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Show VISION 0FSHAKES San Francisco Woman Horrified by Stories of Reptiles. Boa Conatrlctora, Rattletnakee antf Doien Other Klnda of Berpenta Seen by Cltliena If Hytterleal Storlea Can Bo Believed. Pan Krnnclaeo Una rmmtrlrtora, water annk.-a. gopher trinket, blink anakea, raltlctiiakea. garter annkei and a dot. n other viirle'lea uf the rep tile family have been teen In and atiout Purnanttia llelrh'a during tb Intt week, If the hyiteruul alurlea r lul.d by anurereyed vlllzena of Ihft aertlun are to be believed. Iluinnr haa It I tin! a king cobra wm killed at the end nf Htanyun alreet and, further, that a roek python, men mrlng from four to twenty nine feet Ir li.ngth. gave battle in nn army of ru'l denla In Woodland avenue nnd ea raped Into Hiilrn for.-nt after bnvlnt huaged three men. The python wa aald to be a female. I'nllent Inventlitntlon, however, ilia clonea that the runiora are aomewhnt eiiiKiieruted, but that, like many minora, they have a fouiidallnn In truth. A rattler, cnrrylng ten nutlet and a button, wna killed In Hluro for eat the uthi-r day by John I'eillina, after It bad nlmiint frlKhlened Mra. I.. T. Cranj and her daughter, who re-tide re-tide In ll. liiioiil nveiiue, Into liynterlra. And tlie vetiouioua aunke uieiiatired five feet eight Ineliea In length, no anyone any-one can verify by railing nt the Park niiineinii, where tlm reptile reata In alcohol. Alto two big blarkannkea, of a variety unknown to tho woher cltlrena of the dlntrlrt, hive burn enrounlered 11 11. 1 in rn nine williln tho lunt wi-ek In tttiinyau alreet. Kuril ineunured over nil feet III length, nn llkcwlne run bu piovcn by cnniniuiilrntli.g with Ai t.uytoti. a ciirpeuttr. who hna earned lh lllln amxi.v r. 1. 1 I nf 1-i.rni... iiii llelglita. of "the aunke cliurmer." f.uytun killed one uf tho replllca and "Hiinkea" Miller, a platterer, captured and llnprltnurd tho other. Now, theno three aerpenta were all tubd'ied within an nn-a uf leta thun too a.iunre feet and near tho retldcnce of Dr. O. C. Jonlen In Woodlnnd avo-11110. avo-11110. The duetur'a nelghbora any thnt tho mniiMtera etcaped frnm captivity In tilt back yard, where they were being be-ing held prlennera, but thla the medical medi-cal man alonlly dcnlea. Ilia wife In-alata In-alata that the laat or their peta died a year ago, and tho doctor declarea they patted away aome four inontha ago. Ilotb Inalat that no anakea ever escaped es-caped from them, but that all were gathered In by the grlra renper. However, the anakea have been encountered en-countered and alaughtored amid con-alderable con-alderable hvaterla among tho women cltliena, and not a few quaklnga among the men. D. I.. Weatover, owner of a bouae now In procets of repair at 1101 Wan-yen Wan-yen atreet, rewarded "Snakea" Miller, a platterer eniplnyeil on the building, with one dollar for killing the tin foot buirktnnke found In the front yard. Weatover frequently Imported lilt dwelling, but hna nut broil aeen thero, It. la tuld. within the laat few dnya. John Herman, contractor on the building, build-ing, la (lltpluylug great hnale In repairing re-pairing the atrueture. aad hla carpenter, carpen-ter, AI (iuyton, who caught one of the r ptllct alive, la working fevi-rlahly be aide blin. Where the terpenta rnms from la aomewhut uf a myntery. That they really appeared la certain. |