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Show melief For Rupture ..without Operation jfc Expense No Time Lost From Work No Misery-Causing ?K Belts or Leg-Straps. II 60 Days' Trial to Prove It fl i v ,for rupture would hardly . f Heard of It It weren't for the 3 done by elastic and spring J few "people ever have to be I iLI!i wllc'n flrst ruptured. vf, .rniis makeshift trusses year ,- r U eooner or later almost sure "i fLvrorlr for the surgeon, a www that from vour own ex- 3 -you know you're worse now a1 Jn 'f31, ago probably getting $ m I e tl!ne- M U? 0,1 t,lut way. how long S eore you'll have to undergo lU5 and expensive operation? ; ' rou willing to let us prove fn . ', ny demonstration how you i Ei?our?e" fr0I1 all that? V ,1' wl,cn 'o can make thi3 T teat without having to rial: y Won't Cost You a Cent jj . Doenn't Stand the Test. 3 Jomethinp---a guaranteed rup- vf K , w,"cn has saved thousands 1 ! irom ever having to be oper- ? ! thoro"Bhly proved Its mer-,5laar mer-,5laar V,'111I"'' 10 send 11 on 1 ' ?fflJlc !l esPeclally for your case -) M i? .your measure and practl- "i SLi.Viyou jusl for a le3t- ,4 T, 1 ,eeP yor rupture from W i.B )(or pothering you In any lffi f ,fter ,,ow hurd you work or iPK '.wn't prove every claim ,tjR;,1c" you can send It back IiKii I c0Sl you a sln'Ic penny. t-.Py to FlCddOTWO Cents fumAn"1 J'011 lo send any Mm. " 4We atk you to spend is the jKw ;.v;o-?ent stamp In writing ' VOuwant-lhat V''IU yU ' 2HlhV,?w 0UI" guaranteed rupture Wr,c Trm10"? Clutlie Automatic aK ,?CTls B0 utterly dlffcr-:kr dlffcr-:kr w1 tlInF for rupture HnW1" elohteen Beparatc "Wtw nrJSi ? mKa on an abso- "."MMy P'-otect. you ;Bilhiv v, i?m M0 your rupture XWm "ffffl for overcomlna the &yU d0C3 5111 lhat en- The book tells how our guaranteed rupturo holder is ho strengthening and beneficial that physicians in all parts of America now recommend it Instead of advising operation. How it has completely com-pletely cured thousands of people whose cases Hoemed almost hopeless. How It does awav with the curse of belts, leg-straps, leg-straps, and springs. How It is waterproof water-proof and will hold in the bath. How it Is perspiration proof and easily kept clean. Jlow you can try it sixty days without having to risk a penny, and how little it costs If you keep it. This Free Book Is Full of Fact3 Never Before Put In Print. There are so many mistaken Ideas about rupture and what to dp for it that we have taken the time to sum tip In this book all we have learned durlnir forty years of experience. You'll find it full of facts never before PUIt 'ahowJust why clastic and spring trusses are the ruptured man e worst enemies why they are almost sure to shorten your Hfo or make operation necessary why the law should put a stop to their sale. .,.,. It exposes the humbug "appliances, "methods," "plasters." otc. It explains why operation is nearly always a needless gamble with death--and whv, even if you manage to live through it, yu may ha.Vo lo kcop on "ir'shws'why-alxty-days' trial is the only way in tho world you can make absolutely sure of anything for rupture and how the Cluthe Truss le the only Oiiiir vou can (jet on such a long trial "cause the only thing oood enough to etand u dflv-aftcr-day te3t. nnn't fall to get thU book don't put 11-thS minute It takes you to write for It may freo you from trouble for he rest of vour life. Jut us0 the coupon cou-pon or simply say in a letter or postal "Send, me your book. . THIS BRINGS IT Box 30 CLUTHE COMPANY 125 East 23rdcSt.NEW YORK Send me your. Free Book and Trial Offer. N Name - Address Deep-seated coughs that resist ordinary ordi-nary remedies require both external and internal treatment. If you buy a dollar bottle of Ballard's Horehoiind Syrup you got the two remedies you need for the price of one. There is a Hernck's Red Pepper Porous Plaster for the chest, freo with each bottle. Sold by Schramm-Johnson, Drugs, "The .Nevor-Substitutors," five (5) good stores. (Advertisement.) Constipation Poisons; You. If you aro constipated, 3our entire system is poisouod by tho waste matter mat-ter kept in tho body serious results often follow. Use "Dr. King's New Life Pills and you will soon get rid of constipation headache and other troubles. bchramm-Johnson, Dru"S, "The Never-Substitutord," fivo (o) good stores. (Advertisement.) j SMART SHOP I Christmas Suggestions I Most beautiful and useful gifts 1 J from the daintiest article to the I I j most magnificent. , ill I Fur Coats, Fur Sets, separate 1 fancy Scarfs and Muffs in all I I the latest effects. I I Silk Hosiery, Corsage Bouquets, i Jewelry Novelties, Head-dress- j es, Blouses and Neckwear. 1 II i Christmas Specials in Suits, B .".-...'v-.. v Gowns and Coats.- li Cure Your Cold While You Can. More real danger lurks jn a cold than in auy other of tho "minor ailments. Tho safe way is to take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and rid yourself of tho cold ns quickly as possible. Por sale by all dealers, (Advertisement.) Dr. K riarvcy Roof, Dept. 977, Station N, Hi New York. ID UN j GREAT REDUCTIONS IN I 1 GAMS and PICTURES AT GREAT REDUCTIONS I OPEN EVERY EVENING Hj Deseret News Book Store I I The Leading Book Concern No. 6 Main Street I H |