OCR Text |
Show Mini, Stalnheil Acquitted. INirlaMme .Mnmherllii Hi.lnhell wna n,-,,illl.-,l by a Jury nl I2:r..ri Hull lay iiiorulni; of iniiril.-rlnic her hua llilld. A.lolphe Hlelnlmll. n noleil pulnf nr. nml h.-r alepmoiher. Mine. J.ipy. The tnrdlel wua r.-mler.-d nfinr two ml n half Imura' d.-llli.-riitlou. durliiK ahli-h the Jury three tin,, -a aumnmue,! 'lm preal.l.-ut of the pnurt for eiplllll.'l- iliuia III no pr.ivliiK I Ii ii t ihn orlu-liiul niulorliy wna for lc:l,ui. .Mum Hlelnlmll rulliled when Ihn verdict wna tllllouliced. |