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Show AMERICAN FORK FIVE DEFEATS LEHI TEAM Special to The Tribune. JjBHI. Dec. 20. Tho American Fork high school basketball team last night defeated the Lehl high school by the l scorn of 21 to IS. Because of tho Intense In-tense rivalry that has long existed between be-tween theso two towns, the game was largely attended, about one-half of the 500 pcrs6us present being from American T The American Fork team earned the decided victory, which was largely due to cxcollcnt coaching and team work. "Happv" Holrnstcad. the star b. of U. athlete". Is physical director and coach at. the American Fork high school. Lho lineup 'aal night'a game follows: r,cn. American Fork. Wanless lg Vance Dorton..... rg .Greene &jr :;:::::?g.v:.v..-:: j'oncs rg Barrett Vance nhd Barrett did the star playing play-ing for the visitors, while Dorton and Ashton fcorcd all tho points mado by Lehl. Tills was tho first league game played here this season. |