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Show Vlco 1b most dangerous when It puts on tht emblanctf ot virtue It's folly to miller from that horrible I plague ot the night, Itching pile. Doan's f Ointment cures, quickly nnd permanently. y At any drug store, U) vent. X Ono of naturo's romedles; cannot harm the weakest constitution ; nevor falls to euro timmer coinplaluU of young or old. Dr. ' Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. ' Mother Gray'a Smut l'mrdnn fnrClilUreii Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse s In the Children's Home In Now York. Curea T l'7eii3lineEs, Had Stomach, Teething Disorders, Dis-orders, move and regulate tho Dowels and Destroy Worms. Over 80,000 testimonials. , At nil druggists, Mo. Sample FREK. Ad- K dress Allen H. Olmstod, Loltoy, N. Y. ( |