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Show I P and will remain open evenings. ' THE BIG STORE WITH THE LITTLE PRICES Nu II Best and Quickest Service Lowest Prices Complete Stock ;S m i I jiltn Monday we stMs0St Sens!ltional Boys' Clothing and Furnishings greatest of all yM 'm I I IKxEF? M V I " J i: 200 Overcoats, sizes 3 to 17 years; values to $10.00 &3 : i STORES jll -p-'' I I ifejj ATT I I J y j jj I 550 BOYS' SUITS-yWLOTS, MiSTYLES, ALL SIZES, jj jj oirwM "Jg"4 jjlaj If I JftlOSs $1.99 52.45 $3.45 $3.93 $4.85 $6.39 $8.95 LTat T lsSij If H 1 nBffi)?B5&ry ever inaugurated in Salt Lake. Q0 $3.50 and s-i.oo $4.oo and $4.50 $5.00 to sb.oo $6.00 to 57.00 $8.00 to $10.00 12.00 to 515.00 M Jtn ' LtjLio v in- Vip vIS" SSwl Wm ' I 1HS OUR GREAT LINEN SECTION is the never- VALUES. ' VALUES. VALUES. 1 VALUES. VALUES. VALUES. VALUES. low t ;PPnCJ fJj IgBfT TOtK111 I JHP SW BK BOYS' GAUNTLET GLOVES-4 GROUPS. v wid? direX hWOPb: I Ml iSntS53 ltseIf by an fferlDS Un" fQ QQr J IK imported from the' makers, MB I I 1 Concerned are hundreds of small 5 &UC C C 9 1; Urns saving middlemen's prof- H ! I IsMm Sim LOTS SUCH AS: 65c VALUES. I 75c AND S1.00 VALUES. $1.20 VALUES. 51.50 VALUES. 5 a II I gSSUOxSi 6'S'QoiXorra ,700-select as BOYS' SWEATER COATS 7 LOTS. jj ' During the remaining days to Christmas there will J? III I SfelWIS 6'Dom"d..11,nCh many- as- you 39c 48c 76c $1.35 $1.88.1 2-85 $4o65 !; ;l unusual saving, opportunities-and no store m the city c j 1(1 I RfnrV iiiS a5dBTi!r;Vcare to have, I; soc values. 75c values. 91.00 values. $1.75 ANjy&oo $2.50 values. $4.00 values. ss.oo values. Jonv B g', $ 1 W H ? Emrboldered Pillow Shams, ( Py but mvwww T . . r A 7 r5s,'Jv' vwvw4 ,waa jgj HI I !; isxw-inch Bo6in.it scarf., j S i"$T50 Reversible Bath Robe j I Demonstration ot Aubry aisters i MONDAY on SECOND floor t I I i!5rr (3 Q C Flannel, 6-yard fifc Iet fe'SSS?, Big Bargain Table filled with $2.00 j m l I "a0 SCartS' patterns 9C Special JsK'CslKb and $2.50 Dolls for, each 9& HjH 1 J Some among them are slightly mussed, but all make apiece. J c yards makes an elegant Bath Robe. Wo nave 50 TnrilirmYJiaTli- Bca"tlMe,r. Also a 10c bottle of Tint 5 wCedlnn out tho one-of-a-kind, and the dolls which show a bit of handliaj ifle 1 I very appropriate gifts. patterns to select from; it's a very useful gift for I JLliUUlrCillCiib or Bcautlflcr with a oOc piirchaso of i C .. souca oneg. They'll bo quickly snapped up. Come early. I 1 1 SvgrVj -- ,,UJ www rwy l 1 1 ' J t ll " f l I Monday We Starfc aVer3r portant Sale of CllFlSHlSS IPSFS iSSlSf) I I I French,' Irish, Swiss, Madeira, American-Every: I fe ATPHVNDGAsCALn5S lwt I EXQUISITE TOILET WATERS-A11 World-fanjE H I j body Needs Them 1 Jr U9 this is a sald op remarkable values because the need of imme- m&wNtv V I '! Perfumers represented. jif. IS I IRp IRri 2Sr 35r 48n B5fi 7Sf 1 ft. , iSS 31ate clearance entirely overshadows the nucstlon of cost or former price. 1 TO ' H !' j,. .. , , . .It II i , -Lwj LOl oul' ot DUl' B V mm 5?J V v tov x 1 I "Bring your auesta here with tho assuranco of recelvlnff Jqlii, fj I : In neat Holly 9QC anci to $2.75 a box. I (( W THIRTY HIGH-GRADE EVENING WRAPS TO BE CLOSED OUT I whai ySu want, and you win not be disappointed. .aj? II :i fTd5? ?nP a Any Handkerchief purchase of I U AT HALF PRICES. AN W X I . ( PERFUMEidIEAUT,F HI M' 2v 25c or over will be packed in 1 y SWlw $100 Coats S at $50.00 $57.50 Coats go at $28.75 I f 1 !; PINAUD'S Lllaco, dUV AH odor3,25c, BOc, 75c sflf- I B neat holly box. I . N -gH $85 Coats go at $42.50 $50 Coats go at $25.00 AlWf 1 vo0tnor' P?mp 65 C Vioob slzs cut-Bilh ll 1 !; Here are a few extra Monday Specials II 0 I IBPk 75' Coats at $37,50 $d0 Coats IS,? ?20,00 fmi' I :: Hansen & jenk's wood Anlm'fra- '00 ( I I il HanderRerchiers, Re0u,ar L lLh Handker- 1 $35.00 Coats gO at $17.50 kl I .'.JS C 5?e Coryiopsis Toilet " " flj S ' H H 1 of Cambric and chlefc, Armenian edgo or em- 1 1 emSma In THE HISTORY of this store wo recall no such wonderful values as these In I WuCfJ I si no Water 1 ;, N'alnsook, each L 'Q broidorcd flF. I V Goats; three days beforo Oirlstmaa day. and at the very apex of tho greatest Coat t V 1 W"3"" SI 25 50c Cut Rosa no 1 1 5 , "n u "hufY con,er 1 VfflfiEB vogue of a decado. These Coats aro the newest European creations, embodying the . I ?nVjiifVi"Viif sVeYan! Toilet Water .IfflK 1 9 SSKc. RcflU,ar 50C BmbroTdrreS I BgKf n, wanted textile, and models of the season. 1 I "oocoIrf Rose iow 1 ir u ; CaCh iSC I uWJmM $35.00, $40.00 and $45.00 Values at P JL Oay v I J Pong. Attar, Golf Green 75c t,?SSVant?r..25 1 5 ?M?mSrts m Children's Colored Border I ' ilSlTlsl EVEN IN THE ENTHUSIASM of Christmas shopping the very important sav- A U, I J vfo?S Crusned Kosc 50c Verona Vloletto Sach fe II m n.pJh' 'niuais, K A Handkerchiefs, big range of S 1 MxSsBr N Ings on these garments should not be overlooked. Among these fifty coats you V ml v islaWa 75c 35c uncc U D B patterns to select from 2 for ? H ' -yWXSl WB . will fnd the very newest modcl3, such as belted, sport styles, long shouldered, yoke v . N ' I roLGAT E S Violet" DactVlls -1 1 Renular 25c Linen Handker- 5c lnd- for "1 n i 1 KIW W and plain styles, made of Arabian Lamb, Astrachan. Broadcloths, Sealetles, Silks A .a 1 Koblna Canr'lce La France ALL THERMOS er HI i chlefsf or with or.e corner each fiOjffl CS and Wool Velours. Duvctynes and other beautiful Cloakings, In a broad range of XO0 I 5Sse Caatanero BoqSet- BOTTLES ft HI E S embroidered, "fi K See window displays of Hand- t I dgSWmffBsrV colors, ulzcs and lengths. V I Small size, 25c; 75c size.. 50c At very special prices. . 1 l:;jdljlftJS8ii!sa i 1 BEAUTIFUL RAINCOATS AT $5.50 IS'pScX: 25 per c.mt off ft II IfZ ...... v ll v rss rm 1 r"-u" Tra"11"3 scct,o-n! i S B I II. a ffiBipji 1 ' ' 54 lncheB long, absolutely storm and shower-proof, with reversible storm collar. - l) 1 Cases, soda fountain. ;aE 1 B" H yifHlilfc Jlil lia fell mK llI ' I wind-proof cuffa, etc. a garment that can be worn in any kind of weMhcr rain or l-Jfi " iwwwwvwvwvwwvv j II I I wIWlll If lllvll lllllJ j: I 5 Women's Suits, $25.00, 4 An interesting sale of : now the great sale of ' ll I Are Sensible Gifts f!;?5P12f.?. I,;ZoiS llfLlt!1'75 House $1.00 Holiday Stationer rfl ' ) I city ever- suit practical from every point of view. Thej-'ye gold rcgu- 1 i iMJ 1 I J $6.00 Hues, Size 27x54-inch, each $3.98 B larly for 520.OO to 540.00 each, therefore are very big vulcs . at -9 Monday our replenished stocks will bo as complete as any l 75c Paper Doll Sets, UOW M M I fn u&a aru . 7 , I Wool Eponges. Serges, Mixtures, Cheviots, Homespuns, awr pi?iriB nni& woman could want and the price will bo appreciablv less tlian 1 S -ROX STATIONERY SAVINGS 'Mil H g i $9.00 RugS, Size 36x63-Hlch, each $6.29 5 i new cutaway coats In extreme or modified designs, Pegton skirts, "oinico elsewhere. Fleece lined and Gingham Dresses in checks, stripes ffl ' , T , . , , , , , JM& H i i Stn-ill all.ovar Persian Medallion and Oriental designs, in real 1 and new tier models; also many plain tailored, or draped styles, fine range of tind neures, jn light and dark patterns, and absolutclv fast 1 25c kinds, reduced to 15c box. oOq k nds, reduced to 35o M m 1 "W I j colora-a" si2ca- SeC0"d F' C013- Secondoirjj rdU ll IliCoats, Bath Robes, Mwe Sale Of UUrdbS j SL"!8.. 52dE?. 1 j Clirtoteias Meekweal 1 I Bountiful Stocks and Notable Values !; UrabrelIa b0UEht 1B tWs storo IB OXJARAN. siik Boot Hose at 50c s6o and 25c p The Kinds Women Love-In Pretty Holly Bon I 11 M EN'S 56.00. S7.00 AND 3.00 BATH J MEN'S 51.50 AND 8.00 GLOVES- I TEBD-no matter how little the price. ?S hlnvv rl TPUIAj FtVH HUNDRED STYLES to chooso from-an endle53 election1 HI I oRut5aEtS-2,; l close 4 Ql &rd0?f"". S1 .35 l; SPECIAL GROUPS RANGING FROM $1.00 wiBi H0aey 350 and 25c nair BoW3' Tab3 Jaboti F,chU3' Stock Collars-somo -lth round f JKi1 I 1 5 out at t.Sia Ca and Grey sueTo Dless i !; TTp 9ft nn ) Wpmen 8 WOOl HOSe OUC, dOC anct &C pair J colIarSi Du(ch colllirai veIvct collurs and E0ts De Medici shapes, Prince 1 m I MEN'S S2.00 TO S3.50 SWEATER Gloves. Ur 1U JJU.UU J, S Women S Wayne Knit Hose, 3 pair m bos, ! I perlals, string tics, gulmp. Chemolsettes, etc. and all at tho very 3mal m COATS 150 In this JP MEN'S S15 00 4T AC 'l In styles suited for men or women. !' . fOY $1,00. Eveiy pail guaranteed. j! Prices ever asked for equal grades. Wo "nave them at 25c, S3c 4Sc, 55o, iH fl I lot at dlaUt? LOUNGING ROBES ,33 j . Jxr.v.vu-JynJiJwuv.r.v.vrr.rljvjijvrrr -n wmvuwArAnnivvw sc. 51-25, 51.48 and up to 54.50. S R c Included are Ruff Xecl; and V Ned: MEN'S $10.00 !; wwsv vwvws jwJrin0. 1 1 I Sih Grade Neckwear-ig Teductions j GLOVES fKavser's Italian Silk Vests H sPecial Pfflcliase of 200 IfflPorteii Venice ll I $1.50 to $2 Grades 98c tj $i Giad59c i Sm, S For A Xmas Gift Plauen Lace Collars and Sets-at Less Than Import C B . 3 ln wlJJ-ncn end cl!!cs and pure al'k ties; also an extra fine lot of knitted ; an(j Qg0 I S It Is a very fortunate purchase the end Btock of an importer Just In Um V ffl knitted four-ln-hands. and velvet ties. '-, .j Ck 4i0c eji Plain grade $1.65 Kayser makes the S ;I Christmas trade. Entire purchase grouped Into 2 big lots a3 follows; W m Pa j - - . . , i 16-button lengtn Kia brloves, Jo, $s,zo, I 3 r ( best silk vest in M-; 9 I 1 25c 35c and 50c and 75c J; !; $3.50, $2.75 and $1.98 j Hemstitched Band, $2.00 ) America. Each is I1 Neckwear worth to $1.50 go at 48c f.wn flJjE I I Ties 50c Ties 75c Ties Ties : Cape Kid Glovea, $1.50, $1.25, $1. Fancy Embroidered, $2.25 tll'gfflyanB'nfojgg j: NekwiaF worth to $3.50 go at 79c $P I 1 n- oft Ao Jl;: Mocha Gloves, $1.75 and $1.25 And up to $3.75 ( win, 0UtIast an olhcr : 1 Utuo coat. rjK S I lC ZOC OI7C 40C ; If you don't know her size, buy a Glove Certificate. J 51 1 makes. (See State street window dlsplayQ 11 I n Christmas Gifts andr- rXTTT" 1 WHY NOTi . t. im 91 ta m It What About Shoes? RT awitfts Grat Christmas jlf rJvi siik nlZ :lj I I F.QE TQTIB OWN OHEISTMAS D L A W K fc 1 D TJWy-- L2C6 tlBlfflDS I 8 ail( I :LvZ brv Waist Patterns I HI I bed covering. 1 Silk, Lisle, Cotton Notable Values. larly -when such splendid values are of- 1 -St m I WnrriATi'c: ?9 91! Fplt T.i-nprl 'Shops rt nr I rtr- , , on 1 NOWHERE CAN' A BROADfill. BETTER STOCK OP IIOSIERT 1 fered as Uieso; 1 for Christmas Presents I la women s .0 jjeiu iiinea onoes, pi nr m $35 00 kinds at $24.89 S be found tiia. is ready here for chuistmas giving. 5 1 AUi "" riebBUK' K1 11 I an ideal Winter Shoe, at pair P1.IJ 1 9 XOWHERE CAN YOU MATCH THESE CHRIST'S VALUES. g S6.00 Irish Point and Marie Antoinette I FOR MOTHER A. Black Peau de Sole 7 filftK II 1 fJ?,JSJ!albe? 0lS' ls.Rnd vampa, arrr. and com- 1 I Women's 75c pure Silk Hose, pair 50C I Curtains, at MA AA I Silk Dreaa Pattern, a beauty at I 9IW? 9 I fortable. 1 QOOSE DOVN QUILT8J FULL BED l I a palr iJU.O We have them from 54.30 up to 510.00. . HI I Women's $1.75 Felt Slippers, n or I '.,. Bt S'ZE' s 5 89 I P?0m??k-black anco I Several very Io3,ral,0 eslSM- 1 her sisters-the selected dress patV 1 made Of best grade felt, pair $1.0D 1 tJ I l 'll I heels and toea. I $S.OO Arabian Lace Curtalnn and Irish 1 TERNS OF FINE CHARMEUSE SILKS IN COLORS ATyi 1 I randpIbarn0.thera fur lops ,n Mtt' kindl S I MadY2fMuEffiinbKoLoi t0. I rTal0"'"8 at - S5 49 I 59.45, $11.25, $15.00 and $17.50 's 9 11 $8.50 White Wool Blankets, largo double 1 WOMEN'S 20c FLEECED HOSE, 121c PAIR. 1 Verv dnintv " UMurirul'iViV I Wo havo hundreds of patterns and colors to select ff0B I I MEN'S FELT OR LEATHER HOUSE 'I ft I Heavy, warmly fleece lined-fast black. I Very dainty, beautiful deslffm,. I FOR HER DAUGHTERS-THE CHOICE WAIST PAT 1 1 SLIPPERS. Note our special prices- . $4.69 I AYarfnNtcoc eEbo.3 PA,RS ,N A I SrS'1""7 S6 98 I TERNS" THE PATTERN for K ft:B 1 $2:25 SUppers reduced to $1.89 5io.oo white wool Blanket, fi QQ 1 children's 35c wool hose, 23c pair. 1 dlnX , fln8' ' pa'r $lil9 c209 and $2.69 Wfi V U 1 7t? Rlinnorc roriurprl tn C1 QK extra Iaree size , tfVBUtf 1 Extra, heavy Kaxony wool double knees and toe3 all alzts. 1 Conslatlns of Irish PoinL Arabian Lace, M . liMti 1 9 Jf'JX "PPer& reuce 10 S1Z00 whte WooJ Banket fky ilO I CHILDREN'S 15c FLEECE LINED HOSE, 10c. U Mario Antoinette and fine Cable Net Cur- I In Walst ""crnK wc carry an endless mnse of t?i H' I $1.40 Slippers reduced tO ,...$1.15 exlra nne QUamy I Extra heavy faet black all sizes. n tains. 1 daintiest colorings and many beautiful silks to chooaW, H M 1 Every size In each style. $15 '0 wwte Woq pVa'nkVt'" jQ See window dltplay of Hose, g A vcry cho,C6 Etcc:lon In each alylBi 1 from. Silk Section, 9' I BHHKBBBaBKaaHBKaBEBEHHKSsBBBgBSBBBBBP our American Beauty Oanr9 sBHMaHEsassanMaBBaBHEsascsHBBaHHBHaBsaBMBHBBa Third Floor. flrsHHssaBBBSKKnsaBBCaBaaBBHaaaaaiBHNt |