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Show Recent Deaths. Mrs. Lavlna Mauglian, wifo of W. W. Mauglian, died at the family home In Logan, Wednesday evening, Sopu 17, at 0:30 o'clock. She had been 111 for several days of bowel trouble but was not thought to be In a dangerous condition, consequently her death came as a surprise and great shock to her relatives and friends. The deceased was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Parry, who moved from Salt Lake to this place in 1880, and at the tlmo of her death was aged 44 years, 10 mouths and 23 days. In October '83 she was married to Mr. Mauglian, who with four daughters survives her. During 10 years of married mar-ried life rIio was a devoted wlfo and loving mother Just such a woman as has numberless friends and is loved .4.4jly -:'H and respected by any community. - H Although occupied with household M cares, sho had the disposition and ; 't found tho time to do good things for ' others and was always ready and wll- ling to lend a lwlplng hand to any IH who needed her assistance. In church ll work she held a prominent position ,H ami filled her place acceptably. Sho ,flH was especially interested In tho prl- 'iH inary associations and M. I. A., and VH was also a member ot. tho Stake Presl- '1H deney oftho Y. L. M. I. A. In her jkH church work she will bo sadly missed JjH as a faithful and earnest worker de- jH voted to the cause for which she la- 4H bored. Her friends will miss her as a riH pleasant woman who delighted in tho '?H good things In lire and who believed ? In sowing seeds or kindness. In tho )H home her husband and family will ''H miss her as a most beloved wiro and jH mother. At such limes as tills little ,IH can bo said llttlo comfort can bo --siH offered by earthly friends, but there CE Is a comfort In tho assurance of tho jH Heavenly Father that ho scccth our "tl sorrows and hath compassion. sltl The bereaved husband, daughters, 4H mother, sisters and brother havo tho heartfelt sympathy or a host or iH friends. tLS Tho funeral services were held at '4H tho tabernacle Sunday at noon and Ijl were very Impressive. Elder Thomas :H Morgan, Bishops Thomas and Smith, H Apostlo A. O. Woodruff and Presl- H dents J. Golden Kimball and Joseph , H Morrell wcie tho speakers. ' A large concourso of friends followed s the remains to their last resting place, H Hans Wllhclm Gulllckscn or the 'H seventh ward died last Saturday at 'H 12:10 p. m. Ills death was tho result , J H of heart disease, and was sudden and , unexpected. He leaves a wlfo and two children to mourn their loss. Mr. Ijl Oulllkscn was born InBuskcruds Nor- il way July 27, 1830, omlgnted to Ogdon, jH TJtali in 1880, camo to Logan In 1800 j2 and llvod here uutll his death. "flH Funeral services were held In thq ll seventh ward meeting house, Monday mI Mrs. Hiram Merrill was stricken ?l with paralysis at 7:30 o'clock Friday 'H evening and died at 5 o'clock Monday jH morning, never regaining conscious- 3jH ness from tho stroke. Sho was a good H woman, universally loved and will be f'H missed by a host of friends. The lm- ;,H mediate family arc plunged in deepest 'H grief and have the sympathy of many "'jl warm friends. , |