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Show General Prosperity. MLI Tho irsn wns fortunate In his In- gunga who spoko of "McKInloy as the- -k advance agent of prosperity." Tha H expression has been mndo the sport of Democratic nnd Popullstlc orators l iho by long custom hnve como natur- 'VB ally to look upon tha dismal side of jfal things. Republicans have their vlow MH of tho business situation nnd bcllovo 'C'LLafl thnt principles preached and practlc- il cd by tho party havo helped and not ,H obstructed tho nation In Its forward H tnnrch to an Increased business. Thoy H havo been In power and their party Is H not ono to evado responsibilities H cither for success or defeats. Tho H prosperity over all tho country Is so H splendid that Republicans aro proud H of tho share they havo had In It. H In the financial world during tho H past week there was a healthy H growth. Tho lncreaso In tho bank M clearings was nearly threo per cent. H The grand total ot tho bank clearings M reached $2,029,790,7112. Theso figures !H Indicate no stringency In tho financial iH world. The lncreasu In tho clearings H wns largo In tho cities located In tho M Mlddlo West. None ot them report a H Tho railroads nro doing n heavy H business. Their carrying capacity is H taxed to tho fullest oxtont. In not H a. few Instances freights hnvo to bo H delayed for wnnt ot enrs, nnd this, H too, before tho grent grnln crops of -H tho west havo fairly begun to move. H 'Iho farmers' business is in good l shnpo throughout tho nation. R. O. MpH Dun & Co. sny: "Bright prospects in liH agricultural sections fnr outweigh tha H ndverso Influences which nro still ro- tardlng trado and manufactures." H All of tho grent fnctorlcs nro run- H nlng on full tlmo to meet the Oo ; mnnds, nnd In many cases orders aro -H not filled at onco, but aro filed to H awnlt tholr turn. Thero novor has H been n tlmo when tho great factories H wero so pre&cd with work as they aro H Tho slight cessation of business for H tho Hummer has about pnsscd and H peoplo nro getting ready for tho fall H rush. Tho volumo of business In H this country for tho noxt four months H promises to bo unprecedented. For H that tlmo prosperity will bo a record H breaker. Terro Hauto Tribune H |