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Show Emanation From Printer's Ink Peculiar Property Found to Affect a Photographic Plate. That printer's Ink gives off an enianutlon that passes through opaque bodies and affects a photographic plato has been discovered by a German Ger-man Investigator. Photographic roll film Is sometimes thus affected, through Its celluloid cover, by the printed characters on the paper In which It Is wrappod. The emanation Is found to proceed from the oil In the Ink during the drying process. It la not preclaely tbe same aa tbe emana 1 Hon from radium and other radioactive radioac-tive aubstaiicea. for. unlike them, It changes gum arable Into a granular. Insoluble substance. It was this effect ef-fect produced on the gum of euv u-flaps u-flaps by tho printed churac:cs t envelopea that fl-st uttructrl t, ,i it, veatlgator's at',- l"ii "' . .a.,,, Hotia are ri " t , u,v -t ,.,-g (-'the (-'the Bumo wi, as light, anu iaey oil dlze metal surfaces against which they strlko. The expoaure ncceesary to effect ef-fect a sensitive piule Is sight to Un days. |