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Show Taking Care of Youraelf, There never waa a time when pen- j pie paid na niurh nu.nili.n to their heiilth nnd air. iii:ih na liny do imw. Tliiin waa when line ntnek ami llm-horaea llm-horaea wern fed nioro rarefully than humnn beluga. The reaull of properly baliiiii-i-il rn-tlnna rn-tlnna hua worked wnmlera Willi ato. k nnd recent experlinenta nrn prnvlug Hint tho muni, thing la true nf man kind. It hna been found ll-.nt Quaker Onla enten often ninl regularly taking the place of heavy, cri-nay IimmIb will work wnmlera In the health and alreiiglli of a fnmlly. Hiiinol rhllilren f.-d fmnuenltv nn (luak.-r Oata thrive phvnli nlly nnd nrn alwnya riiiirilite of thn h.'at work nt aehnnl. Knr uthletea, InhnrerH. II la thn beat fund.. One of the nttrnetlve fcntitree nf (Junker Onta la tlm perfect wny It la packed. Ilealdea the regular aire package thoro la tho large alffn family package. 10 |