, Mo. PERFECT PA8TRY. llavo useil Tlirro Crown IlaklnR Ponder non the years, and llUn tl morn unci mora. Same way Willi Throu Crown Klaiorlnic Kxtrncm. (rent combination, perfect take. Tlireo Crown SnlrcHoro pure, rtiful direct from tutlr uiUU. ilernembcr tlio lirand, HEWLETT BR08. CO. Hm m all how D63TS il customers by offering them, nlien Ala-lnstfno Ala-lnstfno U eultfvl for, clienp Kalsomlnea that will unoll their wnllH, Buch action In certainly prompted by tliedewili commend t!iemselci to honest dealein. Mabastlne, ft ;lu m e netit basuwall ui'lnir, not a kiilwunliiH, costs uo more 1 ti,tjily than cheap dop that opolla yoi'r wnlW ami Injures tho health ot our family. Alabastino Inn dry powder, pow-der, comes In packaireii, mixes lib cold water. In white and fourteen lieatillful tints, for iim) on plastered walls, wood celllnir, bilk nr canvas, superior to paint or p. t ,dl Hrcctlonsou every iiackaKH, . ,1c di legist or J mint dealer tor camplo can! of tints or write to iUBrSTINE COMPANY QtV.NU HAPIOB, - MICH. I.ndtrs Can Wear Shoes LLLI Ono slrcRmnllcr after using Allen's Foot Af Kusc, n powder. It limlfcs tight or new 'JM shoes easy. Cures swollen, hot, sweating, l aching' feet, ingrowing nails, corns and IH buiiionn. All ilruggistnnndsiioB stores, -'lLLI 25c. Trial package I'UKK by mull. Ad yH dress Allen S. Olmsted, I.eltoy, N. Y. t M Taken tlio burn out; heal the wound) H euros tho pain. Dr. Thomas' Kulectrlo OH, H tho boui-eliold remedy, H s. r, y CARBOLIC SALVE H N.yr will prevent blood H -iu poisoning In GutfJ, M vAIH Wounds, Sores. 1 l Bruises, and heal M them, too, 25 cents. 'H Would you have v . M TOOTHACHE for 2 H 15 cents? Our Jap- -iXill' ssissH aneBe Tooth Ache Cy?. JH M Drops will rid you l '1 of both. S X 'H Cv rw DeOOSTAS LIVER H Z PILLS is Health H fM Insurance for M A"1 25 cents a policy. M XIX Whatisyourhealth H ' N worth? H All Lung Diseases . rw Btart with a cough. . Z,yr B If you will cough up cfN isissH a quarter for a bot- ,Nv .BH tie of Cough Balsam X 1 you'll stop coughing S N ;H Cs. r y Japanese Corn Cure M ILiS will rid you of a -H ih dozen CORNS for a H S"1 quarter. Which do tislil I v you lovo the best -: corns or quarter? ': ALL DRUQQI8T8 OR STORES H OR DIREOT FROM I I I I I 'H Z. C. M, 1. 8 iHS PAIL1N A DRYTIME:! I OF THE WMIM FA115 IN A WET TIME. - -n THE MSH oa a H V . Rffx y lan has e. history. 'H tNU?&A This Is told !n rtn H W)iIi 'tLA tntoreatlne bocriot 'iH SgigS which Is your lor -H vVJl A. J. TOWER CC 'flH (S-tTi 04TON.MA43. ''VH vff3.-5lPm T Mhtr or iHeaH VTSfnl wet yr&AiKt ,'mM zStitt A!M CLOTHING WM oun gooda abb f S!l!, j oHH lOM SALE BVtPVWHtEc. tXniU& f.: p !H When Answering tl(lvertIsements,K.lrva.u , jH Mention This Paper. JHi "mbisisibb |