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Show Tha Way They Handle Lawyera k! Ruaaia. I HI. I'eterahnrg -M. C.llleraoB. l IcailltiK ailoriiey nf II, la city, hua l.i! c. ,11, 1. t,iie, to a y.-ur a Inii.rlaoiinlf ihecauae of a aieeeli he d.-llereill Mho trial uf thn ti.t'lclujituiatt V .lewlxli tn.lhancre at llllllyatnk, (illln jaoti npiienred nl Ihla trial ua.-uunel j for rrletida mid relullvea or ge J.w-tali J.w-tali vlcilma. or whom aevaitr thr.- were killed and eluhly-t wo winded, j Thn Imllctment ni;.ilnl li:i,-r,,n Ichurind thui In hla ap h 1 cmni j he hud Irreleviinllv Inirmliicd aran-1 aran-1 1 la which In, lie, I wiikimn lUC.iillHl the Itovnrnillellt, |