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Show HE DOCTORS WHO CURE "ifllfctefet DO NOT LOSE hope oecause others Eczems SSSi cdJHn ETcn thoucb -ou have treated a lone tlmo and receded riila atfllctloa often balnea th (fcSf aSBH bm- no benefit. Dra. Bboroa & Shores offer you tho result of tMu ot tho reculor doctor-and tries 7 "aJ , tbclr Twenty Teart" oxclualve Specialty jiractlce an hon- the patlanee of the tpeclallat but our -iKt. tat opinion cn your cao FREE, and a core, If U10 case method! have proven ueoew,tul la so P tVva ' u Kfa ! curable. many caafa that no matter who ban jp. CSSl tm w mm Catanh of Head and Throat aft .ttcSi3..jj sr; , JhC UbJK. explain our method ot treUment free IF - ?W 9 mrnrr This fena of catarrh la wort com- of charge. OM.wj.UUon aKay. f.-ea. M- y CURES Koa-aually rwtltine from neglected SpcclatIes nhiimalm C & t f WU"Ll? coldn. Succcaifully treated -with UtUo ctarrn Rheumatism SjfcA 2M STAY br Dr, ShW UtlT Deafness, if yoa .re hob- U 1 filjV '1 g4R 1, your noa atoppea up? Head Nolssa, Mtae Bbout wlth CURED D0M TBr &lKTLr Hnv Fever rhcuIMll C - jjfimL a. I9 your noae or. and todert Rhumatfsm " rufforlns tor- . "'feA J OFFICE in there paia in froat of tho heedT Rheumatism, wr- Uon ,nlUm $$5J ZZZB&SZ&itt HOURS: Do tou hawlt and clear the throat: taatory rh.umatliii &Sg2 WFT 9 m. to 5 Ia your throat dry In th. BornUt ,'a, a f A -TM: W P. m.: even- do you .leop with your mouth open t Mmna'( &uSent to W A I mi LV Jnga. 7 to f; yov f o,, .jrao to bo curad-doa't Epilepsy and Ihia painful aiflic ) if&&? mSmtTTT- Sundays, 10 w it rta Into complications. othcr chronic Hon. 77, . w jVWj.A. J. shorea. to 12. HP ears Dloeaoea Ur' u w- shor' -JLW A4--U 0F H 7 . of the STOMACH AND LIVER iMiM? k9blXllcl Catarrh often caleada from th 6k, Blood, K ou nave dtatreu and bloatlnt after rtMcr. bu. .7 .7 , U.roat, aJons the EuatcJiUn tubea tomach don't neclect treatment. Catarrh fnW the , I5M"UlS?ac- a? - Itslo the ears, canatng partlaJ I or com- fj""' of the atomaeh la a most common ailment. J!l4bl, dl'''a of thUi pIll0 deiinea. Io jour bearlnc fall- Bowels, ka6 cftn bo cur0Ji but Kmi,mbtr a Caneer BfaV hrJ?? .notliorlnt pant- Heart, oI th0 B0niacli wn cannot cure. Do not ;uo tfc?g.,.,0Stt,,n.K fevlPK' Do your eara dlnehari5T "o they bVJ05' rxt'ltt- to "d llvor trouble. Coa- liHt th. iv.71 nlch1, nut ,tit Kldncya, suit doctora that know how o cure. iy. shores . sHomaffils- saaa.--1 - Tr -1 YOUNG MEN For Gonorrhoea and GJeet catPabst'a Olcay Specific. It is tho ONLY medicine which will qnre each and every case. NO CASE known it hits over failed la cure, no matter hoTfscrlons or of how longstanding, Kesults from Its uao will a&toniah yon, . It Is absolutely safo, prevents a trictnruO Aft adcanbe taken wilhont Inconvenience 3i)lBUCiF tad dotendon from business. PRJCEt' For Sale By SCHRAMMUJOHNSON HHIGHESTER S PILLS rr-. THE WIAJIO.NU MIAN'D. X yWA T-oHm1 AiU your VruccliL for f'AS Vr?!l -,hl.ohe-ter5DlamouirTrnnd,VX biiiRfS ,'",s ,n I(cd n1 UoI Dirt3ll!cvV Tv Mj?3 boxt iMtol with DIuo Ribbon. VX TH V W Take no olber. liar of yonr I if DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, far SB A 93 yeirt known uBeit.St(cst, Always RelUbU TrzF SOIOBV DRUGGISTS EVERVBIEgfi UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM TIME CARD. I EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 13, 1913. Depart. D ally. Arrive. Ogden fPreaton and Logan going). fM 790 A TVT Denver. Omaha. Kansas City. Chicago. Q.nn A TUT I ,6V JA.. iU. (San Francis and Butto also arriving). O.UU A. JWL 7:20 A. M. Ogden. Logan. Preston. 6:50 P. M. 8'ftfl A TW Ogden. Malad. Pocatcllo. Boise, Aahton. n.A -r .UU J. lYl. Intermediate (Montpoller also going). 10:00 P. M. 9:15 A. M. VrIand fciSS0' sacra 6:10 P. M. 12:01 P. M. paclflc Um,c!uccn' maha' 8:15 A. M. 2:05 P. M. Ogden. Bolac, Portland. Butto. 4:35 P M n - , Los Angeles Limited Omaha. Chicago. . fH 2:15 P. M. Denver. St. Louis. 4:45 P. M. ! 3.Kn "O TUT Overland Limited Omaha, Chicago, , - :00 If. M. Denver, St. Loula. 11:35 A. M. HH x.ic -n -iiir Ogden, Bdgham, Cache Valley. Malad i-i.oc a hit 10 Jr. JYi. and Intermediate. San Francisco alao ILloO A. M. Rolng. ttl 6 -Id T "RT Ogden. Denver, Omaha. Chicago (Park10.Kn -p, -mm .OK) XT. jYL. City. Green River and weat only, re- 154 :OU P. M. IH turning). . AM 9'.00 P. M. Ogden. Omaha and Chicago. 6:50 P. M. 11:45 P. M. Ogden. Pocatcllo. Idaho Falls. Butt 8.00 A. M. H 12:30 A. M. Ogden. Boise, Portland. Seattle. 10:15 A. M. N 12:30 A. M. Ogden, Eacramcnto. San Francisco. 11:15 P. M. MM 12:30 A.' M. Paclflc "-58g'ios'to1 san 2:10 P. M. H City Ticket Office. Hotel Utah. Telephone Exchange 15. Wl S YOU Si BLOOD 1 j ISTAINTED 1 0 More than two-third3 of the peo- M pie of the world are afMcted with 1 tin 1 tainted blood, according to medical I m H statistics. Some have acquired It H I through disease, but meet have ln- IB m hurited It. ' This la an alarming state m m I of affairs. Did It ever occur to you ml H that you may be among that-great N majority who have Imporo blood? mf 1 YOU MAY TREAT FOREVER 1 with medicines directed to the relief mt 1 of your symptoms, but unless your mj I blood is first made piire the medl- Br H clnes will all fall. Tote have lctelll- IB 1 gence enough to agree with me ln n this. KE.MEMBEK THUS: Nothing IKf H can bo cured, unless the blood stream B M which carries all nutrition to the or- M 1 I put tho blood in perfect condt- tion and nature does the rest. I THE NEW SCIENTIFIC 1 . I METHOD. E 1 F have a Salvarsen Equipment from 9 which 250 to 300 cubic centimeters H jfi (little less than a quart) in poured Vl D directly Into tho heart, from there -It Hi Is sent through overy artery and ! I vein. I will demonstrate to you how mi I you may bo cured If you have an I K affliction that will not yield to or- Ml I I keep ud with the latest scien- Mil I title methods nnd apply them ln my 913 ffi work: you can got the best for the 9MM I same nrlce you will pay for cheap mm H work Careful attention to study and mm work has enabled me to occupy for 71 many years thc position of loading fl I specialist in men's diseases. A call B I costs nothing, proves everything. In mm i a word. I euro private disorders of mm 1 3verv form. If you deslro only ro- H 1 Hof "go to others. If you deslro a Write for Information, If unable to I Salt Lake Medical Institute jlE9Vo. Main. (WEAK, 01 Ml W Hi DO NOT M I MERVOUS Hlfll V" HI GIVE I H I DISEASED I W U Umm MM UP M 1 smL A CURE IS WHAT I YOU WANT H Jljjf GLOOMY IW UA 5mllition' 1 W NO & I 1 "'l'k Weakness Is the result of many dls- 1 IB I v, rases and is the causo of more sorrow 1 mm a V .If and suffering than all other aliments M Bfll H J Nsv uj combined. I see the victims of thin dls- I mum I order on every hand, their whole appear- I Bt S g ance proclaiming to all the world their I mm I w trouble and tending to blight their exist- mmM II n ence. My treatment cures disordered mum I men by overcoming and removing the BHl effects of disorders. It stops all waste mwm 1 Aj? pL V end quickly restores the victim to what MmW I Vfete-aE $ nature Intended a healthy and vigor- J OU8 rnRn wlth all his xunctlons and j f' illmv power complete. Mmm I AM FOR MEN. CURES GUARANTEED I ItfAl AW Dr Ehrl,ch'a Famous Remedy &H3$ MMM H14 IMPROVED QUO For Blood 'Disorders. I use the newest and latest treatment for Blood Poison and Skin Diseases Hl Professor Ehrllch (of Germany) "914." the Improved 605, Instead of the old' remedy. "31V Is absolutely safe and harmless and more effective than "COG" and can bo administered ln tho office painlessly and with absolutely no 111 effects whatever or detention from business. This treatment Is far superior to any other employed In the cure of these dreadful disease Symptoms begin to disappear In a few hours after the administration of MUm the remedy. Even though 60S has failed or -left-bad results, and if 'you 1 havo or over had these diseases ln any stage or form, do not fall to call I and get this wonderful treatment. MMM CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE. 1 Hours: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.; evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays, to to 12. Write If I you cannot call. I State Medical Co., 2630SoPuhHMka'n st-1 f Over Palace Market. jBI |