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Show NEW RAILROAD PRESIDENT Ira Q. Rlwn Worke Up from Telegraph Tele-graph Operator to Chief Executive Ex-ecutive of tho Monon. New York. At a meeting of tho dW rectora of the Chicago, Indlnnapolls A Loulavllle (Monon) railroad la New York. October 14, Ira O. Itawn, vice-president vice-president of tbe Illinois Central, was choten president of tho road. Ho succeeded suc-ceeded W. H. McDool, who rellrei from the presidency on November 1, but wbo retulna bla place In tbe dlrec turate and as a member of the execu- 1 live committee. J .Mr. Ita 11 bus been connected wltb 1 Hie Illinois Central since 1U03, having ! be.-n made assistant to J, T. Hnra. I bun at thut lime. Ho rapidly wui 4 fti if X r 1 Ira 0. Rawn. advanced HiroiiKb the offices of g.-n eral superintendent of transportation j astlstunt genvrul manager, and gen eral manager. ! Before going to tho Illinois Centra j ho was general superintendent of thi llaltlmore & Ohio. He started bit I railroad aervlce aa a telegraph oper J ator on the llaltlmore ft Ohio at tin 1 dnnatl. 29 years ago. Ho la uow t: . yaars old. J ) |