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Show Iw you give money Swr Christmas, make qK in the form of a SMvings ac- p unt. Jm ,5jR)ur gift will $pl JjBeadily in- ase if al- dfW Sain. It will MMflcourage 0 lpbitsof thrift jM S . d aid in the Lu j P'g! formation of S j'rS Character. g j yWith each Christ. LUlMl'jj Iran mjMP savings account ,. , 4 i i i j (j I Hi' fflWed a handsome iff 333 rl d t f? lIHibank may bo on- V Y- fgWhtfi froc. JlBC B B g 0 Bigg Walker pflfff Brothers Mm jankers s!8f iBwcst Intcnnoiuitain Bank 'Mi "A Tower of Strength" . BEX THEATER 'ML Today and Monday Only. "BACK TO LIFE." tnvo.pari Victor drama, with Warren 'fpt't'Euu In strong part as western ':.utcusl ifformcd bv descried wife '.'HP' punblrr . "By Fate's Decree.'' '(?to'e.rl Ludnanl In Rex drama. Thief ! Jiii'ls sivcclliearfs body when 't lob'olnc; lioutf. iHtir "Retribution." ) 'ailfice Held in Xestor drama. Mcxi- can deepcrado killed in mine. tSKl , 'Mike and Jake In Mexico." Woinr comeily. Army defeated with rcil pepper. , "Pearl's Hero." 1, .?M!'rmal fomcdy. 'I'rnnip In stolen uni-hP-iB "" cicrtatncd as army officer. j m' Continuous, 1 to 11 p. in. nf.-'Bi SPECIAL ATTRACTION. 11'' "ARIZONA." December 25-2G-27. i ntlML A Powerful visualization of Amor. IcIvKr 6 Kreatext play, tnsed under the V iKf.0"al 'llrcctloti of the author, An-l An-l ?"uh Thomas. Seven reels. L'10 1 'JM-Ci!.4 150 acloiti. All-star cast, with W Imto"? cotl ''ls "ncnton." Gall Kano as and H. D. Blakcmore. for-fBy-"y of ?alt Lalco. as "Dr. Fcnlon." lSBS5rcitlc'' Presentation than is possl-iBCm.0" possl-iBCm.0" Hny s,nerc. Outdoor scttlnij .Ml I'Inied scenery. Ko adwince jyn prlcca. 'V W'W collects WfmW&SS? "'Jf People Prank Knox. President. WlBc y?nlv' v'c Pres. 1 Lnch Vice Pres. IB f?'9' Cashier. I IP16 National Bank of the JB Republic. JKltii Unltetl Statca Depository. IHwi?, nJ Undivided Pront3.. 325,000 'Tw''".. E.000.000 iHl inirti. n'hoo regourenc. equipment Jmfi the 0 .connections cnablo it to ox ZHBloritir.i)t'3 Possible service to every KfflBu vk. brol:er. morchant and indl- KyCf?I1.a rntmber of tho Salt Lak F 'rlnt; Houso. j AOCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE Ivor tVntury printing. You caw gel the 'ccimino article at 231 -S.i bdisou fet. j b fAdcrllronicut.) "Al" vi rites: "I should like a pood, reliable treatment Tor the hair and sculp. Fomcthlnp llml will cure dandruff and stop falling hair, also euro an Itching' scalp." AiiRv.er: Tho most reliable treatmoui for the .scalp ls sold In I oz. Jars sit any drug store, and Is called plain yellow inlnyol. It Is superior lo anytlilni known for tho Kcalp. It jjlvcs new vigor and iKilps the linlr to keep its natural color. This will positively cure your dandruff, and stop the itching of the scalp. "Harry M." writes-. "I am o.uite tall ii nd do not weigh cnongji for my height. Am very nervous and my skin is very pale." Answer: You ran readily Increase vour weight by taking three grain hypo-nu-clanc tablets regularly for several months. These l;ibli;t.s will also overcome nervousness, nervous-ness, help digestion and assimilation aud thus improve the color of the skin. Many report gaining 10 to .10 pounds with improved im-proved health In every way. The tablets are packed in ueal.'d cartons with directions direc-tions and are widely prescribed for your ailment. "I'oor Ann" writes: "Evorv winter I am troubled with slight attacks of rheumatism. rheu-matism. 1 have tried many things, but with no avail." Answer: Tho best thing for rheumatism Is made by mixing the following ingredients ingre-dients and taking a teaspoonful at incal times and again at bedtime: Iodide of potassium. 2 drams: sodium salicylate. 4 drams; wine of colehicum, J ounce; comp. essence curdlol, 1 oz.; rump, fluid balm wort, 1 oz., and syrup sarsaparllla comp. 5 07.. "Mrs. A. C." writes: "My little daughter daugh-ter lias a very bad cold and cough which wc do not seem able to even relieve. What shall I do?" Answer: Purchase a 2i oz. bottle of essence mentho-laxcne and make a syrup according to directions given and your daughter will bo cured within a few davs. This is very pleasant to take and will drive the cold out of the system. "P. P. C." writes: "If you can prescribe pre-scribe something to prevent an attack of appendicitis, please do so. I have constipation, con-stipation, sour stomach, headache and am weak and listless with pains after eating." Holiday Rates to Ogdcn Via Bamberger electric line, 41.10 round trip. Tickets on sale December 19 to 25, inclusive. December HI to January Jan-uary 1. Return limit January 5. (Advertlfcmcnt.) CONSULTATION AND PARTICULARS OFFERED YOU FREE. Now lit the time to brglu treatment If you aro lck. Do no tufter a dny lonR.T. Thousands aufforlni; front uturrh, bronchial trouble, tluouL trouble, Iuiik trouble, chtunlc coti'nh, tubcrculoAl or consumption, anlnni, hay fovcr. nmlarla. kiomnch titiubto, indlRCatlou. con-Kllpatlou. con-Kllpatlou. torpid liver. KJBtiltb, pllcu, dUrrliofa, ftulM. heart dltc-are. tkln dlifase. ectcma, H.'tof-ul:t, H.'tof-ul:t, femlo trouble. t)-rvouMiet, InromnU. obrlt. kldnpv trouble, bladder tniuhlo. lumbiRO. HrlglilV dlnojso. dinbeto. r.'ieiimntli'tn, nriiralgla. dropty. dlxxlncM. headache. ncrrouM dehilllr In iijeti and many other vbronlo dbcatcs havo been rovorfd to health and happlnck without pohion-1 otiA dniR'. or tho knife by the Yec Foo Lun, C. 1 II. D., fhlttffo Herb Treatment. I C'olipuliailon free at the Yee Foo Lun. C. II. D.. ' Chineee Heib fu-tltute 11? 8 Miilu, upilalr. by Iin.-'.ffntttij; thl notice. (Advprlljeinout.) BELL BAKERY! I 61 EAST FIRST SOUTH. 1 We Sell Genuine Fruit Cake 25c per Pound 1 .for the Holidays Only I Three 5c loaves Mothers Broad, 10c. I The questions answered below are general gen-eral In character; the symptoms or diseases dis-eases are given and the answers should apply to any case of similar nature. Those wiBhlns further .-idvlce. fre. may address Dr. "Lewis Baker, Collcg Building'. Collcfte-Ellwood streets. Dayton. Day-ton. O., Inclosing sclf-addrcwcd. stamped envelope for reply. Full name and address ad-dress must be given, but only initials or fictitious name will be used in my answers. an-swers. The prescriptions can be filled at any well-stocked dn.tr store. Any druggist drug-gist can order of wholesaler. Answer: Tho eat treatment for disordered dis-ordered stomach and bowcla. due to Indigestion, In-digestion, is tablets trlopeptlne, sold in scaled cartons with full directions. "Energy'' writes: "Lf.t me say that my condition nuzzles and worries mc. In the laHt year l seem to have been growing grow-ing oltl . nipldly, though only 3S. Iy food and sleep do not recuperate my strength and energy, and lately I have dizzy spttllH, trembling, headaches, loss of appetite, ap-petite, memory and hopefulness. Do-1 Hpondency and worry over my condition arc ever present." Answer: Cheer up, get well and then conserve your vitality by proper, temperate temper-ate living. Obtain three grain eadomcite Utblets In scaled tubes with full direc-tionK, direc-tionK, use them and art agreeable, pleasing pleas-ing restoration should cnauo to your entire en-tire satisfaction. ".Miserable" asks: "I was miserable all through the summer last year on account ac-count of being too fat. Can you plcuse help nte to reduce with something harmless?" harm-less?" Answer: Hundreds of persons who are loo fat suffer. It ls needless suffering. The discovery of the principles contained in Fi-graln arbolonc tablets, make It comparatively com-paratively easy to reduce from 10 to GO poundn. These excellent tablets aro put up in Healed tubes with directions for sclf-admlnlstratlon. "Gwendoline" writes: "Kindly tell me what to do. I suffer with liver, kidney and stomach trouble. Am constipated and have slight attacks of biliousness." Answer: For your stomach, liver and kidneys, lake three grain sulpherb tablets tab-lets (not sulphur). These little tablets itrc packed in sealed tubes and contain full directions for using. They will purify pur-ify the blood and act directly on tho liver and kidneys, and if taken regularly will gradually effect a relief for all aliments that arise from chronic constipation. "Wife": Incontinence or bedwetting In c hildren Is usually corrected by using the following In 10 to 15 drop doses In water wa-ter one hour before meals: Tincture cu-bebs, cu-bebs, 1 dram; tincture rhus aromatic 2 drams; comp. fluid balmwort 1 oz. Mix well. "C. U." writes: "I have a very troublesome trou-blesome case of catarrh of the head and thront. I suffer annoyance and embarrassment embar-rassment very keenly. Can you give me something to stop this trouble?" Answer: Use dally a nostril wash and gargle made with antiseptic vilano powder. pow-der. Obtain a two or eight ounce box of It and use It according to tho directions direc-tions enclosed. (Advertisement.) SALT LAKE THEATER XMAS ATTRACTION. Monday Night and All Week. Matinees Wed. and Sat, 2:15 Xmas Matinee Thursday THE" GREATEST SENSOTi THE STAGE MAS EVER. KNOWN! stMERJCW rSY COMPANY CAKCff S-ZWW -KAjWGM DIRECTOR. rZESBNTS" WLZSy jSii jts clean i its human! its american! PRICES: Evenings and Thurs. and I Sat. Mats,, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 and 50c, WEDNESDAY MATINEE, $1.50 TO 50c. AT THE COLONjAL I ANTAGEC B Unequaled Vaudeville ON BROADWAY H NOW PLAYING, k The Five Bragdons, the American I ml Trumpeters, Dorothy Vaughan, I wrt Robert Carter and Kathryn Wa- Gjj ters, Bobby Robblns, Piccolo ! Kg Midgets. ! u& Throe performances dally. ;:;0. mf 7. CO. t'.liJ. Prices, 10c. U0c. 30c. U .Matlnt-e, 1200 seats, 10c mmmwtmmmmw 3 Days. Com. Mon., Dec. 22nd, The Famous Emotional Actress, FLORENCE ROBERTS, In "SAPHO." In six reels. After the World-Famous Book by Alphonse Daudct. With Special Music by the AMERICAN CONCERT ORCHESTRA. Professor J, J, McClellan, Conductor. POSITIVELY NO ADVANCE IN PRICES. Continuous performances dally from 12 noon to 11 p. m. lefiosy Theater TODAY AND TOMORROW. Sclls's Marvelous Wild Animal Masterpiece. "IN THE MIDST OF THE JUNGLE." A rtcccselon to the Primitive. In Three Thrilling Acts. Kssanay Rural Drama, "IN THE HOSS COUNTRY." , L'ibfn ComodleF. "THE TRAMP POLICE." 'TROUBLES OF AN ACTOR,'' "Do It Electrically" "Ah! The Radiant Grili explains all the seeming magic of electric m cooking." J See them at your electric supply M dealers show rooms. They make beautiful Christmas remem- 1 brances. I Utah Light and Railway Company "Electricity for Everything" 1 I WEEK OF SUNDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 14. Iju "SO MUCH FOR SO MUCH" I BY WILLARD MACK sltj A play that vlll make you sit up and take notice. fflw Prices 25c, 50c, 75c. Matinees Thursday and Saturday, 15c, 25c, 50cc MfS Next, "THE VIRGINIAN." WM Xo advance In price for Christmas matinee. mm HrrWfWBffffl'Tyi"TffffffWWffHPBBl Hiu A GREAT CHRISTMAS BILL. Hi Mi&s Kathryn Kidder In Her Creation, the Character of "Madame Pans Gene," In the New Playlet, 91' "THE WASHERWOMAN DUCHESS." Slj THE THREE ELLISONS BLANK FAMILY Mil Presenting to Music Longfellow s Continental Champions of Double jMJ Immortal I'oetn. "The Village Juggling. m Blacksmith." KQj THE TWO CARLTONS fflfM The Coined v t-ong Writers Phlegmatic Gymnasts. Mm Harry Billy Mffl ARMSTRONG AND CLARK THE KELLI DUO Hi Singing Their Latest Creations. hupcrb Artists on the Accordcon. jMOl CHUNG HWA COMEDY FOUR ORPHEUM MOVING PICTURES. Chlneso Exponents of Harmony - - IHl! and Fun. Orpheum Concert Orchestra. SS Evening 'Prices 10-25-50. 75c, Box Seats. 51.00. Matinees dally. 10.25.50c. MM Night Performance, 8:15. Matinee Dally, 2:15. Bfl HOME OF THE WORLD'S BEST VAUDEVILLE. W I SULLIVAN-OONSIDINB Greater Advanced Vaudeville. H today, 2:30. 7:30. 9:15. Beginning Wednesday nflah, 2ec. 24 H NOW PLAYING: "pfiliRT ry giri V1 The OUNOE1N TROUPE OUUKI DI lalMLd Thc Acme of Grnce nnd Aglllty-Sensa. 10 Singing and I tlonal Cyclists Dancing Girls 10 i Lewis t Norton Cullcn Brothers Bfl 'Nature's Nobleman" In Exponents of Eccen- Bali Lowrle L Gardner "0n W,th the Da"cc" r' Pcdalry Bl Anthonv &. Ros- Maglln. Eddy &. Roy Added Attraction ! Empress Orchestra Selections Empress Orchestra ll THOSE NEVER CHANGING EMFRES5 MATINEE DAILY " PRICES 10c 20c, 30c. 500 Parquet Seats " ASSESSMENT NO. 6. O. IC Sliver Mlnlnjf & Milling com pany; principal place of business. Salt Lake City. Utah: location of mines. Indian In-dian Springs, Tooele county, Utah. N'otlco Is hereby given that a meeting meet-ing of the board ot directors of O. K. Sliver Mining : Milling company, held on the 21st day of November, 1013. assessment No. f. of one-half (i) cent pr share whs levied upon tho capital stock of the corporation. Issued and outstanding, out-standing, pajable Immediately to the ctje-retary ctje-retary at his office. 1-35 Ueck street. Salt Lake City. Utah. Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on "Wednesday, the HH 31st day of December. 1913, vrlll be do- Hfl llnqucnt and advertised for fale at pub- lie auction, and unless payment Is niado Hfl before, will be sold on Satunlay. tho jH ! 17th day of January. 1014. at 10 o'clock mm a. m.. at the secretary's office, to pay the iHKI dellnmient assessment thereon, together jH with the costs or advertising aud ex- 'HN penao of sale. Hl R. M HOLT. Bl Secretary. Hi 1'irol publication Dec 1. 1D13- hlS BJ |