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Show ILLEGAL SALE OF GOODS IS ALLEGED J. A. Clark, aged I0, a carpenter, and Tom Martin, 30, a barber, were arrested yesterday by Motorcycle Patrolman W. H. Ilcndrlckson when It was found that thoy were selling inner tubes for automobile tires which, it Is alleged, did not belong to them. There were thirty-two inner tubes, valued val-ued at from JS to 512 each, In the box found in the possession of Clark and Martin. The police bcliovo that the box had either been taken or lost from n freight car. The tubes were of Goodrich make and, according to the marks, which had not been disfigured on the box. were consigned to the Diamond Tire company agency, the address of which, could not bo learned. Martin and Clark told the police that they had got the tubes by mistake. It was found that several of the tubes had been sold to the Guarantee Tire & Rubber company, 129 South Main street. |