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Show WILL CONSTRUCT I FREIGHT YARDS I HT CHURCH Fill I Definite Announcement Made H by Denver & Rio Grande H as to Big Improve- GH ment. H WORK IS TO BEGIN AT AN EARLY DATE 1 Double Tracking Between 1 Thistle and Provo Also 8 Being Pushed by a "w js Big Force. 1 ' The first definite announcement of the IO intention of the Denver &. Klo Grande to m construct big freight yards at tho old HM Church farm, southwest of tho city, iu El order to relievo the congestion In the Of city yards, was made yesterday by op- l crating officials of the road. "While It HE has been generally understood that shops HE were to be ' built by the road at mc Kn Church .farm, officials say that t. , ffl nothing definite regarding these p.'. - and m nothing will be known certainly ,. r.- Ing.the shops until nfter the UWcciys ' meeting In January. "Word was received : M yesterday, however, that the freight yard iu a certainty. 1 Jflj. News Just Received. Hi News of the road's Intention to build I K new yards was received from Dcnvor by jfj local officials. It was stated that tho H land between f00 and 600 aeres pur- jm chased about six years ago will bo utilized Wf for the purpose. The plans call for IC.000 fflj e'et of track and sidings. D. &. R. G. Mi officials say this will greatly facilitate , HI the movement of trains In the Salt Lako k II freight yards. They say that ..the nw Hi yards .arc the only Improvement p( .the H coming budget that lias been announced IjK as a certainty, although It Is likely that H all the promises mnde by President I3usb ffH 'will be carried out by the directors. H Hurrying Up Work. I It was officially stated yesterday that ;h the Denver & Rio Grnnde is crowding .'9 men and teams Into tho district pierced j I by the new doublo track between Thistle I and Provo. Tho force has Just been in- II creased to between 500 and 600 men. and I live steam shovels and several "dinky" B engines are now at work on the grading j H The object of the additional forces Is to ill get the grading finished by March 1. It ill was also announced yesterday tliat the If track will be entirely completed and M trains operating over it by Juno 1. Hi . "When completed, the Denver &. Rio In Grande will have nineteen miles more H double track. It also makes posslblo a iljj lower grade on tho eastbound main Hue, In averaging about 65 per cent. j Coal Output Increasing. Mil That tho principal reason for the 1m- II provements on the road Is tho Increase ff In the coal output of Utah Is the state- H ment made by D. & R. G. oftlclals. Thoy I say this increase totaled 40 per cent In I October; 3S per cent last month, and will. I perhaps, be higher this month. They III estimate Utah's 191.1 coal production at H 3,500,000 tons and declare that, every doi- HI lar spent for coal comes back to tho state In the form of money paid out to employees. Hi Recalls Promises of Bush. H .President Bush.- when ho was the guest H of honor nt a banquet at tho Commercial Hn club on the evening of November 15. ftHfl made a throo-fold protnlEe to Utah, a a jjBn 1. The construction of the largest shops on the entire Gould system. H 2. Tho increase of the coal pro- !! ductlon in Utah from :t.000,000 tons ! to 12,000,000 tons annually within the next five years. i J 3. Tho electrification of 325 miles IHI of the Denver & Rio Grande railway U from Grand Junction to Salt Lake. The announcement by Mr. Bush was wildly cheered by the -00 business men who 'attended the banquet. No announcement was made at that .HJH time of tho Intention of building a freight. yard at the old Church farm, but suc.i construction is believed to be.' but the MJH forerunner of tho building of the shops IBS promised bv CMr. Bush and to mark the boglnnlng o'f construction activity by the l road on a big scale- In the state. |