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Show Searching for an Issue. Ex-Sccrotary Vilas urges that tho tariff Issuo shall bo revived and put to tho front. This was Mr. Cleveland's Cleve-land's counsel in his New York spaech. It Is tho last resort ot thoso who can boo nothing olso to suggest. It Is based partly upon tho old denunciation denun-ciation ot protection as tho creator ot monopolies nnd combinations, and partly upon tho claim that, whatever may havo been truo In tho past, tho oxUtlng tariff rates on various articles nro no longer necessary. But tho troublo with this issue Is thnt under tho existing tariff wo hnvo had tho highest domestic prosperity nnd tho largest foreign trail o wo havo over had. Industry has far-outstripped nil previous development, and commorco Is stretching out its nrms In every direction. With business busi-ness thus actlvo and labor well employed em-ployed It Is Imposslblo to mako any popular outcry on this subject. Tho peoplo hnvo too vivid a rocollcctlon ot the disastrous consequences of tho last Demociatlc tinkering with tho tariff to Invito Its repetition. Turn which way thoy will, tho Democratic leaders Hud no issue on which thoy can hopefully fight. Philadelphia Pi ess. |