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Show DEAL FOR TINKER IS Flltf SETTLED Ebbetts and Herrmann Agree; ' Reds May Get YingHng and Moran. CINCINNATI? Ohio, Dec. 20. At the couclusiou of a conference here today to-day between President Charles Ebbetts of the Brooklyn National leaguo club aud President August Herrmann of the Cincinnati club, 'it was announced that tho Tinker deal would stand, but that there would bo a big trade in players in connection with it. By tho terms . of tho agreement reached between Ebbetts aud Herrmann, Herr-mann, Tiukcr is to go to Brooklyn for $15.0u0. In addition tho Brooklyn club is to nay Tinker $10,000 after signing with that club. The- agrooment further provider that tho Cincinnati club is to have an option on Pitcher Yingling for iisSSOO, and on Outfielder Moran for $4000. fcecond Baseman Dick Egan of the Cincinnati club was transferred to Brooklyn for The option on Yingling aud Moran is to hold until Jauuary 7- Tinker Is Reticent. OLLTOAGO, Dec. 20. Joo Tinker declined de-clined to commit himself when informed in-formed this afternoon that the Cincinnati Cincin-nati and Brooklyn clubs finally had agreed on his transfer to Brooklyn. He was told that tho clubs, through their presidents, had decided that he was to get a .$10,000 bonus when ho signed with Brooklvn. but said he would make no decision 'until he had been notified officially of tho consummation of tho deal. Ho said ho did not expect to moot libbctts at Indianapolis tomorrow, tomor-row, as he planned to do, unless ho was again askud to do so by tho Brooklyn president. , . . President Murphy of the Chieugo. Nationals Na-tionals expects to go to Cincinnati .tomorrow .to-morrow to discuss a possible Cub-Rod deal Monday with Manager Herzog.' |