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Show Ill SITE LEAGUE SEEiSKEIlW Six Clubs Express Willingness to Come Into Semi-pro" Circuit. 1 By GEOEGE H. LIJSWBIiIiYN. Interest In the formation of a Etat baseball leagues appears to "oo growing. Tlie six teams which have fiignlrled their willingness to' come into tho proposed stale league arc: 3Iid-ale. Arthur, Magna, Mag-na, ' Frampton. Tooele and the Retail Clerics. The Clerks haven't decided defl-nlt'ly defl-nlt'ly yet, but they will most likely fall In line. Chester Griimnett, last year's manager of the Clerks' team, will not have the management of. Lho team next season. At a recent meeting of the club Klght Fielder Bock was elected manager. man-ager. II. p. .Miller, who has had charge of the United States Smeltor team at Mldvale, has expressed his desire for tho league, nnd says that ilidvale Is strong for It. arr. Miller. U of Nio opinion that the lpngue will bo a success aud ho will do all within his power to start a semi-pro semi-pro circuit. Mtdvalo tyM have a strong team nest season. Manager Choules of tho champion Framptou team Mays that he will have the best bunch of youngster that has ever been brought together In this stale for his JH 1-1 club. Choules deserves credit for tho fast infield which ho has made of his youngster. In the posl-soason games Jafct year with th faster clubs bjs infield in-field showed greut teamwork. |