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Show According to a local Democratic Journal's figures, W. lL King, the Democratic nominee for Congress has been on the decline for somo time, and all that now remains is for the Republicans to bury him tills fall. In lBOflJKhig was elected xcprcscnta-tlvellh xcprcscnta-tlvellh a plurality of 10,443; in the spring of 18)M1, but four jcars later, he had lost so much of Ills popularity that he was elected to tls same otllce with a plurality of only 4,500; and in the fall of the same year he was defeated de-feated by 241 otcs. Lo, how the mighty hath fallen. If the Democrats arc able to get any satisfaction out of these iigurcs they're certainly welcome. wel-come. To be "an honest man, genial gentleman, eloquent patriot, able lawyer, upright judge and capable representative" doesn't seem to pay when a person credited with all these virtues loses 14,000 votes in four years. And It seems that thcrc is little premium pre-mium put upon the virtue of being "alwajs accessible to the humblest of his constituents without regard to age, sex, condition In life or politics," when such a person loses 4,741 votes in six months and is defeated, Rettcr be a very ordinary man there's a penalty in greatness. |