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Show ffl)(J MARKET RESPONDS TO iflt HEWS FROM WASHINGTON 'wilings Are on a Much Larger Scale and Prices tap of Securities Move Up H , .. .Vigorously. I YORK. Dcc- -- emphatic e Avas made by tho stock market o tlio news from Washington of cierlcan Telephone dissolution .nt and the passage by the senate wrency bill Dealings were on a irger scale and prices moved up fly. I1 was olt lliat thc flIssoIu' Ttcnu-nt. besides removing from in Telephone the menace of a idcr thc Sherman law, would r lessen talk of government own-i own-i telephone and telegraphs, which has been an active factor In n American Telephone find i Union to thc lowest quotations rj, The statement of President c X. Vail of tho telephone cornet corn-et "neither tho Bell system nor item L'nlon will surfer" helped IrT'lnflucnco tlian the dissolution nt Itself was tho statement of it Wilson In that connection, cx-the cx-the administration's hope of to build the business of thocoun-sound thocoun-sound and permanent lines. It t that the American Tolephono nt Indicated what might bo done a of other corporations under or attack, and that. In view of mey general's expressed hope of anti-trust suits, stock market ncc Incidental to such prococd-rht prococd-rht bo minimized, g Excited. IjHLcan Telephone was tho center of SK trading at tho opening. The first "ktion was given as a block of 2000 at I20j to lli. sales three and one-rtlnts one-rtlnts apart being made at tho same TTlie top price was 1241, a gain of i-iMi Wints, which compared with, the llgure of 110. Subsequently (jKTCS a reaction, and the closo was xnj Other securities of wire com-.Kii'o com-.Kii'o were strong. American Tele-MW Tele-MW convertibles were bid up three numL as was Taclflc Telephone, Stocks iiEj'Mackav companies, which control lijKta Telegraph, roso two and one-Ar one-Ar to three points. Western Union .mj with a gain of two points, but .jtacled five points, closing with a Bte of two and one-half points. tflKrhole market was strong and ac-'tESngiir, ac-'tESngiir, National Biscuit and Cana-nBPacJflc Cana-nBPacJflc gained three to four and cne-;3Eoul. cne-;3Eoul. Advances in general ranged jBonfi to one and one-half points. Bys showed strength. Total sales, 'MKdc, 'J.IOO.OOO. :4Hl States 45 coupon advanced i lfcnaina 3s coupon 3 on the week, of the Week. K the approach of tho year-end, , Blion showed a disposition to wait annual settlements and financial AfahStSwr'1ro,B,ow' alll'0"Ch at the close or the week there was Increased anlmn- "" natIl(r(h,fn?tn', TI0 Improvement a"r,b1utl K the stimulating influ-Pn influ-Pn 'oPments at Washington. Passage of thc currency bill by the sen-lone sen-lone m$Z, th v,rlua completion of a long period of uncertainty regarding changes to be made in the coimtrx-'s moUlo,l! Recent amendments" to n il LVCrc rofc vod wlth favor l" nan-nf nan-nf 3 Li'i6 '", and l was 'U that removal or this factor of uncertainty would have fl-nmC rc.f(cct" Thb agreement for feiUti?n of u, American Telephone & .Telegraph company without recourse to Tie.tCOiUrts sav.c Promise of a lessening of mmr?n.c.e .lloh ,,as attended enforcement enforce-ment of the Sherman law. inn h0pe w,u.8 pressed that Ilqnlda-Ll?" Ilqnlda-Ll?" securities had been completed. f,v '.l i!!vUS,h ur'her , trade contraction li'Li, . 0 to 1,0 faced Kxpcctallons of easier jnoncy markets after tho turn of the year were modified by consideration of the extent to which postponed re-lionmW re-lionmW S may nfrJct monetary c"dl-The c"dl-The lwnd market shows few algnn of M?U.FatTry reinvestment demand, although al-though January disbursements will con- ?Vbetil.J'tr ortl' r,rnmess ln Ktecl Prices takes the form of unwillingness to con- Lwhrfd,sla"t Pcrlol. rather than growth of new orders, irercantilo or- ?Jf aJC Uht' bllt' for Prompt delivery. stocks. Railroad traffic is falling off and forces are being reduced. r J.l?33 of th !?asoii detract from tho ' Mi.SLii.?pecu,af,V0 'Hnence of the hlg-h condition estimate of winter wheat I Closing Stock List. I I - Sile WlKhlLowl CU aaST 15-m 71X 71'- ji Amor Car 7M u'd t Ann.- Cot pit l I'.? "A Araor Ice Sec m -.iv Ador ptT11 & Rct eft u 4 Amer ?lB1i 'Sr:':::::::: io7" Z L0' Tel 21.500 12IU 1:04 K'2i2 Ancontlx Mia Co w Mfc 3i Atfi,,sn 3,100 Ht. MU 0 gU Ohio :; rJH 92f ms "! Brook IUpM Tr m &7 S;H c1aS,c..:::::::::; sg p Chl Mil St Taul j,ojo ooi; jJo 105' Ch cacp t K W 500 IM' 151 1M Colo F t I net; Con Gaa t jXg' Cora Products " "d I5eU HaOtoo isi D & Tt G , ,th do pfd I """" 7 2L5L SiC 'i-ii li crlo JO,7fO 23"j 2S'i 2Si do tut pfd CM H 4H do 2nd pfd , zT.Xi SoK S3i General ectrlc Hoi 139 ISS 13S Great Nor pfd EN I.V IM 126U Orcar Nor Oro Cifs 00 33 2ZV 33 II! Central ,H mL't Inter Met coo lTi n?i ui do 1.7001 5S-i C0U S3 Inter Harvester 4C")llOI- 101 J01 Inter .Mnrlne pfd I3ij Intcv Paper STi STi Sl Inter Pinup gi'i 6U Git K O So SCO 2ti 2)H 2ii Ticlede '(.as pj Ixshigh Vul C.300 1S2-4 lfcltjllb'?; Lou &: Nili SCO 13i 133i ItSSa; Minn St P & S St M Jim Mo K & Tex 400 2014 SOU 20 Mo PaclfJc J.tOO 25 2D j 25 Nat Biscuit -WO i;;u I20'.itl21 Nat Iail '.' t Nat Ry Mox 2d pfd POO 10 10H 1074 N T Central 2,200 S3l '2-)i ?2"i N V Out iz West 28" i Norf fc West 1.B00 10 1 IS 103H 10315 Nor American 1 65 Nor Pacific ?,o(V 103f 105U 103H Pacific Mall 500 2 24 23?i PennsrlvanU 3,o!l00 10S?; lOSTt People's Gas 2.IO0 110 117 U8U Pitts C C & St Lou SI Pitt Coal 200 IS 15 2SU Pressed Siecl Car f3?i Pull Palace Cr 150 Pcadlnr ,700 1S5M ISK lti Rornb r & S 200 2014 yi l?li do prd SO Rock Ibl Co 3,100 US It UK do pfd iOO 21J ZVA 2tU St Lou & S F 2d pfd 01 Sea Air Line r.00 17!S 17U 17' do prd SIoss Shef S I W- So Pacific 12,700 3 sr,i S7i Southern Rr 1.400 221 224 22M do pfd KftM 7T.J 75U 7..i Tcnn Cop 000 SOU I 2D"5 20H Tex & Taclflc E00 12Vjl 1214 12v Union Pacific 30.S0O 1KU ici Ul-i do pfd J3 U S Realtr Ki U S Rubber C0) 55 BjVi 53i U S Stoe) S2,fOl 5S--J 63 CS do pM SWl:o3r 103'i 10S4 Utah Cop 5,600 15S iS 3 Va Carolina Chem 2S'S Wat as li r.y do pfd S; Western Md .-,3 Wojtem Union 3M0 C2 (77 57i Westlnp Electric 1,700 6i Ctu " Wheel .5: Iike Erlo 2Ml tH ti ii New Haven I 7M0JI 71'.i 70 7l" Total aalcs for tlie day, 301, COO. Lliares. ITcw York Bonds. tr S Tt! U rtj: 97 K C So Si JJii do 2 coup 0714 L S deb is 13.11 ., do re? 1 02U Lou &. Nai, un s m 92J do Se coup I02V1 Mo K & T 1st to .. s$y do U rej: 110 do jren Ua si do 4b coup Ill Mo Pac 4t c( Pana coup f?Ti do -onr Ea 7; Ain Awl 5a 37H Rv Mcx ... so Km T T ct k ... PV4 I T C gen 2US .... si Am Tob C 113 do dob Ka , m Armour & Co tlSa .. Nor Pac is 33 Atrhicon ton a .... 32 do 5c ..... ct Halt - O 3A 01 O b L rfdj; 4b do 3 r.Ot Reading con s ?iaj, nea O K-s -cf?i I-ou & S F fe 4 fi?H do conr 445 ..... 73 Jn oa Cs MU Chi t Ut 3s 8SH S P col 4a foli C B f- Q Joint n .. 5 3 cv a t do sex 1 43 S P P. R 1st rcf 4a . S5tt D fc R. G icf E Bn 11 Cint ltt rc la . S'J rfo cr 4s ?H4 l, Xt. iu, 74H do 3st f la 50 iSt )I M U S S 2d 5a MK. Tapaa 41S STK r.b lat eat 4s 43 |