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Show H SCHOOL WILL K STRONG FI Coach RicharHsori Thinks Prospects for Winning Title Are Bright. The basketball candidates of the Salt Lake high school will not havo a rest, even though the school will be closed for two weoka. Coach JUohardson arranged games with tho Commercial league teams and will also hold practlco every day. The games with the Commercial league (lulntotteH will be played on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings in tho Y. M. C. A-gymnasium. A-gymnasium. Manager ITarry Kllpatrlck will arrange other gamcB during the holidays. holi-days. The official schedule hns not yet been arranged, but It is expected that the coaches of the Salt Lnko division will arrange tho date this week. Tho teams wlilch will bo represented at tho schedule mooting will bo tho Salt Lako high school, Granite high school, Jj. ID. S. high school and possibly tho Grantsvllle academy, Tho Grantsvllle team hopes to get in with the local division, as It Is nearer to Salt Lako than the other divisions. divi-sions. Salt Lake high school will have ono of tho boat fives in tho history of tho school. Tho showing made in tho practlco games Inst week and the class tjerlcs has been gratifying to Coach Richardson, and as only two old mon from last year's squad aro back, It will be necessary to fill in three positions. Richardson in cortaln Uiat with tho splendid showing made by some of tho players In the past games there will be little trouble filling in tho new place.!. Tho old men who are back at school are Captain Roy Siddoway and Calvin Raw-lings. Raw-lings. SIddoway will play ono of tho guard positions and Rawllngs will play forward. SIddoway is tho most experienced experi-enced man of tho squad and Jihould bo tho mainstay of tho team this year. Rawllngs Is probably tho best basket shooter at tho school. He has been throwing baskets bas-kets from tho middle of the floor In practice prac-tice and has probably scored more hoops than any playor thl3 year. Ho is also good on freo throws. The west side will ho without tho services serv-ices of Stanley Johnson In the practlco games this week, as Johnson will go to Richfield to spend Christmas, and will also play tho hoop gamo while in the south. Last winter Johnson plnyed on three basketball quintettes In Richfield and received much coaching from good players. There will he no little rivalry for the vacant guard position, as both Donkin and Romney havo been playing well. Tho other forward Is almost certain to be little Lester Jnrvls, who has surprised the coaches with his accurate throwing of baskets. Glen Holt will be a member of tho. squad and will probably play In most of the games. Holt has been handicapped handi-capped to somo extent owing to an Injury to ids leg, but ho has practically recovered. re-covered. Wendell Packard, a star of tho west side, will not play basketball this season and will ho fortunate If he can play next year. At present Packard's knee Is In such condition that he Is unable to walk and ho3 not attended school for several weeks. |