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Show BASEBALL FANS WATCH 1 FOUR NEW MANAGERS 1 Ghance, Stallings, Carrigan, Rickey and Robinson Will-be -on Trial Before High Court of l - ' the Game Next Season. ... By PRANK G. MENKE. NEW YORK, Dec. 20. Tho eyes of the baseball public just now lire focused fo-cused in the general direction of Messrs. Chance, Stallings, Carrigan, .Rickey aud Robinson, and voices aro " "Wliat-'ll you fellows do in 1914?" Anybody who can answer that question ques-tion just "now will come mighty cIoho to forecasting just what the finish will be in both leagues next October. The above mentioned quintette constitute con-stitute tho "dark horse" dement in the major leagues,, and thn eleven rival managers aro having nightmares these winter evenings worrying over just what those five follows will do. Of the five, Robinson is tho only one who will make his first tow as1 manager man-ager iu April, 1014; Tho, other four handled the managorial reins for all or part of the 3913 -season. But their work was only of experimental nrf-turo, nrf-turo, nothing upon which to base an accurate .eshinato of fheir strength when ouco they get, under iray, as Hall they are expected to do next-year. Chance, chief of the down-trodden lilill Yankees, is expected to lead an ud- Willi lift movement - next summer that will Sm cause heaps of troubles for all baseball lH i Fprsons who aspire to places in the Wm irst division. Chance took over the njfii Yankees last year when they stacked ilP; up as about the worst aggregation ever Mm given tho title of a baseball club. Hfil' Tho uso of the pruning knife enabled illlSl Chanco to rid himself of lots of excess uttll baggage, and the wide-open purse of wlml Owner Farrell enabled him to got to- gcther a fast infield aud a speedy out- ImP!' field. The. Yankees just now" look mm weak iu th pitching box, but some of ralisi Chance's recruits may develop into WU I finds. If they do tho Yanks will bear m watching. Wm Carrigan, at tho head of the Red ijjltf Sox. will have practically the same team ffljjS I thaf. grabbed tho American league pen- HPS nant and tho world's championship in Mm 1912. Perhaps tho f-eain nas dismtc- Hill grated; perhaps tne old fire and spirit nlll that carried Iheni to the crest of base- Mm 9 ball in .1912 is gone. Without it, Car- Hi I rigan cannot be uxpoctod to cut a very Hull wide swath in the American league, fSflfli even though he has somo of the great,- Mm est stars of the game on his roster, jig Red Sox Contenders. JjfH But the 1913 slump, which finally mM caused tho "canning" of Jaku ."Stnlil . aud the appointment of Carrigan may Jfcl not carry through into next year. Per- jl If haps it came only, in the. naturo of a B reaction, a relaxation, that usunlly fol- Hi ' lows all terrific strains. If the Red HaS Sox do "come back" next summer, fill tkoi-'ll.be up around the top all tho yji vear, giving tho Athletics, Senators and Mis Naps, looked upon now as tho three BB - contenders for the 1914 pennant, a III merry little tussle for to piece of II J bunting and a slice of tho world series u . melon. w ' Robinson, lho new Brooklyn1 man- 11 tiger, fell heir to n mighty cood ball QfS club one of first division caliber if it Mm can got a nood infieldor and another mjll pitcher. The Dodgers Inst spring llffl ayed championship ball, but the lack Will of oiio reliable pitcher to asaistt Ruckcr yul and Ragon proved their undoing. As WMi soon as Ruckor and. Ragon, worn out by Wi working almost every other day, wero HNl forced to givo way to tho younger and Hm less cnpnblo slnbstera tlio Dodgera fait- Bjn ered ami fell. , Mm Robinson is regarded as one ot the Ml A j, i great developers of young pitchers in H I i tho country. Tcrhnps he can tote his Off (youthful slabuieu to tho training camp I ! next spring and dovelop them into U fl i I. steady. consistent workers, but Mr;. "Bobbv'' would feel much easier in By mind if ho could secure by trade or pur- B 1 J ! chase just another seasoned twirler. U HI f; 'the Tanner deal stands, Robinson's m- M J, field problem is splvod. U 1 Branch Rickey will lead tho "streak U ft , bustimr" Browns next year. Ho stepped 9U I into the luananCrial shoo after Goorgo U ! Stovall was lifted out of them late m W U ); tho summer. Tho "St. Louis outfit nover mm has been a dangorous factor iu any Xj pennant race since 190S. but thoy are MM Jl something of an uncertain quantity this i ; vear, although it's a 100 to 1 bet that Mllf: thev won 't crab tho bunting. . j-Wf Tho Browns drew about thirty I players in the recent drafts, and somo ! ( 1 of thorn wero amoug tho host men that ttji& ravorted in tho bushes last season. Hui Most of them will show up as flivers DBA in bier leaguo company, but Rickey may Hfj J be nble to pick about fiva or six good Hji in on from the bunch.. HR: May Brace Browns. . H ' ! Given somo now blood, .Rickor may 'weld together a team that wilb furnish . I moro trouble than tho Browns over Tn', have given before. Tho Browns, as FJff many may remember, have for manv , BM vears pobscsscd the happy faculty of mm, bronking whining streaks. Ball clubs ' van" go along amassing great records, mm whipping evcrv other team m tho mm leaguo, and then when thoy como to mm tho Bruwns they go down nnd out. It's tho sume with record-breaking pitchers. mm, Stalling is tho most feared manager M in tho National leaguo. Ho took hold Mm. of tho Braves last year after they had jBf tlouudcrod for years in aud around the mm 1 cellar position, infused somo of his own Jmw lighting. spirit into them, fired a fow wVJH "has beeus" and "never wussers,-" mmU and built up a team that played won- B'fl derful baseball throughout tho year ffHR and foilght to the. bitter finish in every Hl'M istallings next season will bo Rfl strengthened by a fow young pitchers ffflil and some fielding recruits. Ono or two fU may develop into good ball playorp. If IffBffn thev -do. Stallings will have a team that HBl will give a fight all tho way to the 'flit best in tho league. In Tylor and Par- mmm duo ho has two great pitchers. In VB Maranvilla he has ono of ,tho greatest MMM shortstops in tho game. Ho has HI schooled his men thoroughly in Jeam fHtl work, and they arc due to demonstrate UBil Its effect next'sonson. ffaVll |