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Show Paid "Just to Be Good." .r' It Is said that the American Bankers' Bank-ers' association Is going to pay n salary of $500 a month to tho notorious notori-ous forger Charles Becker when, In a few months, ho finishes serving a seven years' scntenco In San Qnlntln (California) prison. Ho Is to ro-colvo ro-colvo this amount "Just to bo good," and not do any moro forging. All ot which cnlls to mind the story of tha Southern Judgo who had a flno lot of l'ogs, and on seeing a colored man notorious no-torious for stealing, snld. "Uncle Jack, I'll toll you what I'll do: You pick out two of thoso hogs you think you'd like best, and I'll give them to you, provided that you won't steal any of tho other.'." And tho negro roplled: "Jedgo, you've always been a good neighbor nn' I likes yuh, an' I wanti tor do right by yuh, an' ro I accepts dcr offah yuh makes, but I wants yuh to know dat I'll lose meat by it." Boston Herald. it |