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Show I EXTRA SPECIALS FOR I I CHRISTMAS WEEK I H EVERYTHING FOR THE CHRISTMAS DINNER IS HERE. MANY 9j H TEMPTING SPECIAL PRICES THIS WEEK. ORDER EARLY. H I 400 FANCY NAVEL 350 HEAD OF 40o EXTRA SELECT I ! m J FINE, PLUMP SEALSHIPT I I I uranges Turkeys Oysters I DOZEN spECIA T I 32c 28c 36c H Car Just In all sound, pnnwn 800 Sealshlp Osyters; H ';Qj LJ quart, ff G Wm H fully ripe. Order early. ORDER EARLY. Special H !H Order early. B 35c Franco-American Plum Pud- Mixed Nuta very choice QQ H H d'no; No, 1 33C mxture ,b &&C , Cluster Raisins -m nu H ;H 6ac Franco-American Plum Pud- special, lb, .. JL JC D can ,w.;S9c Extra choIca . e B H 45c Goddard'. Mince qq CcI tOrI5CH IS Meat, Jar ......OfiFC California Head r D JK B u, , k a , Lettuce S TOr 5C III 1 Helnr Mince ftff- tj B Meat' Jar ' Choice Cranberries, B m B 51-85 Gordon & Dllworth'a Mince por Ib JLoC H I I ;r.'. $1.75 SSL 5 lbs. for 19c I I Christmas Fruit Cake, Special, 37c pound I I CHARITY BASKETS I ! 9 B An extra ,arSc atJPP'y temptlncly filled to suit any purse 75c and B Wk H up. Be a "GOOD FELLOW!" Give at least one to some needy homo. H l M H Phone your order. WE'LL DELIVER ANYWHERE YOU SAY. Bfl I I fl United Grocery Co., 267-269 Main Street. Phone Exchnngo 600. B -9 B Branch No. 1, Liberty Market, Ninth East and Ninth South. Qj H Phone Hyland 2323. H COUNT FIFTY! NO HOW PI Rub pain away with a small trial bottle of old "St. Jacobs Oil." Slop "dosing" Rheumatism. It's pain only; not one caso in fifty requires internal treatment. Rub soothing, sooth-ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" right on tho "tender spot," and by tho timo 3'ou Eay .Tack Robinson out comes the rheumatic pain and distress. "St, Jacobs Ja-cobs Oil" conquers pain. It is a harmless harm-less local rheumatism euro which never disappoints and'doosn't burn or discolor discol-or tho skin, It takes pain, soreness and stiffness from aching joints, muscles and bones; stops sciatica, lumbago, backache, nouralgia and reduces swelling. swell-ing. Xiimbor upl Get a small trial boltlu of old-time, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" from any drug storo, and in a moment you'll bo free from pains, aches and stiffness. (Advertisement.) storeJpeJeve STORE OPENS AT 10 A. M. MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. ' Iff satt Lake city-3'e Bur Cash eW For Cash o Ito Store pnoes. fljf SELL FOR LESS " Safe Beginning Tomorrow Most Important! Very Keen Reductions from the Boston Store's Already Lowest Prices Make This Waist Sell- H ing One of Decided Moment for Hundreds of Holiday Buyers. POSITIVE SAVINGS TOl ONE-HALF AND MORE THREE ABSOLUTELY UNEQUALED BARGAIN LOTS AT ft 'mm I -ffSwk- Waists to $2.25fkQ g! lH A Ll4w; The daintiest, newest and mostHiJml Klt f'OTP lilWjsm man' i IS UwMM$M U fascinating lingerie effects in m W WWm I (lrMm M iMmM f m fi1 mimSlm W fine sbeer Marquisettes, Voiles, w lVAtXi .AvllwilBllSL t H I iPwtMra Batistes, Orepes, etc. all replete bSMJwV ? m mSlf 'sffl u n clever lacy trimmings. You'll admire every sSP8Sm Wn m Mm- 'ffl style You'll fairly exult over the values. Christ- VWy5yA?Sk I BE ljip -rr'V v mas choosing here is a matter of decided economy. I II t H y' Savings to half and more at 98c. ( II I IIIIIVilMmi I Waists to $450 Waists to $6.00 jyj Novelty II our regular high- 11 fjC ner i doubt inf Old "L" fib JfL ir TP! 18 class assortments hL e f regard to the su-L m w v TJlikJl i iv3 ! v m up to $4.50. Ex- Til i periority of these fM W A quisite new crea- B charming ne w jf msssEssaam rf H jTPP$ Hi tions in Silk Waists at their BIHshhhhb I mw k (flUF o 1 If f H Crepes, Laces, etc. B original prices IfiJBi IjUJI 1 1 ; W all the new colors mahogany, taupe, Now many are reduced one-half, includ- Al J f o B navy, Copen, etc. A tempting array of ing Crepe Marquisettes, Plain Marquis- Uur Already Low "rices g the season's loveliest waists ideal for . ettes, Chiffons, Flaxons, Nets, etc. per- Beautiful, exclusive models, in rich laces I m Christmas giving. Matchless values up fectly gorgeous creations. Values up to and chiffons. Put up in attractive 1 to $4.50. Style variety galore at $1.98. $6. Choose in this sale at $2.98. 1 Christmas boxes if desired. j BE Positively No Exchanges During This Sale. s H M0NDAY-"A DARING SPECIAL FFER I Choice of the House. Values up to $15.00 lm 1 Demonstrating as never before Boston Store Price Supremacy positive and unequaled mil- a r'A I m p linery values up to $15,00 Tomorrow at $4.98, v!I1i11k ''H ALL UNTRIMMED MILLINERY AT LESS THAN COST ALL OSTRICH PLUMES AT f7V I I LESS THAN COST At Salt Lake City's Greatest Millinery Department The Boston Store. LW Wi Salt Lake City's Greatest Handkerchief Showing i at the Boston Store-All Priced the Boston Store Way-For Less jj Hundreds of Useful and Most Acceptable Gifts for Women May Be Selected From Our Im- ift mense Holiday Showing of Neckwear, Gloves, Silk Hosiery, Leather Goods, Bath Robes ft Negligees, Long Kimonos, Boudoir Caps, Opera Coats, Evening Waists, Evening Dresses, m: Imported Model Suits Corsets, Lingerie, Aprons-etc, etc. mt All Boston Store Furs Now Reduced to One-Half and Less Never Before in Salt Lake City J? Such Timely Fur Savings for Christmas Buyers Compare Our Prices Buy Save. 771 FOR GRIP, ETFLTJENZMl COUGHS, SORE THROAW COLDS "My husband and myself have jL ' Seventy-seven' for Golds with iF satisfaction, and think so well OfF that we want your Medical BoolcBjj hopes of finding a remedy for ''ML trouble ' ' m2 "Soventy-seven" leads to the Dr. Humphreys' systom of medlcinea-all medlcinea-all diHoascs, his Manual gives tho mcnt and enro of tho sick. Ask 'mfe, druggist or send a postcard for a C,BM The Dollar Flask holds more lliaD!M3 twenty .-o cent vials for sale to7. 'druggists or mailed. "4L Humphrey' Hsniito. 'Medicine Co.t jfrn William Street, Now York. CAdYBrtlttzaonl.) 'Jh |