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Show I . I ! -- I! J fulvsuity AR DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OFf aJMMIT COUNTY THE PEOPLES ADVERTISER. An y TT)AL.V1LL1VLVU. FRIDAS';' vpVEMHKR les ; pergonal HOME Buy Good Dirt! Bay food dirt in Summit County. Bnont Dirt Denier. t he Have you investigated . tt Buy a pair of Original Sweets Bobs at the C. W. 4 M. Co. roper Keys, Owner can have same by paying for this adv. The orders are coming in for The vXmss Times. Have we yours? Found you olin I by the aide tired ither fOIH- imrit of goats on the farm? each this hnr For Sale 1- A Cheap. banjo and 40 Enquire at this office. strings. la of Mrs. C. H. Stoven of Parleys Park is the guest of Mrs. Win. H. will hole to- - J Kimball. 1 In Mrs. E M. Bromley has iary a of piy you about at Echo nanny Angora goats for sale. Write for particulars. of Ogden, visited Mrs. I. relatives here during the week, returning to her home this morning, sur- - bln the ent 100 Lost Purse containing money and keys, between Coalville and Wan-ahiReward. Leave at this office or Rigbys store. p. Y James Albert Powell of Upton, nd Agnes Strom ness ot Park Cityi were awarded state teachers' certi-catby the state board of education during the week. h. es Thanksgiving is but a short time distant. Surely the people of Sum- ' mit county has much to be thankful for and It should be aday; of re-" iita4olcl nga n d good' eh eer. , t been signed up by the telephone company for office room in tJie Summit Furniture A Mercantile block, and the same takes effect the first of December. jtase than perpetual al tut tins later. motion Mr- j)ag BriTTgTimtg KS . yuc luirscb. house giving way, it was with There is tin egg famine on in Coal- - power that the city electrician tills and for several days it liasj difficulty furnished lights during the forepart of the week. Only one boiler could be used and that is hardly sufficient, especially on a JSaturday night. Some of our good people did tendered was A birthday surprise some kicking on account of t lie City Electrician Joseph Hartley at iights going out, but no one could his home last Monday night by his help that the brick woik gave way. wife and other relatives. The same has been repaiied and anni- - everything is now moving lovely cation was the thirty-sixT- h versary of his birth. Lunch and re- - again, freshments were served A carload of material for the reJames Taggart, local manager of construction of Hie telephone plant the C. W. A M. Co., here was in in Coalville was unloaded Wednes, of HKi feet of cable, Snyderville last week and installed day, consisting w ire to hang same, and a Gasoline Power llay Press, which necessary has a capacity of (7, bales in 4t) min- all other neeessaty malerial for this Foreutes. This is the first one installed work. Manager Whiteley and .in this part of the state. Resides man Burnette were in the city yes' cars this one they have sold three horse torday unloading same. Two of poles are expected this week. power hay presses. Telephones are getting so numerous H. F. Peterson, of Wanship, wa that it is almost essential thaj all in town Wed ties lay on his way houses be equipped with this most home from Ogden, where he went modern and useful iustrument. soma Hays ago to teceive twelve Manager Whiteley promises' that head of pure bred cotswold sliw p Coalville will have one of the best imported from Canada. There isn't equipped telephone plauts in the any better sheep of the kind in the slate, none excepted. Watch Coalentire state. Better horses, cattle, ville grow, sheep, etc., is the ambition of the Married At Goldfield, Nev., Nov. Summit county farmer today. 3rd, Mr. James Burnett and Miss we the have sent Lizzie May Ball, Judge Barnes, During past week out bills to the amount of nearly justice of the peace performing the $200 due on subscription and job ceremony. Mr. Burnett is the son workr-- Each bill sent out is small, of Mr. ana Mrs. Win. Burnett, pionbut in the aggregate it means much eers of Weber county, and was for to us. Our bills must be met, and some years in the livery business in we would thank those who are ow- Ogden, Utah, and Twins Falls, Ida., dont be- and is now employed as detective on ing us to come across-W- e lieve even jme of our subscribers the force of the Consolidated Mines, wpiJd jeopardise our credits they Co. 'of, GoldSeld, , Nevada. Miss li-ikBAt - now can help iL Wou)d"yoU?7, : second daughter of Mr. anJ Mrs7 One ot our young men is working Joseph S. Ball, of Watsatch, this on an invention that he has about county, and has been for several completed. He has interested some years employed by the W.H. Wright of the most prominent men of- OgA Sons Co., of Ogden, as saleslady. den, and if lie makes a success of it, The Times extends congratulations it ill revolutionize the power of to the happy couple. the world. It is something that has engaged tlie attention of inventors Picture matting lOo for large st eet century. It is nothing at Times office. oc-Jt- 1i i A. V- .w.- Wi - v.'. ' a ,J e vv i, -- .Wv 40? 40? 0? 0? , M 00 :r to give each town in the county a fair and inF partial boost in the Xmas Times. To do this we must have of every citizen. If you the hearty support and have a business to advertise, let us know; if you have any- thing to sell worthy of honorable mention, see that others kuow about it. Dont wait for us to hunt you up. You ! J I I. 1 i e 4 Let a committee be appointed (of live boosters) to see that the town is well J- I the Imptor on . 'If Wm. Edgel m i frjfe were here from Henefr? H 1 relay aud Sunday t! 1 on a abort " W r lay will soon be sany things we Thank sgfT; here and hould b y .V ators bouD'J v one short s ii' from the es lij d centuries, bis abunds and it wK J foe. a withheld for but If the Cre- man would perish all through the t set the table of h a lavish hand, poor heart indeed that cannot ) some cause for gratitude jki t day of National thankgg! vl g. let os give thanks. Thanks thri fruitful e 7h that stu to JOSEPH BARKER, BREEDER OF Jersey Cattle -- Berkshire and Duroc Jersey Hogs. Has for Sale Choice Registered Jersey Bull Calves from $50 to $100 each. Also some choice young pigs at $25 per pair. Secure the best from Utahs Greatest Stock Farm has caused the I yield, and thanks al, the American oeaseless toll has t possible.' 1 i dy' farmejr, jhk made the ir lr Jr. E. Swainston, T i 11 "ION.. Ma1;i 5, - -- Sundavb Sunday School 'n4helvbero last A i'good artendance, consldriug Ai, stormy weather. Miss Winnie Stotiebrakcr and Geo, t L. Hobson and yr.Anstln of Iloyts- vllle were preedit, and each gave some very goodiretructions. h Mr. aud Mrs. Thos. Larabee are on the sick list Mr. Larabee is sufm while Mrs. fering wit i r' Larabee has at attack of la grippe. Mrs. flora Harper and daughter, Norine returned home from Salt J aka where hey have been the past two weeks. They were accompanied by the formers sister, Mrs. J.G. Wirth of Salt Lake who will probably vlult here with relativea xintii County Superintendent thinks it would be a fine idea to have pictures of whaTthe-coont-y housesrto'show ifr.doing.in thejmportant line of Educa-tio- n. all the school of what has been done: dunngThetasr-ycar-.with Send these in together reports them. Now, SFF. that your school is among k V i!) & w V! & Ol 1 is sewn in trade-mar- k every suit of clothes you buy. It is your, protection against disap- " against pointfnent pjrt; cotton clothes. It is your guarantee that no better clothes can be bought at the price than , ill-fitti- .. ng; Clothes All-Wo- ol And remember, Clothcraft Clothes cost you no more than part cotton clothes that are not guaranteed. Prices -- from $10 to $25. Come in today and look at our new Clothcraft You will be delighted. HEXEFER, Nov. - 14. to the' wife of T. J. Stevens a fine hoy. All are doi iig tucely E. L. Benson, of Coalville, made a brief but pleasant call here dui Ing the Coalvlle Co-o- p. style. , j j' Give Us Your Order E ai ly i , Nov- week,. Henefer had a Igood representation at A u xil iary meeiTfl(?4 hip, but the Sunday school workers were somewhat disappointed In not having any sUke S. S. officers presat--- ent. Work is progressing -- Be sure this ts 17.-Bo- rn-On ' TIMES Trade-Mark-Protec- Kamas last Friday and expect to get it fixed up within a hort time so as to hold Sunday sciool and HENEFER NEWS. Send in all orders immediately, as everything points to a big demand. . ' - This You in Buying Clothes A TV ' i! Fresh Candies The IP IV. I " II. Let them secure pictures of the leading men, church buildings and. leadings the charge will be reasonable. industries, and send them in ' We pay for the cuts, S lb- - tin and It is cold enough to freeze tlie barbs.offthe wire. Mrs. Chae. fc Wherritt and little daughter left Monday for Salt Lake to be gene for several months. represented.' .pi looks h meeting! in it until they can gel the meeting house built. It look aa if winter had set In the grosnd is covered with show may have just the thing ttat others are looking for. The towns we benefit will he mutual if you make it known, suggest the following plan: fV your Mutuals lane rtfcUllied tlieir ture, and show jour friends ths. thuis and Hu t oi Suudtiy night. edition. It will lie oiiton tlie lOt h cold nights w Mhaving. of next month. The Mong, m rsl priistbnod meet Miss Cora V Ison of this place If Idaho, went to day night. and Jr. Asb N I lees fur '1 hknkhgn ing Iimh Salt Lake the nf the week. It n hei tfe II aniK'iinet d slid yet the turk-is expected J, f when they re-- t s ar in danger td lieitig annihitrt be M.iy they have a happy Jey through life. lated. sweet tooth beOur siek are all on the improe. Mrs. LeRoy V and Miss Mabel gins to assert itself ton last Sunday Mills left for? to attend tbq ? lag of Miss Ellen A Peculiar Wrench with the season. A box of these font of the Milli. or ankle many produce Candies daintily packed makes a Mrs. U. E. in and daughter, a ery serious sprain. A sprain is very acceptable gift. TreTia7wal7fc . fgaa ilaririg the mote painfjtl than a brake. In all Firat-claa- s Meals wsek th guftsi relatives. sprains, cuts, scalds Ballardsstiow Liiiinitiit is tlie best tiling to use. Quick Service Elder Frai Pfe s retsrned home j Relieves the pain instantly, re- last Saturday ftn a two years I - Fresh Bakery Supplies-Roya- l duees swelling, is a perfect antisptic mission in Mltern Mates, Bread. and lu nls rapidly. Price &VoO,and Mrs. I. Staot ler has been very $1.00. ill, but we arer- i Wed that she is , , For sale br John Boyden A Son. ird set in wit , . r g-- 17.- -It to after Xmas, Geo. A. Sorensen is slowly to ering fromhU receht illness. to The ward bishopric have purchased the Pack Seymour butcher to shop. They moved It down from co-operat- ion I pt J t in . and uvery iTT.in Wd'tX'a rrtTbv pi,-, t,o- - oXth Jeoi that will w. ik c.m t H Time Is Pig iiieT in Siiiiiini' county for Ths but few idle men in town. Xmis Tint's. Semi in pic- recov- We aim jx NO. 4 19. 11)09. , for-overj- . NEWS. IIOYTSlijE On account id theTirick arclies at as though of one of the lioilers.at the - Dr. E. S. Lamb, of Ogden, will be at the Moore blacksmith shop on Thursday, l)cc. 2, piepared to do veterinary surgery ot all kinds. J LI on tin - HOYTSVIlepr. Uisinity GommeRt. j- L. I oicty Dirt!!! Good Dirt!!! L & auk JOB WORK NEATLY CONE -- VOL. XVI. f very nicely For-a-Turlx- ev for Thanksgir-- remember we can serve, you the best Meats; Fislrand SUMMIT MEAT CO. ing. In the meantime Bagnell & Ball, Props. |