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Show Ilyrum Happenings. ".H President Wm. 0. Parkinson is also ,'H building a neat little house. M Sorcn Hansen's flue residence Is i gradually growing sky-ward. It Is a H The Ilyrum Co-op has Just added a 'H new awning to tho front of their 1 establishment. IH Alma Hansen, son of II. P. Hansen '-M sr., will leave for a mission to Germany 'M within a few days. H Bishop J. F. Wright and wife arc -H planning a trip to the Pacific coast, ,H to be gone during the winter season. ' Many good words arc being said for - tho "Republican" and It is our opinion ' H that it will bo liberally subscribed for 'H and eagerly r.;ad by the people of -H Ilyrum. 'k Miss Emma Lucy Gates, tho noted lH singer, will appear hero in concert at fH tho opera houso Thursday, Soptcmber !H 25th. It is a treat to our town, and '')l we feel honored on tho coming ot that fftl talented lady. Thursday evening tho Relief Society H of the First Ward gave an Ice-cream 1 party In the meeting house. After the lH cream had all melted dancing was in- 'H dulgcd in until after mid-night and H everybody enjoyed themselves. . H The trustees of School District No. DH 0 have recently purchased from tho iH church their academy building, and '(-, lH since coming into possession of it, L M havo put in many improvements, in- p '' eluding a hot air heating apparatus, (i 'jfll all of which will cost about $1,000. M H Julius Johnson, ono of our city v v lH councllmeii lias been very sick tho past month. Last Juno ho underwent " '99 a serious operation InSaltLako City "Sifl for tho removal of a tumorous growth, ,, 'lfl9 and camo out of that very nicely, but j 'Sfll last month he was afflicted with ' " H tjphold fever. Wo are pleased to -' '11 learn that lie is gradually recovering, . , -- ; ,LV and hope to sco him out soon. " '' H |