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Show SNAKE IS MASTER OF SHIP Comes Out of Hold of British Steamer Peruviana and Whole Crew Makes Retreat. Philadelphia. Where a big snake enme from which niiide Ita npiienrance In the pantry nf the llrlllsh steamship Peruviana 11s the vi-sh.-I runic up llio li.'luware river the other ilny pinnies pin-nies dipt. Jon.s, ninnter of the Peruviana, Peru-viana, nnd nil the others nn board. Hie rrew say Hint hissing sounds hnd b.-en heard In 111" vessel's hold nil nf the way across the Atlantic, but nn one could ho Induced to go below nnd Investigate. In-vestigate. The first tangible evidence thnt there was a lurnrgerle below wna ae cured when the snaki' npi eared In the galley -nrd wenl.-d tlilurn bin nun wny. The stew nrd did not think that Hi. re was any reason for having two hemes In the culinary department nnd kll'ed the snake The Peruviana come here from l.ulen. whi-ic tnakis uro un 1(11111:1. n. Prior to thnt she was en rimed In the Ktiizlllnn trade, when It Is believed Hie snr.kea came on board. The oilier reptiles are hid away lu 'remote places wlioie It It linponalbls to locate them. |