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Show Matters of Pressing Moment Mr. Shaw says that the reciprocity speech of Mr. McKInley nt Buffalo has been misrepresented. In what way, and by whom? Is It tho secretary's opinion thnt Mr. McKInley on that occasion oc-casion laid do n merely an academic proposition? Tho speech Is very fnr from encouraging that Interpretation. Mr. McKInley not only declared for reciprocity, hut gavo It as his opinion that tho tlino had nrrlved for tho inauguration in-auguration of tho policy by tho United States. Theio accms to bo thu fullest warrant for tho belief, Indeed, that had ho lloved ho would havo embodied in his unmir.l message to Congress n recommendation that an Immediate start bo made In that direction. Doca Mr. Shaw hold illo-ptlr If on. his flows at somo length on that point . H would bo read with very great Intorett , by tho country. Reciprocity and a. JH limited tariff revision aro matter oC prosslng moment, and tha Iowa Re- 1 publicans enjoy tho credit ot being' "ial leaders In tho movement. Washing- ,fl ton Stnr. taLI |