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Show PROPERTY I IN COUNTY jSPRDMlSiNG Salt Lake Man in Charge of New Work Near Cedar City. REPORT IS FAVORABLE Chloride Canyon Mining Company Installs Machinery to Facilitate Work. C. 0. ITathaway, mining expert of this j city, was called to Trnn county lastj fal to examine the holdings of the! Chloride Canyon fining company near Cedar City. He made a careful examination exami-nation of tho proporty, and his report has had the effect of arousing anew the enthusiasm of .T. B. liickards and his Iron county associates, who have held the claims a number of years. Tho claims were known to bo rich in silver and lead, but sufficient capital for tho proper operation of thc mine has been lacking. 'Following Mx. Hathaway Hath-away 's report, however, work has been resumed and now machinery is now being installed preparatory to working tho prospect on a largo scale. Tho mam ledge of ore that tho company com-pany had been working on runs cast and west through the entire holdings. Mr. Hathaway discovered that another ledge, just as rich in ore, intersects the first at right angles. It is safe to assume, says a writer in tho Iron Couu-ty Couu-ty Observer, that at the intersection of these two ledges of ore will be found the mother lode, and it is with this object in view that tho company is running a now tunnel. Mr. Hathaway, who has had extensive mining experience in Colorado, the Black Ilills and other mining localities, is superintending the work. |