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Show GOOD FELLOWS 1 'TOM LIST More Than Six Hundred Poor Children Are Now Assured of a Happy Christmas. GOOD WORK, HOWEVER, IS STILL GOING ON More Good Fellows Needed to Take Care of the Small Army of Little Lit-tle Ones. ilorc than bOO poor cluldrcn, who otherwise would wake to empty stockings stock-ings noxt Thursday morning, have already al-ready been taken in the care of Good Fellows. 'But the worthy ones are not all cared for yet. There must be more Good Fellow volunteers in the next three days or there will bo childish tears in sad little cj'es that gazo on empty stockings Christmas morning. If you, Good Follow, could drop into tho office of the chief ruler for half an hour and read over a few of the pathetic lettors out of the scores that conio in, you couldn't start out soon enough. Think, as you sit in) your warm, comfortable home, of eight children in a home without sufficient food to go around, without even a floor in the hovel tli 03- call home, the tiny tors without underwear, yes, without overcoats over-coats without almost everything but threadbare cnlic'o dresses and old, worn-out worn-out summor suits. You will Jiorhapsjbe, surprised and say: "Impossible;" suclu conditions could not exist in Salt lako!'"' Do a Little Figuring. But tie' do, Mr. Good Follow, only j you've been too busy to get around and see. lint the chief ruler of the Order of Good Fellows and his assistants have been around and they have found not one, but many cases just as tho ono describod. And the one described de-scribed is right in Salt Lake City. Now stop and think what you spout tho other cveniug when you were out. Count it up. How much underwear would it buy, or wouldn't there have boon enough for some children's shoes and rubbers? There are four little children that were reported to Good Fellow headquarters whoso mother has to keep them out of school because they havon't any shoes to wear! Think ( it over, Good Fellow. You'd novor miss what you spent to help them and think what it means to them. Good Fellow Needs Help. Good Fellow has to work prott' hard during the next few days. He knows ho must provide for all the worthy children. Jlo cannot do it all alone. It may be just your holp that will toll tho story about tho success of the order. Tho ruler don't feel that it ia a success suc-cess unless all the children he has on his lists are provided for. Uo wants your help. Ho wants you to call up Wasatch 1131 tho first thing tomorrow tomor-row morning' and tell him what you will do, Don ?t forget now ho needs your help. And ho doesn't want 3'ou to think you will be required to do a whole lot, he wants you to do just what you think you can do. Good Fellow has been trying to give his candidates namos of children who lived as conveniently as possible to them. But it won't always be possible to do that in the last few days, because be-cause the list is not as large. So if you can't get children in just the locality local-ity you wanted them, take the nearest possible and do Good Fellow a favor. You may get just a little more happiness happi-ness by going further, because those whom you play Santa Claus for may need your help. Ft will be real Good Fellow spirit. The children will appreciate appre-ciate it and so will Good Fellow. Here Is, Sample Letter. Here is a letter than came iu Good Fellow's mail yesterday. It is from ( one of the youngest good fellows, a little girl who has seen povorty and wants someone to help. Slie saya: Dear Santa Close I am n little girl and foal very snry for a family of 7 children, 4 girls and " boys, the blc ! girl Is only 10 years old. the rest all little ones, they live at and thear papa is out of work nnd 1 of the children uro Just getting over sickness. please Santa Close dont forgot them, and no you will to, from a little friend. A woman who is Intensely Intorested in the work of tho Good Fellow order went to that homo yesterday. Sho was shocked by the poverty she found. Santa's little friend had only beirun to describe real conditions. Good Fellows are ncoded there. Cnll up Wasatch 1131 and Good Fellow will toll you about them and what they need. Ilere Is n letter from a tired, hardworking hard-working mother. Sho realizes tlmt sho cannot give her children a Christmas and she nsks for help. Hero Is her letter: Order of Good Fellows' Dear Sirs I am writing to you that (Continued on Pago Five.) GOOD FELLOWS IKE iODITIOiS TO LISTS (Continued from Pago One.) I am alone and not knowing bow to provide for my five children at Christmas. Christ-mas. Santa claus would certainly be welcome. I hope he win not forget us. I do the best I can by working, but find it very hard to pay rent and buy food and so forth, and If you could send something useful, as underclothes, shoes, etc., 1 would be von thankful Indeed. The children are as follows: Fred. 14; Carrie, 12: Oliver, 10; Sigrld. U, and James, I. Good Follov.- has the address. Little Boy Writes. "There Is just mamma and I to make tho living," writes a bravo little eleven-year-old chap to Santa Claus. Hero Is what ho says: Dear Santa Claus I have a brother thirteen that Is older than mo. Ho has tlnj rheumatism and can't write-He write-He tvants a suit of clothes. My Utile brother Jody is- seven and he wants a llro engine. Send is anything you can. for we need everything. There is Just Mamma and I to make the living. I sell papers and mamma does Hewing and washing. So anything we get We will bo thankful for. I am eleven and my older brother is thirteen and my little brother Is seven. Think of it au eleven-year-old breadwinner! bread-winner! Here Is a little girl wlio promises to pay Santa, back when her papa gets well If ho will only bring something for Christmas, Christ-mas, She says; Dear Santa Please do not forget us ' on Christmas. 1 have a Httlo brother 6 years old and two little sisters, one 4 and one 0 years o!6. Wo have not money. My papa Is sick. I will pay you when he gets well. I do not know your address, but I hope this will find you for Httlo brother and sisters soko. Good Fellow iia-'i kept the addresses of tho writers of thoso letters. Ho doesn't want them published, because he want only one Santa Claus for each of them and wants to know when they are provided pro-vided for. But ho will bo glad to glvo their names and addresses to you If you will call him at "Wasatch USt. These letters arc only a few, picked at randbm out of a pllo. Thefo aro children for a lot of Santa Clauses. Are you going go-ing to be one of the Santa Clauses? |