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Show Trim Your Nail.. Thorn la a certain eniln-nt phyalrlan who. wlaor than the children of light, pl.t la his way along In an unbeaten track and hus no peer as a dlagnoall-linn, dlagnoall-linn, lie la alwuya accompanied by on expert maulriirlat. Inatead of a Willie or colored volet. "The humnn mill, like tho human hair." ho anld lo me, -is much affected by physical conditions, limbers will tell )ou that In certain seasons Hie beard, for In-stonce. In-stonce. grows nearly twice ns fust as nt olhers. It Is so wllh the nails. At limes, nccoidlng to how wo feel, the free edgn may bo a nionili In crow Ing; there la some retarding ugunl. At other times It may grow In a week Sometimes thn noil has transverse furrows. Indicating pcrlnds of Illness. At other times it boms furrows running run-ning longthwlao a sure Indication of gout. My manicurist ran tell by these luillcnilotis when your hut sickness occurred, and 1 cun tell what the malady mal-ady was." |