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Show EVANS DID NOT BENCH ONE PLAYER IN 1913 H Blllv Evans Is aomo nmplrn. Billy is lift Just about tho best umpire that ever woro Ifjl spiked shoes, and that goes for the Amari- Wj can, National and any and all other i Uh Icaptna. . . , , i B Of courae. Evane makes mistakes. He , not Infallible by any means. But when 1 mm Billy makes an error of Judgment ho , KH neltlom is hold up to Tidicule by player. M for thov have cpme to know Evans antl mm realize that thcro is no Intent on his , HI pure to favor olthor team. They know Ml full well that ha gtve3 each and every M plav as he sess It. MM Billy had several run-ins with man- U agers during th late Hcason. He reo- . ommcndtd the 6uspcn?lon of several at them, including anrk Grffflth of. th Nationals, who was eat down for a longer period than any other manager MM during the past season. But not a single player was chased bv Billy during the entjro 191S cam. paigtu Not that Evans didn't miso calling a play o the player saw it. or even several or a dozen, .for that mat- DH ter. hut "BHly actually got "by without . benching, a single player. That's a record almost without parallel in the major leagues and onn of which Evans mm can feci Justly proud. li The fact that Billy didn't have- to us BH his powers to jerk his. thumb toward, Mm the bench or clubhouse and have a playar tangoing thither, brings to mind that hft mm war. going along swimmingly a few years . iW back without having had arty troublo to speak of when all of a sudden he ran into Mm a bunch of altorcations that made him MMm realise that umpiring ma anything but . mU path of roses, , , flS Starting with Ty Cobb at Detroit. Evans was called upon to bench no fewer mm ' than seven players in aa many days. H That's probably another record without. V paralleL j. flH |