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Show make adopted. ' It would be a great .day foi CUT THIS OUT. me if I could go back to Chicago not only vote for it, he rushed ,Jns that I had had just a little bit to Rff That Breaks a Cold In a Day ahead Impulsively, "but Ill make a do with such a result' Mfi Cures Any Curable Cough, Den I'm wit you, said gnrns, and He straightened and speech for It. half ounce of Concentrated leaned away from her a proper wheeling, he went back to his desk. J with two ounces of icjjye impound phi Miss Greene' watched Jhtm a mo perspective in which she couldf admire glyFtne and half a pint of good him. He eat there smiling. ment, and then turned to the men, wys'ty; shake well - each - time and ... How te d. their" pijn.hers aiitnieuted now by uaeft dose of a For Infanta and Children. splendid of you "a teaspoonful to a "1 feelhcouraged now. others who had come up to see Burns r ' hours." four every Then Vernon's face lengthened. He In the presence of such a woman. The Jtoe Ingredients can be obtained stammered: "But you'll have to give glance she gave them was a question. good 4ruggist or he will me some data: 1 I don't know a thing Oh. he means It. said Monroe of frqktny fhm from his wholesale house. get about the subject." Whiteside. "He'll vote for the resoConcentrated pine is a special ''Oh." she laughed, I brought some lution.. Toduct and comes only in half pin ALCOHOL-- 3 per cent literature- It shall all be at yo-i- dissaid his aord. "Yea, he's given oubottles, each enclosed In an air-tlposal. And now, I must be about my Brownwell of Cook. Aefetabi Preparation for As 1886, but be sure it Is labeled work.' Can you make any suggestions? the Food andRegula-tm- g Vernon devoted half an hour to similating Cuto&trated. Can ou tell me whom 1 should see, the Stomachs and Bowels of bringing senators to meet Maria whom I should Interest, who has the Greene. It was 'not difficult aork, t DIFFERENT. ah pull, I believe you call It? 1NFAHTSCHIUREN it though it had Tts disadvantages; Ill bring them to you, Vernon did not allow Vernan to remain with Promotes Digestion,Cheerfut-nessan- d said. "You sit here and hold court. her long at a time. But at last It was By Brand Whitiock He rose and his eyes swept the done, and he found a moment alone Real .Contains neither chamber . They lighted on Burns, and with her.-S- he nor Mineral some him had Opium .Morphine given Ilustrations by Ray Walters an Idea suddenly came to him. He pamphlets on equal suffrage. Not would revenge himself on Burns for Ah, if you could only address the, AWpr tfotd Orsi'tVUttTCJtn all the slights of the session. he exclaimed. In open admisenate! l JLiyJlV Std (Copyright, 1W7. by "Of course you'll have to see Sam Co.) ration. And then, as if an Inspiration Mx$m m Porter, but Ill begin by bringing Sen- had come to him, he added: SYNOPSIS. Mih$! ator Burns familiarly known as Bull ' Sd I could arrange.it; It baa Perhaps mpmmW Bums. Senator Morley Vernon's visit with his i done. been fiancee was Interrupted by u call from harm Sttd I've read of him so often In the and stretched out her She his pollfual boss at the state capital It would be band togasped' Both regretted it. the girt mure than he, newspapers," she said. kwivyw fhwr stay him. because she had to 'attend a an experience." ahu not for all the world! dinner that eveningarrangtd "Oh, with him rttie said A r.c Vernon went over to Burns' seat and perfect Remedy forConstipa-lioriiSou- r Mr- she yearn d for a natlpiitj office fob him Wholesale (indignantly) protested. On Vernon's desk in t lie senate he found touched him on the shoulder. Stomach, Diarrhoea Y ou say - the' cash la Whstl that? a red rose, uevompanied hj a plea for "But you'U come and meet the .Feverish" .Convulsions Worms a tonehe of said In Comeon He met the au-suffrage for women not cvect I always thought that thoress, pretty Mss Mina of Command, speaking for once from the and LOSS rob-bl- n ness Sleep was was a and rascal, Chicago, who pr. posed ro convert him altitude of his Tp there? she said, Incredulously, bookkaper social superiority. And Into voting for house resolution No. IS m. , to dais under the the flags Facsimile Signalurt of lor once he was successful. The burly pointing lipat Accountant The cash la $50 "Why, yes," Vernon answered; why fellow from the First district stood up CHAPTER 111. Continued. not? It's where all the eminent law over, Vernoj scarce ly knew what to re and looked Inquiringly. Mf. rholesale O, well, Just give yers who come down here to lobby -Come such as he The Ceutaur Company, with objections me," Vernon said; ply; might have me that and say nothing to him about sit. found at other tlmeathtruld mascutheres a Chicago lawyer back here NEW VORK. She looked up at the desk behind It Pfcap be'i forgotten to draw' line objections to women's voting and who wants to see you." so ml 4 his salary. r lieutenant-governothe which sat, Burns followed and an Instant later meddling in politics had all disapgently In his swivel chair, peared al sight of this remarkable Vernon baited before liss Greener swinging j SKU TROUBLES CURED. while the secretary read senate bills young woman who wished To vote her The other men, who had quickly re on rea was There third reading. Guaranteed under I he Food vJ self; he could not think of one of turned to her side,. made xway, and luctance In her eyesbut when she Tw ttUe Girls Had Eczema Very them, try as he would. His eyes were Vernon said: s BMIy-l- n Hair One Case Child -- Vernoa's-amile, Copy of Wrapper F she gathered "Miss Greene, may I presentSena-to- r caught .on the rose. u Can Out and Left Bare Patches. her said: and skirts mereare of the First district?" Burns, "Perhaps your objections Well, If I must. Miss Greene smiled on the big sa ly prejudices, she ventured boldly. In Cutlcam Met with Great Success. her eyes a latent twinkle that dis- loonkeeper, who instantly flamed with CHAPTER IV. turbed "him. embarrassment. She gave him her 1 hue two little girls who have I confess, Miss- Greene. he began, hand, and he took it In his fat pahs. Miss bee Greene with sat While trediledverybadly with eczema chatting O- eftilly, lest he crush 4t trying to get back something. of his , lieutenant-governorwho gladly One of them had It on her lower I am deBghted Jo jneeL Senator the senatorial dignity, such as state senaI could torial dignity is, "that 1 have not de- Burns; I've heard of you so often," neglected the" duties of hls hlgh office, limbi, I did everything that of for her. but It did not give And do Vernon went out Into the rotunda, hear voted much thought to the subject; I she said, looking up at him. It am indeed rather ashamed to acknowl- you know I count a privilege to lighted a cigarette, glanced over the tn until farm weather, when whe-t- t winter next The Jhe 1 pamphlets.andtrtedtOvarrange edge that dldnqt jeyetLknow the meet one of yoiii' acknowledged-influenc- e eczema started In his . heads his mind. of the bckicold speech In our state's affairs? unamendment was coming up At the thought of the speech, Ver- agals ml also In her head where it Vernon stoog back, delighted beyond til I was ah so delightfully renevous-neswould Ike the hair out and leave minded by your rose. measure with the confusion Into which non grew cold and limp with His hands were clammy,'' his hare pa&es. At the same time her He raised the rose to inhale its fra- Bums for once had been betrayed. knees trembled, bis mouth became dry arms sore the whole length of grance. She made no reply, but she The senator from .the First district and parched, and the cigarette he had them. took her to a physician, but kept her eyes on him, and her gaze lighted imparted all at once an evil the chili rrew worse all the time. Her lamp, told si t low pries. Tto RAYO LAMP it a compelled him to go on. It was hard beaa be lull Yet there it 0 belter lamp at anyhe on,x taste. I smoked and dial were affected. larnta sister's also are sins more, cod They now to was for him but go on, for It all trw wandered around the "'rotunda, men gan aslg Cutlcura Remedies, and by one. Ths Burner, lb Wick, lb Chimney-Holda struggle against the formality of a the LAMP RAYO vital them l is S Imk fro. from both thing and to used waa their put houses, passing the llmtthe second lot surrender that had been inevitable constructed and then is uothmg knows in roe trt of greeted him, butr they seemed to him skin wniioft and smooth. Mrs. Charles from the beginning. But his man's odd to the vein ol die RAYO could thet to be strange hew creatures flitting by Baker, fbjon, Me Sept, tl. 08. Suiteblc lor Mf loom ia Mf kounv-pride forced him to delay It as long as light ) vine device in a dream. If he was conscious ol Potter 1 a Ckm. Corp, Sal Plow Hot yours, 'WtHo Kvp nr tfiskf etWTwheraL possible. s STEADY io lbs iMtnA Abdcf b( tbt fltrealr lo dBWfipUrs of envied themjit all it waa only-a"what assurances. have you from White New England Pit. CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY beings, all on a common happy plane, other senators?" he asked. Though, LIGHT illiwrpomWO onea who did not have ta Sonepoor dweller in the benightfortunate I have ask not need they perhaps, ed beysd of Chicago asks what a real make within He a hour. the speech colors.' unanimously mounted your Kewpviand pie is tike. It probably went over to the state, library He looked at his colleagues, sporting will )t help him to be told, but if would Its but that eoothe, quiet their roses, Miss Greene gave a little he mu i apple, It Is like an essay by he when the stacks tall $tood among , of exclamation annoyance. ' "Do of books he suddenly remembered that Ernem liquefied with the music of you think I dont know, she Massed and spiced with the cynihe must not smoke In those precincts - said; "that I dont understand all that? and so hejurned out Into the rotunda cism ( ;haw; If he means pumpkin, I might have known that they would again, for he must smoke. He walked it Is ft. some of Gounods music not take it seriously! And I thought The proptr shoes for men: round and round the rotunda, pausing heardh a landscape all sun and flo-- I thought to put the matter so easshoes s describe to that too k, fit, feel and wear right. too early yet at times to lean over the brass railing wer. I ily to them that I should be spared the mk: i pies of 1909, but l&Bt year's leather-leat- her the look and to floor down that Is best b; far main the teledeJ Made of necessity of buttonholing them!, andk t year was not an extraorwhere the red light glowed at the In Made test Correct It was a novel way of buttonholing by the fin style. every in existence. cigar stand; be sauntered back Into dinary; od year were like an Inin them, he laughed. best the equipped factory phn$ makers, the dim and undisturbed corridors, bis crease k salary, and a present from "Oh! she exclaimed, catching her mind racing over all the things he home sdrlng on the day when one's breathy "they wear the roses and conscladB was behaving itself. Bos might vsayiirn .laughst shoes are built on honor" built for comfymd etyl and terries-bui- lt ton Gl4 (TO BE CONTINUED.) Her eyes flashed through tlie mists far absolut satisfaction and lasting comfort. Biggest values - o? vexation that suggested tears. ever hope to get for the money. . can Trim Your Nail. you , A Lay Matter. - "You are all alone then ? fit suit and will that you. Honorbflt you is an exactly There There Is a certain eminent physician style Wow ou like the floors In moVernon said this In a low, solicitous who," wiser than the children of. light, Ask your shot dealer; if he hasnt It, writs US. Look for Den lm Wit You. saic? kefl the architect. Tf he were dealing with some tone, as the ACeytt Trad !(Ca on tb sols. plods his way along In an unbeaten The fcilogfleld man looked dubious. was struggling for some word to say, track and has no peer as a diagnostideep grief. FREK-lfy- ou win send ns tb name fadMlrrheJMaal (wadis floors In mothe you like Would; Honorbilt Bhoe, w will tend you froa, poatpnld, a baad All alone. and at last he broke out with: Mrr cian. He Is always accompanied by saic pattan8? Kmt picture, kite 15x20, of Gooff Waahlnjttoo. And you represent no one that Is Aw now, lady, don't be trowln de a n.experlmanlcurlitr-lagtea- d of 1 doit; know bo much about jhaC' W also mak Leading Lady Shoes, Martha Washington : ecSIritcTme; mo club? white or colored "valet. The human he flnalh said. I aint got any prejuComfort Shoes, Yerma Cushion Shoes) Special Merit on that The men in the little group "Tam not a paid lobbyist.? she said, School Shoes and Work Shoes. nail, like the human hair, he said dice agiipBt Moses as a man, and though. I believe it Is not beyhnd the side of the senate chamber burst out to me, la much affected by physical maybe k knew a lot about the law. I do in a laugh, but Burns becoming sud- conditions. Barbers will tell you that As F.cTHAYER BOOT & properties ofjiur profession. regards laying of though, I milwaokes what I do only, from of princi- denly grave, and dangerous and terri- in certain seasons the beard, for In- kinder think Td ratherfloors, ariLAC CO Wisconsin have em unShe ble In bis gravity, they broke off In stance, grows nearly twice aa fast as sectarlan" ple. I represent only my sex. Harpera Weekly. the very midst of their mirth. The at others. It Is so with the nails. At said It Impressively, and then with Click little laugh that recognized the group became silent times, according to how we feel, the Deafnc Cannot Be Cured theatrical that had been in her attl-ttvt"Really, Senator Burns, said Miss free edge may be a month in growing; t 7 local anWMnna, a they cannot reach the Itieca a only one ny M she added: porUui of a. aa,. And that, I suspect, Greene, this is no ah confidence there Is some retarding agent At cure doatmaa ta conautuuonal rcacdlra that by sD-a- n a without authorization. other times It may grow in a week. ta taut gamerl assure you. She rose with by aa Inflamed coadiUna of U, llotnt Tube. S bea thta the Kuraaa Euetacbiaa of Then her skirts. Sometimes aweep, graceful the has The ladles, generally, do not seem nail transverse tune a tniUioetryoii bava a nimblum coond or fnf vprt mA, ! to IK mm fcvwipy ft m to b?i Raw Pnrt m4 Hldo to tha ft heartid. M ahea It ta aiUMy ekard. beal- to be Interested, Vernon acquiesced. she went on: Tf you will permit me, furrows. Indicating periods of illness. end ohnot oar $ IwtiM, ft rilo for Prioo Uit, knrluit bnipiBC ta Um lem Itnd uotna the Inflammatioo ran be No, she shook her head sadly, no, I should like to explain my mission to At other times it bears furrows- - runtaken out and tkt tube rretored to Ha normal fk,Btedb be dcatmyrd Mew; Blot fane kautel. k on the contrary, I suppose most of you. I am down here to ask the sen- ning lengthwise a sure indication of out otbcarhta V pm. I tW tend. Ml lbl( n lb tad M wrlttau. (Widi fur tea ait arblrb S nothin d te bseeve M ialarrh. by Tieppsire fterrW. Nenyt, Tragi, 6mm Lewi fiow Mb4 wImm to Ir. ibnit will resolution that ate to adopt g them oppose the measure. amdltlna ot the mucoua wrlana. gout My manicurist can tell by these butWeaaatuIn flamed R. 0 idwqtenMd intw wefl (repywe. At t regwtor fairs cinpel c. frMra. ft! cue bi H ubU ml Doilam M any caao ol M rmrfcwuK Kh'svrai Qf MagnHie Hniteod heenf 1 have generally found thenT of that submit an amendment to the constituindications when your last sickness peafnmc US (raurd ky eaburh) that ran not be cured ilwit AMM 0qb tion permitting the women of Illinois occurred, and I can tell what the mkl-ad- y by Haifa Catcnh Cura. Bend tor rtrrutara lrre." feeling, Vernon observed. V, J. a ou.. Toiedat was Sold by Draw Shoe Joke. yse. The slaves, before the war, often to vote at all elections, as they vote State Hail e Mb futa tad te tlpoUns ' can now. elections If school at yon not to William King Wbered you get set them petitioned congress' Fish Caught by Horsemen, give It, I should like your support; I those pumps? free, you will remember. ConfaratlvSHonora. It is not often that hunting and angMiss Greene spoke with a bltter-nes- should, at least, like to tell you my Charlie Prince Off a ahoe tree. First Frestoian Prexle has asked ling are' combined, or that fish are me to dlnntr text Cornell Widow. Then quickly she collected hey reason. Sunday, Did you hear It? How embar self. Slowly she seated herself again, caught by a horseman; yet this la Second frwhman That's nothing. These stomach noisesmake wbat, according to a correspondent, But your objections. Senator Ver- saying: "Will you sit down? The football gsptald just bowed to Its a lot easier for a child to in- rassing. wish looked at recent and at stood Burns you meet But of you could sink through happened Lord we said. must get non? she only me. -- Yale Inord. "Really, herit red hair than brains. the floor. You imagine everyone herr There wag a trace of fear in her Fltzhardlngea foxhounds. While jumpdown to business. . ' hears them. Keep' a box of, CAS-CAREing a stream, Mr. Philip Norris of BrisShe - raised the little chatelaine face. dia want "Do resolution put tol (England) waa thrown from hla in your purse or pocket you watch that hung at her bosom and horse, and fell Into the water. Subse. looked down at it And then sudden- trough?" he asked, bluntly. and take a part of one after eating. I? Indeed I do! she said, Were we rsrfeot, which we are not, medicines would quently, while changing hit clothes at ly, without waiting for his objections, It will relieve the stomach of gas. tm not often b needed. But sines our systems have W dere anyt'lng In It fer yon?4 be a village hostelry, he discovered that as 4? she had quite forgotten them Inweak CASCARRT8 Me a bo for a wefc'a down com through and broken a live trout had netted Itself In one of -teed, impaired deed, she impulsively stretched forth went on. IfBktmtet. AfldruggikU. hlygeat kr:lw indieeretMeS which have oo ofl frtpr-t- h wrfr tfwf pecketa-wbithi wosaewhat Green hwwartir Wkler. ealdr the a iandjMd,.saUj .."WbyMfiss in tb worU aiiUloa bos a mattta-through MMtless generntione, remedies era seeded Co Yon will help me. wont you? at a loss, only that I am interested as The fish has been preserved at the and otherwu h aid Natnrs Inherited our oorreoting Vernon looked Into her eyes. His a matter of principle in seeing it hostelry. . enquired wedumsaes. To reach the neat of stomach EUDE gaze, after an Instant fell. He tried tveakaem 11 nonequent digeetiv troubles, there is Onr teml monthly paper Tho Callfornl to fun the stem of the rose through nothing o phd ss Dr. Pieros Golden Medical Dikcov-- 7. tell how meu tike Chnlor. the his buttonhole. The thorns caught In glyraH eompound, extrsoted from native medio , oil kina, meOe kalf mUlion floUr io. " all For OU from mm loeestaeet ot tlbtt 1 eaeri. satisfaction to rnota-u- dd CalUorBl tool with over fer great clothr the forty year contain tall the Ix-t-e and flgnre of tntoreot after Stomach in the Pain ceting, Weak . Liver Stoonh, Biliouaaea, Complaint, Youll have to do It, he said, help-lave tor. Head Uke a fairy story., Ileertbora.i-- d Breath, Belching of food, Chronio Diarrhea i bnt every word tn.. aed your some ond Peculiar Property Found to.Affsct a tlon from, radium and other radio-activ- e lessly. wo moat and will giro yoa ata month utarrip-Ho- n " tDiacovenrr the dress, ia e ' ' Deraagemena From some mysterious fold of her Photographic Plat. free. substances, for, unlike them. It S4 B Tateeraak PETERSON. A ., Oaktaad. Cal- A habit she took a pin, and then, leanThe tenolie baa on Its Into arable a gum changes granular. sn off That printer's Ink gives Ott iside yrappe tbo . ing over, she pinned the rose to hie Insoluble substance. It was this ef S&aturo coat pinned It with Its long stem emanation that passes through opaque feet produced on the RAW gum of envelope hanging, as a woman would pin n flow- bodies and affects a photographic Yen eeatrford to eeeept a seerst nostrnm as s anbatitots ht Gerflaps by ths printed characters on ths BTftni Mid Md Wtllffirtorr er to n mans lapeL. dealer may plate has been discovered by a ths urgent plhn6 hollo, msdiekd os known ooMroamoN, not area though MTX HI I It Sr. WOOL JO. Photographic roll envelopes that first attracted ths InHe was looking Into man Investigator. Thank yon. mak t littla bigger profit. . thereby ' thus affected, vestigators attention. The emanafilm la sometimes her eyes again. Dr. Piereea Pleosam Pellets regulate and Inrigornt stomach, Bvsr ana . bowel. SagkSeostsd, tiny grsaalea, oaey to take ns osady. Rather let me thank you, she laid. through its celluloid cover, by the tions are reflected by metal mirrors to W. N. O, Salt Lak City, No. so good of you to rote for my printed characters on ths paper In the aam way as light," and they oxiwhich It Is wrapped. The emanation dize metal surfaces against which they measure. HI eyes widened suddenly. He had la found to proceed from the oil Is the strike. The exposure necessary to efquite forgotten the resolution. She Ink during the drying process. It la fect a sensitive plate la sight to tan T todte mere seed, asd Hater eotom dm aay sttor dm One We must' have perceived this, for aba not precisely tb sam aa the emana day. , TrraTa am smsfatsimmi amd. Wni to Ira Seotete- - S 1 Ore, Sitetk ad Mu Colec. dfOAAOf DRU& CO. and be hastened to SERIAL STORY r hcr HER INFINITE -- fPffgThe Always Bought r - : Kind You Have tt -- Bears the VARIETY Signature Narcotic Boblw-Herru- ; 4 for Over Thirty Years of iln-.-n- , iwABunJ . illC - IM5U if s. m high-ersd- e Uatp-roftki- nt -- it -- cTVIAYERHONORBILT p Plini? Wi ve dla-w- eonut-Uo- o. HUNTERS&TRAPPEnSGUIDE 11 m-- A a CHh-NK- hi - s. J - t- - TS Remedies are Needed : la - eS1 e - TW Emanation From Printer9 Ink SI50 -- 0500,000 tre t time-prov- r t t i i 5 1 Funs 00. Its PUEPIAM FADELESS BYES . |