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Show I CUT THIS OUT. I i . Ktif That Brtake a Cold In a Day 1 lJ Curea Any Curable Cough. tt half ounce of Con, enlrntod plia "impound with two ounces of glycine ami half n pint of good wb"iy: shake w. II ca.ii time and 1 useMnaea of n t, a.pi.i.nfiil to a tn-blesHmful tn-blesHmful every t,, ir hours." Dee Ingre, lleiit. ran he obtained fro my good drui-glvt or he will gettl'm from hla w lin'e-nlo home T' Concent t at, d pin,, . n special pint rnduct nml nunea only in half onixetinttlcs, i ,. h eiiclnaed In nn air. ', tlgst aae. hut be sure It la labeled "Cov niratcd " SKII TROUBLES CURED. Twa Cttl, Clrls Had Eeiema Very Btdly-ln One Case Child's Hair Can Out and Left Bare Patches. Cutlcari Met with Creat Succesa. "I hm two llttln rlrla who havo boea tna.Med very badly with erremn. Ono of thcin hod It on her lower limbs, I did everything that I could heat of for her. hut ll did not give In mill rami weather, w hen It s-.-in-Inglysuaidfil. The next winter when It btcai cold the pcz.-mn atnitisl agnls nil aim In her head whore It would kke Ihe hair out nnd lenvo boro pmhes. At tho mm" time her arms sum tho wholo length of thorn Honk her to a physician, hut tho chlllrrcw wnrao all the tlnio. Her slater's tms were slan nfTected. 1 he-ran he-ran sals; f ullriira lleme.lles. and by tho tiriichn second lot wns used Ihelr skin vniiofl and smooth. Mrs. Chariot linker. Kilon, Me., Hept. tl, '08" touw Pts S Cfm. OursH Biria I'lupw, BHaSae. DcaftHai Cannot Ho Cured m'r,,e.''fitr '"'"" ""' "" jjirv .l.-I.rt "H llt'i. l,J'!ef.riiniiin'.Mil'T.li",ll, m,i....i. Ii,.l.,i -4 iim l.uu,l.uu. L.tN,. Vv'tit-u ll.ii i.i.n- m l,.na..fti..u tiv. . riiiilitni4 m"!.,.! ,( liti-.-rl,ri,rl,4 ki,i i,rii it hi t-iuirriy ri.-il. Ia.il- tnl.,.,1 ikii' and nuMa'rT.,',!'.'! bMnalma" bui Hi a.'ll!l1d',, 'l,''ia.ii ' si-iinug Wa UI .1,1 ihi'iiiiuiml a"lj."i,' ', Jli- ol IWInna (r... I I, r.Uo.1 r...n.,l 1- rui Br 1111. CalmQCura. a. . ..I l.,r riroil.ii. Ii l S, nrmJA.'-" W- lu- imu Uiu i l'f I'uut sw atxuntpiUaa. Camsarutlve Honora. nrat Krrahman I'rexlo has asked mo to dlnu.rtt.xt Sunday. Second Frsahmiin That', nothing. The football esptaln Jual bowed to me. Yale R.ttord. i; a:i::-Lr: -r:--::::::.:.... For Itfnnts BTHi Clillaren. ', I ' SfiASTS Tte KiBd Yoa Haw3 3 Always Braght t':: t-y Al.t OIU1I.-3 PKH t TNT V. ! Aco,i,.llePr,-p,ii,ili,inf'l)rAj- 0 f''. !;,ii Mmil.iiiiivMheFiMj.iiMlRi'tfula- TftorQ tl'irt ff i" liiiltvSU'ma,h5.-)ndH.mvlof JJliJ LUU M f A t . iii'"' Promi'li fi liiJc!ion,t hferful- M t i i ' ': , nr?,., mil UoMConliiinawilluT (yf XlX'lffl r l:M (iiiimt.M(ir)hinc nor Mineral f V ij- " S: I Not Nahc otic U ' ; - II a In Amfiil K. trtcilv forfonallpa Vj M USD jtf, llon.SiMirSlonurh.lMflrrlsxa. I 1 U JC Wornis.CotivtilMiins.KevTrish- I tv fm tr ;!!ncnndLosSOr SLltl' jj YftT llVPT 'ill fjlJinak: Siiialurfof m &?zzz Thirtu Yphtq ! Ttrr. t iirAiii I'oMfANY, lllll ll lUUl O flj NKW I)HK Xfiiiiirnnte.il uiiil.-r Hie ruodo j Kfl sa(K Q J) ia Exact Copy of Wrapper. w.wmi ...a.... mrmr eww, K"'.1: t' y",', .!l..'""rL".? '.'."-" 'I''', n'i', ' y.t'y.'j'y, M " , llr.,.i''j jas a.euvsai i)s,sBiiii.i.isiBf,aiipineu nsisi.1111 hi in. aff f 'icH TVRAYOLAMP ii a highran. limp, aald at a tow pnVe. f " IVara aie lame, lllll real ia.a,las ihrfrw so hrnrr lamp al n- iV-- poo,. Thaliumel, ih. VlVk. list CJumie-v-l lol.W .11 sr. vsal ihiisB ia a Uiar tra-i put. ol lU RAYO LAMP padMtly corulrurtrd and thita ia noll.ing known ia Hi art el . Vj UBip-aukinethal could add lout, value ol lha RAYO as THt Jtj. iuihl-givinf nVvira. Surt.hW l any tonal in any houaai 8TlrJYS-?V "jJt'ua'i.u.uTllJIrlre-Al" "llChjL COMIMiNTAL Oil, COMPANY 'ia ' ' V The ptobtr shoes for men: jv sw . y . -jr Bhoei that look, fl, feel and Wear rlijht, ' ''( jT Made of selected leather leather thnt Is best by ' every lest. Correct In style. Made by the finest )ft ly shoe milkers, In the best equipped factory in existence. If cTWAYER HONORDILT 1 M ahoes are "built on honor" built for comtyned style and service Ay ff built for uhsolute suiWllon and lasting cuniort. lllggest values J J m you can ever hoie to get for lite money. gaa" B There la an I lonoibllt style that will exactly Bull you and til you. V!-" J H Aik your shoe dealer) If he hasn't It, wilte ua. Look for i'W, , Ej the ACavtt TnJ Mat on the sole. F ,V -'' i II rRKP.-lfrnu will i.ndu. tl,. nam. of . d.it.r who 4m aaa) handle t',' ' A U Mv.r Hnnortt.ll BImwi, w. ...! a.n.l yu lr., iw.tp.ld.a tMud - V -'1 sums pklut., ill ISi.J.ofUMraa Waalilmttun, ,' ''' . I l We alaomuUe Leading Lady Khoes. Martha Washlngloa ir'.' . ' 1 V Comiurl Bhnes, Ycrma Cuobtnn tihoeo, Upeclal Merit t sw Bthoul Cboee and Woik bhocs. ' i " 7 F. eTHAYER DOOT & f Jx 's' iTi'.'r f. T- w ?n'"it '"'ilTii'Itk' ' 'T '"1",;'r,""" r:;" '"; " "" Shoe Joke. William KIiik Where'd you get (huso pumps? Charlie I'rlnce Off a shoe tree. Cornell Widow. It'a a lot easier for a child to Inherit In-herit red hulr than hrnlns. Remedies are Needed ft Were we rerfeot, which we are oot, medicines would ' iH. Jfl not oftea be aeeded. But ainoe our ay.lema have lie- J2a t 21 coma wcalieied, Impaired and broken down throutb 'v f''.lf indisereiiuaa which have ions on from tlie early eio, W pi Mf" throusb oouaileas eneraiiuna, remedica ore needed lo KiV. r aid Nature oorreolin our Inherited and olherwiie f ,i tin oqulred wrekneaaea. To reach the aeat of atnmacli " )i, J wesknea. set oonwquent d.itctive tniuhlcs, there ia J U -T olbiof ao load as Ur. Hieroe's Uolden Medical Ui.cov r V' etry, a slyetraj oom pound, extracted from native medio. inal rools-aaad for over forty yean with ireat saliilacllon to all uwra, For Weak Slonajek, Biliouuma, l.lver Complaint, I'ain in the Stomach alter eetinf. lleanbura.Utd Breath, Belching of food, Chronic Diarrhea and other Intestinal Dereeei..- , iLe "iuioovery" ia a tiuieproven and most eihetcot raoicdy. - Ton uao'fafurd to eeeepl a secret nostrum aa a substitute for this oon-alco. Vol'c, uvadiisne or xnown coMronrioN, Dot even tboub the urgent dealer may t-cr,y mass t linls bitter profci, t t. Plcm'a FUbsui Hellet. reiul.te and Inviiorate atomaoh, liver end I bowels. Suta-oote1, liny graauiea, eaay lo lake aa eandy. Did you hear It ? How embarrassing. embar-rassing. These stomach noivMiiiake you wish you could sink through ' the floor. Vou imagine everyone henrs Iheni. Keep n box of CAS-CARKTSin CAS-CARKTSin your purse or poikrt and tnke a pari of one after eating, It will relieve the stomach of gas. Iut CASCAKRTS Wc a boa for a wl'i I . Ir..lni.nt. Allilnissial.. Hffs.it ir:Ue la Uie wurld KUlioe bex.s s muato- $150 MADE $500,000 I Our miiiI inoiitlilr mBfr "'Ih Cllfun.l m! W HtilUtlii," U1U hww turn Ilk I It ii .liar, thr mil- ' , t uliloriil in'1rummu letlm-I 41 ' lit , coiiloillift 11 th feV'l tld fturs ot tulrisyot l. lulean.liiiir litvreiUira. Itri1 Ilk m (wiry irr . tin. evrry wur.l lru. HruA jour uhiiik iumI ilri-ai, will glva jruu all Biuuiliki' iitMt-rip ji. PEICRftON. 94 0 WlnnoN Oaklni. Ctl 1 , RAW FURS JSgeKffi' Ultfbrosl prira pailil kihI .tilfi itirj rui(irosv f lOll IIIOK WOOL ( O. W. N. U., Salt Lak City, No. 47-1900. I PUTNAM FADELESS DYES eaasrsMueaailtlileraiM) tletsitnlenitliasaBietlvsiSia. On. lOe MCttite eel.nl stl Sshs. Tan ia la eeK water keMw IKsa aar ats. Sie. Yaaaaaaao, f a tarasmf sitwwliesua asem Mute ax lies IwaLM-Hva ta Uh. Weai.a aa4 Hu Ctiwa. MO MHOS DHUQ OO., On limy, llllnolm. I |