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Show The platform adopted by the Utah Republicans praises Rooscelt, re-allinns re-allinns national platform, recognises the right of labor, denounces Uemo-ciatlo Uemo-ciatlo assaults on the army and navy, adoeatcs the opening of the Uintah rescnatlon, indorses the ship canal, insists on mine inspection, and lias the following to say of trusts: The Republicans of Utah are conscrvathe. We recognize that the twentieth century cen-tury oiganiziition of commerce and industiy area natural developement of our progrcsslc, social and commercial com-mercial conditions. They hae been a powerful factor In the unlersal employment of labor during the last (he jears, and they have been one of the chief agents by which the United States has been able In that time to capture foreign markets. The Republicans Repub-licans of Utah therefore set their faces steadfastly against the demagogic dema-gogic demands of the Democratic party to annihilate organization of labor and capital; and we demand Instead In-stead ot tho Democratic party's policy of dust met Ion that the evils of tllists shall be remedied. Wis are opposed to all aggregations and combinations of capital having for their object the arbitrary and unjust control of prices or the oppression of labor. We therefore there-fore declare for legislation which shall give the national Government auth ority over the modern organizations of commerce which do business throughout the whole nation; and we favor such wise and conservative laws as will prevent tho unjust raising of prices and lowering of wages. Wo applaud tho stern enforcement by Piesldent Roosevelt of all existing laws which seek to regulate trusts, and we call the attention of the people peo-ple to the fact that every statute is a Republican act. Should an amendment amend-ment to the Constitution be found necessary to give the general Government Govern-ment ample power to regulate these great modern corporations, we favor such an amendment; and we cite the fact that the Republicans in Congress proposed such an amendment to the Constitution and the Democratic members of Congress voted against it. |