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Show MYOR'S WALNUT OIL Solar to Gray Hairor Board ill ttjQitr frAia llshlral brown ( S jrrrrltiUrk ultfaliMblmtiri, Mch lk lntrllorlou. ji.-rpirailori, nature's I s pure icrucJj, jioillli.lr b.rralm, 1 fi.ll.T pp1lcJ- it nr. noltUIn Ihx.kla, i ortuhotlon lhcillot. The oil li'ltit 1 IburtKd "111 CKUte rutrr hlrt"ffor V -ofl nd fcf iltlij', prrUllj dMribW J for lidlr carllDR nlili Lai Iran vlll noi ;flt color. HcrM for Ultimo-V Ultimo-V Kll from HAliUKtlS nd people vtlnc fell It- Aik jour Jnifrlit fork or vriieat. Ml IVUebf nll po-lpilil, trll.lrr.cU H lirxr,(reblolt'.'Sl.lU. AiUrett. k Mayor Walnut Oil Co. Kansas Clly, Mo.U.S. delusively by Scliramm-John-3 drug stores, the never sub. a dealers of pure drugs . red at Home by New sorption Method. ufler from bleeding. Itchlns. otrudin,; Plies. Bend mo your d I will tell you how to cure anHm0-y,tho new absorption and will also send somo of til ment free for trial; with ref-il ref-il your owp locality If renucnt-lte renucnt-lte relief and permanent cure end no money, but tell others ;r Write today to Mn. M. 3px P. Kotro Dame, Ind. (Aar.-t)atmrntl adler Mercantile Co. 1 121 SOUTH MAIN, SALT LAKE CITY. Phones WasJitch 415 and 440. I Wholesale and Retail Liquor Merchants agents I Holidail Crigler & Oiglcr Old Special Stock, I y J 2-year-old Whisky. q. m e Yellowstone and it. Vernon specially ! Solicited We malfe a Specialty of Imported and Domestic Brandies, Wines and Beers j hmi for Family Trade. K DELIVERY MADE TO ANY PART OP Jyk THE CITY. I - Mail Orders Given PrornpL Attention. Tango dancing for afternoon teas, socials, entertainments, by Woodward academy, 31 Main street. (Advertisement.) f Gifts of Flowers I e irit of Christmas I iMT-r ctt S giving is wonderfully ex- I OAeijlOIVWK J pressed in Gifts and I fllS (jfihe Mft Flowers, which carry with If them a message so ap- I 1SLIDTniTO2S JrS pealing to people of taste I jrfS JSP am refinement. Here you Jgjt (SfcplPltr will find the most un- I cML usual ideas that are at I the same time correct and IH An artistic Basket or Hamper filled I 1 with the finest of Cut Flowers or I 9 Combinations of Growing Plants. 1 Cj A rare Blooming Plant in a fancy 9 pot or receptacle. S Splendid long-stemmed American I U Beauties or a Box of Roses. I jl Exquisite Corsages, which will be in jl 9 vogue for every Holiday social affair. B. C. Morris HUtiDART I I Floral Co. Floral Co. I 52 E. Second South. 62 South Main Street. if Phone Wasatch 853 Phone Wasatch 106. 100 BEAUTIFUL STAND LAMPS J to go before Xmas I ONE-THIRD OFF ON ENTIRE LINE, f Values you will appreciate. 1 CENTRAL ELECTRIC CO. I Phorrc Wasatch 280. 141 K. Broadway. I I 111 DENTAL CO.i (IWjWAS 112 MAIN STREET, Jsf&J(CAi'. Honest Work j Myl W Honest Pricea ! f, Painless xtrnctlon or teeth or so p7 f i All work punranteKl. I PAINTING frffAlSOMltflNfr. m mREMEAM"RU , 1 1 We Treat You Right. 1 i Residence, 115 Center Street. Offlco nouns: 8;J0 . ra. to 6 o. m. 1 H I ?undayn. 10 to 1. Phon n. H Savory Delicious I Pluni r.ri' Fruit I Puddings Cakes 1 4 ' In Our Delicatessen I We have a complete line of Christmas I Pastries prepared after the "Famous Old Yule Tide Recipes" you have heard grandmother -j describe, but have never tasted. Order from I us and you'll be sure your Christmas Desserts are right. Vf;p; fl For the Weary Shopper I We still continue those delightful afternoon lunch- U eons. Everything to please the appetite, at prices H more reasonable than the rest. I Sg3' MORRISON I BAKERY COMPANY I TWO PLACES OF BUSINESS Z H (( Service i) 158 South Main and f Quality 11 H -J)J Corner of Main and First South. nIZI I sCr Be Sure It,s Morrison's,, ,J I |