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Show OUSTED AS TEACHER Mrs. Stetson Barred from Teaching Christian Science. Her License Revoked Becauta S' Gave Studenta In New York Wror Idea of tho Eddy Doo-trlnea. Doo-trlnea. Hnstnn. Mrs, Augusta K. Hlr-t 'in. Jf New York, hnn not been "rxp.il' d ' r "dltinlsned'' frniu the t'hrlntl: t l.-lrnce liinnii, according tn a sta. uenl frnm Alfred Harlow, (iiiilri...-1 if the Moihrr church comtnlttri- i,.i publication, but has bad her llceii.. 1 is a prnd II Inner revoked. Mra. Sl. t-ion t-ion atlll retains her membership .a he chur"h. The move Is the result of a lo'. t nqulry tn the methiKls employed 1. er In teaching. The board of dir. . tors In Us report finds thnt Mrs. Stet-ion Stet-ion tenches her students that Hie New Vork brnnrli uf the rhurrh, with which he Is connected, Is Hie only 1. ultimate 'brlsilnn Srlenre rhurrh In that city, hnt she has tin-n lea.iillig nn errone-111s errone-111s sense of the diK-trlues, that Mra. stetson has so fur strayed from tbo right ns to be unlit for tho work of Christian Hrlenre teacher. The trustees of tho rhureh bavo idopied ninendiiienls tn the by laws of the rhurrh Unit will prevent, It Is bo-Moved, bo-Moved, a recurrence of exactly tho ame troulilea experienced by tho trusteea In tho cuae of Mrs. Stetson. Section 2 of article 3, on the car nf pupils, Is amended to read aa follow fol-low a: "t'hri 1' 111 Sclrnllala who are teach-era teach-era ahull carefully aelect for puplla) nnly au. h an have good pnat records and promising proclivities toward Chrlstlnn Science. A teacher shall not assume pcrsonnl cnntrul of or uttempt to dominate bis pupllrt, but ha shall hold himself morally obligated to promote their progrets In the un. derstnndlug of dlvlnu principle Sol V 77 - only during the clatt term but after It, and to watch well that they prova sound In aentlment and practical Id Chrlatlan Science. "He ahall peralatontty and patlontly counael hla pupils In conformity with the unerring laws of Hod and ahall enjoin them habitually to atudy tho acrlpturo and Sclmce and Health with Key to the Scriptures,' aa a help thereto." j |