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Show H '-!' TJie Republican Ticket. -. L H ( For Congiess, fr ' JION. JOSEPH JIOWELL. H o f ' i I For Supreme-Judge, ' 1K)N. "W. M. JkiCAHTY. HENRY 0. HAYBALL'S WEEKLY BARGAIN LIST. Utah Sugar per Sack - - - $4.85 20 pounds Sugar for $1.00-10 pounds for. . SOc 20 pounds Sago for 1.0010 pounds for..GOc 20 pounds Tapioca for. 1.00 10 pounds for. .60c 30 bars Laundry Soap 1.00-lfi bars for 50c 10 pounds Cleaned Currant 1.006 pounds for. . . .60c 12 pounds Rest Raisins 1.00-0 pounds for. . . .60c 10 pounds Best Rice 1.00-U pounds for. . . .60c 8 pounds A rbuckle's Coffee. 1.00-4 pounds for. . . .60c We are Headquarters for Fruit Jars. Get our Prices. DRY GOODS. 20 jards Rest LL Factory. . .$1.00-10 jards for. ...60c 14jardslndlanIIeadFactory 1.00 7 yards for.. ..60c 20 j arils Indigo Flue Calico.. 1.00 10 jards for. . ..60o All wool Dress Goods reduced from 60 to 26c per jard 4 pairs Ladles' HlackCotton Hose 26c Rest Home-made Double Width LlndseyCxs per jard lilankcts from 60c to $8.00 per pair Our line of Millinery, Ladles', Misses' and Children's Wraps is the most complete to be seen In North-cm North-cm Utah. Pi ices alvvajs the cheapest. We have a full line of L. I). S. Garments; our prices are 26 per cent, less than the Factory's. Give us a Call. Remember we are never Undersold. YOURS FOR RUSINESS, HENRY G. HAYBALL, CENTER STREET, LOGAN, UTAH. CLEAR THE TRACK! We Lead the Way to Newer, Better Things in Wagons, Buggies and Harness, j j j illBiilil IcSJ SHOES LiL You want the Latest and Rest in SHOES, don't you; and at about the right price? AVe have one of tho nicest, cleanest clean-est stocks In the city. Everything new and up-to-date, and for a short time Will offer yon exceptional bargains THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR 25C AT JAS. QUAYLE & CO.'S Cut out the above Coupon, take it to Jas. Quayle & Co., and on each $2 you spend for shoes jou will bo given a reduction re-duction of 26e. On new, up-to-date goods, this offer is exceptional ex-ceptional and worth jour attention. Don't forget to cut out the coupon. We also carry an excellent stock of Groceries, Dry Goods, etc. Lowest prices consistent with reliable goods. Jas. Quayle & Co. THE REPUBLICAN, Twice-a-week after Oct 1st. Supscription $2.50 per year 4 Oregon Short Line R. R. CACHE VALLEY TIM2 CARD. NORTH HOUND. ' I.KAVJ3. No. 5. Dally. No. IS. Dally. Mixed. I'ocatollo J.. ..8:45 p. m. gait Lake, 7:00 a. m. Oeccn. 8:23 " CaclioJct, 10:15 " 6:30 " Monrion, 10:43 " 0.00 " Logon, 11:15 " 0:25 " Smllhfleld, 11:35 " 7:00 " Illchmond, 11:53 " 7:35 " Franklin 12:10 " 8:15 " AlUUVM. Preston, 12.30 a. in :U p. m. SOUTH BOUND. LEAVES. No. 0. Dally. No. 16. baity. Mixed. Preston, 1-05 p. m 9Hip. m. 1'ranklln. 2:10 " 10:30 " Hlclimond, 2:28 " 11:10 Smlthflcld, 2:28 " 11:45 " Loiran, 3 05 " 12:30 a.m. Mcndon. 3.25 " 1:05 " CaclioJct. 3 50 " ....1:45 " AIWIVES. Owlcn, 5 30 p. m. bait Lake. 0:55 " I'ocatollo e 00 a. nt. Tor tickets to or from all points East. West. North or South, call on W. W. Woodside, A tent. Chicago and The Easr 0 America's Greatest Railroad! The Chicago, Milwaukee, And St. Paul RaHway o 9 Ucst Itoute. Most Itcllable. Quick- I est and the Safest. Uest Dining Car Service. Uest Sleeping Car Service. I Fastest train of Cars in the world. S Electric Lighted. t o I For Inclination, Address J J. E. PRESTON, Commercial Agent, 102!) 17th St., Denver, Colo. ' ' i i TAKE t & j The Oregon Short Line! . . For all North Taclflc Coast Points: Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma THE SHORTEST, QUICKEST, SAFEST; SAF-EST; ELEGANT EQUIPMENT... New Double Dally Train SERVICE BETWEEN SALT LAKE CITY AND PORTLAND. D. S. SPENCER, A. G. P. & T. A.r Salt Lake City, Utah W. W. WOODSIDE, Aget, Logan. LOGAN MAIL CARD. CL081NO OF MAILS. East and North 0:00 and 2:45 p.m. Preston branch 10:45 a.m. Salt Lake, Ogden and South 2:15 and 0:00 p.m. Providence, Millvllle, Hy-rum Hy-rum and Paradise 12:00 m. Henson and King 12:00 m. College, "Wednesday and Saturday Sat-urday 12:00 m. AltniVAL OF MAILS. Salt Lake, East, West, North and South.. .11:00 a.m. and 0:25 p.m. Preston branch 3:05 p.m. Providence, Millvllle, Hy-rum Hy-rum and Paradise (1:30 p.m. Benson and King 11.00 a.m. College, Wednesday and Saturday Sat-urday 11:00 a.m. Daily except Sunday. General Delivery window open 8:00 a.m. to 0:00 p.m. Sunday, General Delivery window open. ...12:00 m. to 1:00 p.m. Money Older window open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. |