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Show f 1 1 Relating. 1 to Cache County lljll Politics, l'iancl Affairs 1 1 1 Generally. 1 1 m 1 A Republican county convention Is hereby called to meet at ten o'clock !" a. m. on Saturday, October 11, 1002, at the County Court House, Logan.Utah, for the purpose of nominating the following officers: One State senator; three representatives repre-sentatives to the State Legislature; i one county commissioner for four year term; two county commissioners for two year term; a county clerk; a county attorney; a county sheriff; a I county treasurer; a county recorder; j a county assessor; a county surveyor. The convention will consist of 145 delegates based on one delegate for -every 20 votes cast for Governor Hcber M. Tells in 1900, proportioned to the various precincts as set forth below: ,Avon 1 -,Benson 2 I "College 2 Cove 1 1 Covc2Mt. Home 1 Clarkston 3 Greenville 1 Ilyrum 14 Hyde Park f Logan 1st District 3 Logan 2nd " 5 Logan 3rd " 5 Logan 4th " 4 Logan fith " 5 Logan Gtii " 5 I Logan 7th " 5 Logan 8th " 4 I Logan Oth " 8 Logan 10th " 0 Lcwlston 7 ; Millvillc 3 I Mondon 3 I Newton 4 i Pcterboro 1 m Providence (1 I Paradise 7 I Richmond 10 1 Smlthfi'eld i3 m Sterling . 1 In Trenton 2 $ Wellsvillc 8 tt , 145 LJ Primaries will be held in the re- l 'spective precincts on Thursday, Oct. Jtt Oth, at 8 o'clock p. m. for the purpose if ')electlng delegates to said conven- jj tlon. At said primaries the respec- M tive precincts will also organize for the HE campaign, by electing a precinct ehalr- K nian and committee. R Tho primaries in all precincts, ex- I: cept Logan, will nominate one Justice of the Peace and one constable for t their respective precincts. The dele- jl gates selected from Logan will meet jj Immediately after the convention If adjourns and nomlnato one Justice of 1 the Peace and ono constable for Logan u city precinct ft JOSKl'II Odkll, V Chairman County Committee, Jl WM. II. TlIAINK, If Secretary. H When asked whether ho was going 13 to be tho next sheriff, Mr. J. W. Uar- 1 Tett said: "Not if I can help myself. ' j There seems to be plenty of candidates $ but T. II. Smith is tho man for sher- ! Iff." : t On arriving at Richfield after the I convention at Ogden, Judge McCarty was met by tho local band and sere- 1 naded. Tho Judgo made a few re- ' marks in response and was heartily . ' -clieorcd. This sounds something like 1 his liome people mean business. J Tho Republican campaign will be opened on Tuesday, Sept. 30, by a big yy at Wellsvillc, tho home of Mr. Wowell, Republican nomlneo for Congress.' Con-gress.' It is understood that Mr. Howell How-ell will be ono of the speakers, and that other prominent orators of the ', State-will bo present and lend to tho j success of tho occasion. Tho selection of Wellsvlllo as tho place to open so important a campaign is acompllmcnt to Mr. Howell and his homo town, and the citizens of that little burg will no doubt show their appreciation by making every effort to have tho big-.gest big-.gest rally held In tho county during tho campaign. Tho Republicans of .tho entire county should feel deeply interested in Mils first effort of the , .campaign and lend their encourage-; encourage-; ment and presence. A good start . means tho battle is half won and this i should boa rouser. The entire State j will be watching tho affair and will be ' .influenced by this first attempt. If tho workers In other parts of tho State !:seo that tho Republicans of Cache county are thoroughly allvo to tho condition of things and working like beavers, it will tend to arouse greater enthusiasm and nice earnest effort everywhere along tho line. Let tho St-"o Committee and County Commit- tec make known their plans and the Republicans over the county will support sup-port them as never before. The Democratic State committee has rented expensive rooms in tho Knutsford hotel for head-quarters. And yet the Democratic Journal talks about the Republican "barrel." For Information as to Judge W. M. McCarty look up tho Journal's flics of about two years ago. Mr. McCarty was a good man, able lawyer and competent com-petent Judge then. Mr. James Mclkle of Smlhtficld, one of the old war horses of tho Republican Re-publican party was In Logan Saturday. Satur-day. In speaking of the political situation sit-uation in the Smlthtlcld precinct lie said that everything was rattier quiet, no interest having been stirred up. He is of the opinion thatT. II. Merrill of Richmond is the man who will be the Republican nominee for State Senator. Sena-tor. Mr. Melkle was very enthuslatic In speaking of Merrill's capabilities, etc., and for one Is willing to pit him against Hon. W. H. King in a scries of debates, lie said that Mr. Merrill was not out making an active canvass for any nomination but that If the convention saw it's way clear to faor him, he would put forth as great an effort to be elected as any man. "As an able speaker, clear thinker and plain rcasoner, Merrill has not a peer In the county," says Mr. Melkle. lie also suggested that Joseph Richardson Rich-ardson would like to secure the nomination nom-ination for representative. Mr. MIckle did not give us tho impression that he is wanting any favors at this time, but we learn from some "f his friends that he would accept a nomination as commissioner or representative. Mr. Melkle Is one of these old timers who was a Republican Repub-lican when It wasn't hardly safe to mention it. He was ejected to a commissioner's com-missioner's seat at one time and served with credit to himself and the county, and any recognition at tills time would be honoring a deserving and capable man. From what wo can gather In conversations con-versations with representative men in both parties we are led to believe that there Is a disposition on the part of each organization to leave women off the ticket. Personally we .know little of the situation in this respect, but it seems rather inconsistent for the men to give the women a right to vote, and then tell them they can vote only for men. Some say "let the women be satisfied with the deputy-ships," deputy-ships," while others contend that If they are worthy and capable as deputies, de-puties, they arc competent to serve as heads of departments. Give 'cm a show for their money any way. Logan feels that Wellsvlllo Is wanting want-ing too much, and the rest of the county Is afraid Logan will want to claim everything in sight. In the end the otllccs will be apportioned out as near right as possible and then each will be sorry thcymlsjudgcdtho other. A little careful Judgment and right disposition on the part of those interested inter-ested will straighten most any little difficulty. We hear Mr. Thomas Smart Jr. mentioned as a possible candidate for commissioner, and his friends say ho Is one of the best men that could be put up. Mr. Smart Is one of the heaviest taxpayers In Logan city, Is' a man of unquestioned ability and considerable con-siderable popularity and would no doubt make an excellent race. Ills peculiar fitness for the position will commend Itself to the consideration of the thinking element. He has always been a faithful Republican, and there are many who would like to see him secure tho nomination, if he will accept it. Saturday, Oct. 11 Is the day set for the county Convention. October 4th would have been a more acceptable date, but owing to tho fact that conference con-ference is in session at that time it was deemed advisable to delay tho convention a week. Since tho date Is announced candidates will probably bo a little more active. In conversation with Mr. D. R. Roberts, who Is spoken of as a fit man for representative, he expressed himself him-self as being very well pleased with tho support that Is being offered. He has asked for no pledges, his friends having come to him voluntarily and offered their undivided support, and naturally this Is very gratifying, Mr. Roberts has ever been a resldentof this valley, and during tho several years he has been in business the opportunity opport-unity for coming Into contact with men all over tho county has been great. As a result ho would probably be able to poll extra votes from every section on account of his familiarity with the people. Mr. Roberts is a graduate of the li. Y. C, is thorough-ly thorough-ly capable as a man of business, is up-to-date and progressive, and is no doubt one of the licst men who could be brought forward. Mr. Roberts says that various Democrats have offered him their support If nominated. nomin-ated. Mr. John Heudrlcksoii's stock as a candidate for State Senator seems to have gone up a few notches. Friends have become so insistent that he is seriously considering the idea of com-Ingout com-Ingout boldly for the place. However, he Is first, last and always for harmony. har-mony. He believes that there Is a chance for Republican success If theic Is no bad feeling resulting from the convention, and he Is anxious that this be avoided at any cost. He has saciltlced himself before for harmony and is willing to do so again If necessary. necess-ary. If It Is Indicated clearly that there is a disposition on the part of the majority to nominate him he will come out and no man will go to greater lengths to be elected, providing provid-ing he is nominated. Mr. llcndrlck-son's llcndrlck-son's ability is a recognized fact, and his energetic, hustling qualities arc features that attract attention to him. At the same tlmo lie Is ono of the heaviest taxpayers in the city and a man In every sense worthy of the position. He has never been recognized recog-nized before and this will carry weight. George II. Thomas of Smlthlicld was In the city on Monday and said that lie Is certainly In tho raco for recorder. Mr. Thomas was city chairman chair-man at Smlthlicld four years and was nominated for mayor at tho time and with practically tho entlro Republican Republi-can ticket was elected. Two years ago he was renominated and also reelected. re-elected. Mr. Thomas has the assurance assur-ance of considerable support from the north end of tho county. Ho is recognized re-cognized as a man competent and worthyof tho otllco and if a man is to be the nominee, he will probably stand a fair show of being that man. Ills service to the party has been great and his desire for recognition Is not out of place. J. C. Knowles, another senatorial aspirant, is doing very little public talking but Is probably pulling all the little strings known to him to secure the nomination and if he Is as successful success-ful along this lino as ho has been In winning elections for the ticket, the other fellows had better look a "leedle ond." Mr. Knowles when county chairman cut down the Democratic majority to 308, which shortly after ran up to 1,400 under another chairman. chair-man. Mr. Knowles was again made county chairman but waded into that 1,400 like an avalanche and relgeatcd It to "Innocuous dessuctude," electing elect-ing the Rebubllcan ticket by something some-thing like 300. As city chairman last campaign he manipulated tho wires with such success that Mayor Hansen was elected by about 300. This ls't a bad record and will count with many. Mr. Knowles Is at present Road Commissioner Com-missioner and in a short time will make report to Governor Wells of the work done and how the money was expended. We understand that he has accomplished great things with the limited amount of money at his command and that the report will prove rather flattering to his ability as a manager. He Is confident of Republican success this fall if the convention con-vention will exercise Judgment In the selection of men, and not make such asses of themselves as thoy did at the time when men were nominated and then asked to withdraw from the ticket. C. E. Lloyd practically announces himself as a candidate for commissioner. commission-er. As yet 1)0 has done little of the necessary handshaking and ear tickling tick-ling to secure the nomination but has been urged repeatedly by friends who recognize In him tho qualifications for a successful commissioner. Mr. Lloyd was for years with tho Logan Implement Imple-ment Co. as salesman and was also with the Sidney Stevens Implement house. At present ho Is at tho head of the Danlclsen Machine Shops and has built that Institution from a struggling infant into a mature and successful and mature business corporation. corpor-ation. Ho halls originally from Wclls- vlllc and has a host of Republican and Democratic friends there who will support him if nominated. He Is known as a man of good Judgment, and many personal qualities that would put him before the people as a candidate above the average. II. llullcn Jr. desires us to say that he is still In the race for tho nomination nomin-ation for State Senator and expects to lie In tho race until tho convention decides as to who the nomlneo will be. He believes that his services entitle him to this recognition, and his iniatl-Ilea iniatl-Ilea t Ions make him competent to fill the office with credit to himself and the county he represents. Ho Is a graduate of the State University, has taught school In various parts of the county, has held positions of ti lists acceptably, and has been brought into contact with t he citizens of the county in such ways as to mako him an excellent excel-lent candidate if nominated. If the convention decides that some other man would bo more acceptable to the Republicans of tho county, he Is for that man, and i.ho himself is the man so honored he will leave no stone unturned to secure Ills election and the election of tho entire ticket. II. A. Pcdcrscn has been mentioned for treasurer and one cnthuslastlo friend said Hans could be county attorney, at-torney, too, If no ono else wanted It. This olllcc seems to bo going a bogging at present. It Is announced that Judge W. II. King will come to Logan on the night of Sept. 30 and open tho Democratic campaign, and tho following night make his appearance In Wellsvlllo and procccMo demolish everything antl-Democratic. antl-Democratic. No doubt the few Democrats Demo-crats that are left In Logan will rally round the Judge and try to mako hhn glad ho didn't stick to his first manifesto. mani-festo. Laying all Jokes aside Judge King comes as State quantity, an able man andlpquent talker and will command attention as a matter of course. He should be greeted as becomes be-comes a man occupying the exalted position he holds and has held before the public. We have It upon tile best authority that the challenge for a series of debates de-bates between Hon. W. 11. King and Hon. Joseph Howell will In all probability prob-ability be rejected by the Republican party managers. It Is a well known fact that debates of this natui'O bring out only partisans who could not and would not be convinced of anything by cither speaker and Is a thing that oftentimes engenders bad feeling among tho voters. The challenge was made In the hope that it would be rejected, re-jected, and that voters who believe that an orator in Congress is the essential es-sential thing might see In the rejection rejec-tion something that Is detrimental to Mr. Howell. The proposition Is absurd and ridiculous. It seems to be the Idea of Democratic managers and speakers to conduct a campaign of vituperation against the government, and theic Is no reason why Increased crowds should bo brought together to hear the government maligned. We believe the managers will be doing the proper thing In paying no attention to such challenges. When King gets to Logan ho will discover that he Is not monarch of all ho surveys. Cache County Republicans Republi-cans may not have any walkover, but they are going to do everything on earth to make him wish that he had reconsidered his reconsideration. |