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Show PRESIDENT AGAIN AT I CIE i - Steepe In the White Home ttr'Fit I Time Since Auguat 6, After a 13,000 Mile Trip. I Wii-hlnirtoii - After an nharnV-t' ' more thuri thr.-e niontliH, durltig ithdi he hm made a I.I II.- lrl, ihn. the W.-.t and South. I'reaM.tt Tit nn W e.lima.lay 11 : itli t alnpt la ! Ur , While Hunan. ' Hn left Hie cnpllnl Auguat , -wttj 'ilm i-li.-nra of the crowda rtiil.a t hla eura He relumed Wedmf nlKlit lo the tune of the antne ctii).K but he turrb-d only a moment wltri da ; welcn mliiK lairtl.-a. Hla nbj,e w l-.lnt wna the While lliniao aid Taft, and aa nulckly na he conl.L a jnwny fnmi Ilm brief apeechea of eolim. I Iliiil.ed Into hla bl au j mobile. The i-liiiiiffeur broke kll li ,l d rel-nrdi: of the dlalrlct. 1 I There wna no ib iuonalrnllon WjtSi j While limine. He amclul police Mi'lt . k.-pi the curloiia outalde the KroiipA 1 und when Mr. Tun nllKhled ano nl lipilckly up Die alera he turned f ,11 mom. nt nnd wnved n atnlllue fare j well 10 Fred Carpenter, hla acrrelv!. f'nliin.-l Hp.i r Cmaliy anil Caplnu I An hll.nl. I linn, hla two military tit., i who hud arcompuhliil him from tin atiitlon. Mra. U. S. Grant Dead. Hun IHeipi, fill -Mia I'. H Orant wife of a aon of the late Ptvai.lciii I i I Ulll, died Welti,-, In of llll,i xy She hud hen mi Invnlld for eura. She wua the dnioihter nf Hie lute Senator Sen-ator and Mr. Chnrfi-e of I'ol.irudn. A Polite Highwayman. Hall l-ake Oily .luai after l;,,lnn at the end nf the line, (ondii,tur H K. Itlchliia nnd Motut-iuuii K. Illchlna of the Waiidainnre cur were m, Up by two inaakcd hlKhwayinan ,m, pnbbed of ll.'.ft. al I2:iu uVlnrk Thuraduy niornitiK. SlariliK lite cur und rniuniundliiK Ihe unarmed nuit to atand aitll, the highwaymen, after Ktv-Ina Ktv-Ina the conductor and luotorinHn a Havana clrar apiece. Jumped off lha oar Into the. darktieaa and eacapnl IVacrlpllona of the men havo been fiinilahad lha police. '" aiaaiaiaaawaaaai 1 ine. |