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Show MINES AND MINING All the way from Titscarora to Mountain Cllv. In northern Nevada, ire old mining camps will' h are awak ill ii it. ami new mica belnr. brought la. ' 1 . Annul w.rk of dilvlnir. lb- Daly. , lu liie eompaiiv's long tunnel nt park? !, Cltv from tin- Snake crock hI.Io of the -t rung.' will bo In progress within a f '. ; tew ...ok.. y tint. ling has coninienced for thej i ,' i tw. nt; stamp n.bliHoii to the put. it ., hurt: Silver peak mill nt lll.ilr. No- i'' va la. which I to have tv tut mil output it ' of Iho val f l. f ';' ( ine :eiHo.i ljueoit i onsoiuiaieix Mining c.'iiii.anv is pt-epat ItiK to re- U '. a. line ni.erii'l.iii' ilpon a inrge scale) I. '. ' w at Pa mine In the F.'khorn .litrlct. ao- . : eorilliig to a tvl.es fnitn park ITr. f ., Stock of the It.-d Wan b.r Minlna i c.nii.ativ. whl. h operates the ..at f- 111. Ml" of the Hewer producers of It'- f ',' ;K i ver county. I'tuh. has b.eii ilsie.1 on ''' i Die Salt Ink.' Mining ev. hango. i The I'tah Co.ier coinpanv tevrta I . r. for the ituarler i'tiile.1 September rt! Net prollts from mining ami milling , ; r..ctatl.'ti". $T I r....v : ii.blltloicil In- come. f.;o!.r.: total nei ptotlia for tptarter. 7'.'l.l,.1. ' Heaver c.uttiiy clnlina to have had the plot r mine nnd mining die- tiirt of liuh In 1 It waa known that dcposlta of metallic ro existed III the range which bisects t lie county Irotn north to south. The greater portion of the rH"",r plant, which In being constructed near Mixl-niv hy the (I. .1.1 Hprluga Mining ft power company, la under roof and Is virtually res.ly In receive the flrat Installation of machinery. rievolopinont of Ihe now strikes In Iho Doer Uulge section of the Hold Hprlngs district la attended hy restilta lu every wnv satlsfnctnrv. according; tn Clark Miller, one of the operntnra of the property In which wna made the original si rise. A phenomenal eaild strike haa I it made In the abaTt of the Rnuui I ink. it a property. Just enat of Park tity. A vein ni gold ore waa at nick on the 7uu toot level, and later It developed de-veloped that the bottom of the shaft wis all lu gold ore. Work baa been resumed In Ihe Hon- sler mine nt tlnod Springe. Nov. Wort will be prosecuted III lead line ore nt shipping grnd". nnd from ore already on Iho dump Ihe manager eiperle to make shipments of at least two oar-loads oar-loads of high grade tine ore. With Ha double compartment abaft 17ft feet below the main tunnel level, the North I'tah Mining company ol lllnghnm Is cutting a station preparer lory tn drifting both north and south to get under twn ore shoots which' have been opened In the tunnel. The first benefit that will accrue to Ihe Kir district hy reason of the completion com-pletion of the Western Pacific and lhe opening of that line tn freight traffic in that stale la a reduction In freight roles to the Bait l-ake valley saaaanT smelters, billed over Ihe new road. J As a result of 11.000 ore havlnt been encountered In the Cooper il Nagle lease, evldoncea of revival of the Kllen.lale, Nevada, boom aro noted. Many leasee who abandoned their leases during the period of depression de-pression for lhe camp are trying trj got them berk. Members of thn Itoef Mining company, com-pany, which owns several claims In the old Silver Heci camp. In Waah-Inglon Waah-Inglon county. l!lnh. have received word front the manager that he ha discovered a silver lodge a foot In Ihickuess, carrying several hundred atlllces lu silver. That Nevada mines are aleadlly pro- 1 during niore ami more In tonnage of mil put. bullion, and taxea for the atate, under the administration of Htate id-cense id-cense and lliilllon Tux Agent J. P. Haley, la Indicated hy that nfflclal'e lalost report for the quarter ending September, I'JOO. Stockholders of the Copper Minn rnmpuny. holding properly In Ely, Nevada, have been notified of a special meeting tn be held In LM'lawnre, Do-rember Do-rember 31, tn act iiism a p-opoaed decrease de-crease of thn capital atock of me company from ls.ooo.ooo aharoa of a pur value of III each tn l.oon.000 Moires of a par value of 5 each. The production of Nevada Con. Milldiiied for the month of October wna 2UK.O0O tone of orn, or a dully mil put of 6,700 tone. Thla waa th amount of oro that went through the concern rutor of the Htcptoe Valley Smelting and Mining company, establishing estab-lishing a new high record for the plant, says tho Kly, Nevada, Newa. Prlcca for xluc ore as represented by Iho commercial product known na spelter urn higher now than they hnva ' been ut nny time sluco June, l!io7, ao-cor.llng ao-cor.llng In Mining Ago. A great deal of Intercut ailachea to the advance 7 itt this metal, us It Illustrates how 1' A strong a factor lhe recent Increase L of the tariff ratu has been towurd K'k higher prices. f Thnt the Montgomery Blioahnna '-i' mini' will bo producing and reducing ( j between r.oo ami Too tons of oro per ,. day, or, In round figures, about 'Jo.nno tff tona monthly, by the close of next '.vj year or soon thereafter, is tho lufoc , Hint Ion being sent out from Ithyollte. J. The news tea from tlol.lfleld that "j ' the Conxollilaled copany's product Ion In October was 2n.i:iu Ions, iho net profit from which, ufter doiliicilna; !' nil cxiM-nsoH, is olllelally ealliliaied at approximate, y tr.su.noo. Thla la ,, the largeHt prolit for any month since 1 v May. tv' Thn inn ton eleetrtcnl leaching plant 1 of the California Hold ar Copier com- Jf . puny, opetntlng near Searchlight. No- vadn. will s.h.ii be ready to atari up on lhe cniiper ores of the ootupnuy, snbl to comiirlBe very large bodies of 4 per cent inuturlul. r -I-.,, r |