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Show KING'S WINNINGS H LESS THAN EXPENSE K Special Calile to Tho Tribune. H LONDON. Dec. 20. Tho king has ln- HB tlmatcd to Lord Marcus Bereaford. who UMM has control of tho royal raclns stud, and HH to his trainer, Richard Marah. that hn ! proposes to continue an active connection mmm with the turf for at mast another twelve- ,MMm month, thouch tho amount that his rnaj- mM esty won during the flat racing acason MMM that ha3 jUBt ended botween $20,000, and Mm 525,000 has by no means sufficed to mmi cover tho expenses of his training eatab- llshmcnt, Sonio yearlings of consider- HH uhlo promise, however, havo recently ar- iHH rived at Epcrton houso, Newmarket, from flH tho roval stud farm at Sandringham, and HH1 it is hoped that "tho turn of tho luck" HBi will begin next year. HW Meantime his majesty Is turning his HHf attention to stccplo chasing, and a small SHI string of "chasers" havo beon placed un- HH dcr tho care of P. Whltakcr at Royaton- HHJ Hla majesty Is shortly to pay a visit iBjHJ there in order to oca his horses at work. iHHl |