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Show NOVEMBER REPORT OF SAFETY DEPARTMENT The safety department of tho Steptoo Valley plant at McGill, in its report for the month of Isovomber, has also commenced the record and supervision of the accident department of tho Nevada Ne-vada Consolidated workings, and pro-1 sonts a very concise bullotin on accidents acci-dents and their prevention, says the Ely Expositor. Including all minor mishaps, such as cuts, scratches and bruises which cause no loss of time, there were a total of seventy-two accidents reported. Twenty-seven of theso occurred at tho Cop-p'er Cop-p'er Flat utoain shovel pit, soven in tho underground workings of tho Veteran mine, seventeen at the concentrator and tweuty-ono at the smelter and Bhops. Out of this total there were only eignt accidonts which will causo a Iosb of fourteen days to tho employees, six of theso being mine casualties, and two at the Stoptoe plant both at tho smelter. The concentrator again wins tho distinction dis-tinction of coming through tho month without a serious accident. Included in tho monthty record, howovor, is the sad death of Nally Tcrrill, a switchman switch-man employed at Copper Flat, who received re-ceived fatal injuries on tho evening of November 28, being crushed beneath the body of a dump car and tho trucks of tho car, sustaining a fracture of the spine, from which he died twelve hours afterward at the East Ely hospital. i |